An attempt to build an Engine Control Unit based on stm32.
It's really not that hard.
In this article I will explain how I hacked into my car harness in order to read current RPM. This approach is not universal and there are no guarantees - this article only applies to my car and you should not attempt doing anything like that to yours.

A bit of technical background first: the car I have hacked was sold in US as Ford Aspire, it was made in South Korea and it's Mazda design with some Mitsubishi components. Not your average F150 exactly :) This car uses Hall effect crankshaft position sensors (no idea how that works). So I could have used the same approach for something like Mazda Protege or even a Miata from the 90's - the younger cars would have sensors based on Variable reluctance and that would be a different story.

When I open the hood, I see a distributor like the one on the picture

If I would have decided to break this distributor and look inside, I would see something like

That tin wheel spins with the crankshaft and that's what make the CKP signal. If I would keep taking it apart, I would see the actual sensors and the other wheel - the smaller wheel is in charge of CID signal.

Does not really matter what CKP and CID signals are. We only care that even while the car has a 12 volts battery, most of the sensors and the stock ECU run on 5 volts. Somewhere in my harness where are two 5 volts wave signals which look like this:

That's it. We can wire this signal right into the any 5v tolerant microcontroller. Just to be a bit safer, we will put a 1n4001 diode between the harness and the microcontroller.

So, let's get something done. Let's take a STM32F4DISCOVERY dev board - that's a $15 board based on some stm32f4 microcontroller running at 168MHz.

That's actually a lot of cheap computation power.

As is, microcontrollers are not exactly super friendly - ChibiOS/RT would help us, we will let it take care of the the lower level. We will use serial-over-usb to output data - so, mini-usb cable would be used to flash & power the board and the micro-usb cable would be used for serial. If you made it to here you probably know what serial is.

It's not much code, it's quite self-explanatory:
volatile int rpm = 0;
int lastInputEventTime = -10 * CH_FREQUENCY;

void icuWidthCallback(ICUDriver *driver) {
    int now = chTimeNow();
    int diff = now - lastInputEventTime;
    rpm = 60000 * TICKS_IN_MS * 2 / 4 / diff;
    lastInputEventTime = now;

ICUConfig wave_icucfg = { ICU_INPUT_ACTIVE_LOW, 100000, icuWidthCallback, NULL };

int main(void) {

    // this thread would blink one of the LEDs, that would look cool
    chThdCreateStatic(blinkingThreadStack, sizeof(blinkingThreadStack), NORMALPRIO, blinkingThread, NULL);

    // serial-over-usb initialization

    // configure input signal pin

    // start input capture - we will handle input events and calculate RPM based on the timestamps
    icuStart(&CRANK_DRIVER, &wave_icucfg);

    while (TRUE) {
        // RPM value is updated by the input event handler
        chprintf(&SDU1, "rpm: %d\r\n", rpm);

    return 0;

It really isn't that hard, right? Want to join the fun?
Here is the whole project source:


Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Andrey