LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - firmware/controllers/algo/fuel - dfco.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 36 38 94.7 %
Date: 2024-07-27 05:50:15 Functions: 4 4 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : 
       2             : #include "pch.h"
       3             : 
       4             : #include "dfco.h"
       5             : 
       6         483 : bool DfcoController::getState() const {
       7         483 :         if (!engineConfiguration->coastingFuelCutEnabled) {
       8         466 :                 return false;
       9             :         }
      10             : 
      11          17 :         const auto tps = Sensor::get(SensorType::DriverThrottleIntent);
      12          17 :         const auto clt = Sensor::get(SensorType::Clt);
      13          17 :         const auto map = Sensor::get(SensorType::Map);
      14             : 
      15             :         // If some sensor is broken, inhibit DFCO
      16          17 :         if (!tps || !clt || !map) {
      17           0 :                 return false;
      18             :         }
      19          17 :         if (engine->engineState.lua.disableDecelerationFuelCutOff) {
      20             :           // Lua might have reasons to disable
      21           0 :                 return false;
      22             :         }
      23             : 
      24          17 :         float rpm = Sensor::getOrZero(SensorType::Rpm);
      25          17 :         float vss = Sensor::getOrZero(SensorType::VehicleSpeed);
      26             : 
      27          17 :         bool mapActivate = map.Value < engineConfiguration->coastingFuelCutMap;
      28          17 :         bool tpsActivate = tps.Value < engineConfiguration->coastingFuelCutTps;
      29          17 :         bool cltActivate = clt.Value > engineConfiguration->coastingFuelCutClt;
      30             :         // True if throttle, MAP, and CLT are all acceptable for DFCO to occur
      31          17 :         bool dfcoAllowed = mapActivate && tpsActivate && cltActivate;
      32             : 
      33          17 :         bool rpmActivate = (rpm > engineConfiguration->coastingFuelCutRpmHigh);
      34          17 :         bool rpmDeactivate = (rpm < engineConfiguration->coastingFuelCutRpmLow);
      35             : 
      36             :         // greater than or equal so that it works if both config params are set to 0
      37          17 :         bool vssActivate = (vss >= engineConfiguration->coastingFuelCutVssHigh);
      38          17 :         bool vssDeactivate = (vss < engineConfiguration->coastingFuelCutVssLow);
      39             : 
      40             :         // RPM is high enough, VSS high enough, and DFCO allowed
      41          17 :         if (dfcoAllowed && rpmActivate && vssActivate) {
      42           7 :                 return true;
      43             :         }
      44             : 
      45             :         // RPM too low, VSS too low, or DFCO not allowed
      46          10 :         if (!dfcoAllowed || rpmDeactivate || vssDeactivate) {
      47           6 :                 return false;
      48             :         }
      49             : 
      50             :         // No conditions hit, no change to state (provides hysteresis)
      51           4 :         return m_isDfco;
      52             : }
      53             : 
      54         483 : void DfcoController::update() {
      55             :         // Run state machine
      56         483 :         bool newState = getState();
      57             : 
      58             :         // If fuel is cut, reset the timer
      59         483 :         if (newState) {
      60           8 :                 m_timeSinceCut.reset();
      61             :         } else {
      62             :                 // If fuel is not cut, reset the not-cut timer
      63         475 :                 m_timeSinceNoCut.reset();
      64             :         }
      65             : 
      66         483 :         m_isDfco = newState;
      67         483 : }
      68             : 
      69         488 : bool DfcoController::cutFuel() const {
      70         488 :         float cutDelay = engineConfiguration->dfcoDelay;
      71             : 
      72             :         // 0 delay means cut immediately, aka timer has always expired
      73         488 :         bool hasBeenDelay = (cutDelay == 0) || m_timeSinceNoCut.hasElapsedSec(cutDelay);
      74             : 
      75         488 :         return m_isDfco && hasBeenDelay;
      76             : }
      77             : 
      78           1 : float DfcoController::getTimeSinceCut() const {
      79           1 :         return m_timeSinceCut.getElapsedSeconds();
      80             : }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14