LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - unit_tests/test_basic_math - test_interpolation_3d.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 68 68 100.0 %
Date: 2024-07-27 05:50:15 Functions: 6 6 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /*
       2             :  * @file    test_interpolation_3d.cpp
       3             :  *
       4             :  *  Created on: Oct 17, 2013
       5             :  * @author Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2012-2020
       6             :  */
       7             : 
       8             : #include "pch.h"
       9             : 
      10             : #include <stdlib.h>
      11             : 
      12             : #include "efi_interpolation.h"
      13             : 
      14             : #define RPM_COUNT 5
      15             : #define VALUE_COUNT 4
      16             : 
      17             : float rpmBins[RPM_COUNT] = { 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 };
      18             : scaled_channel<uint8_t, 1, 50> rpmBinsScaledByte[5] = { 100, 200, 300, 400, 500};
      19             : 
      20             : float mafBins[VALUE_COUNT] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
      21             : scaled_channel<int, 10> mafBinsScaledInt[VALUE_COUNT] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
      22             : scaled_channel<uint8_t, 10> mafBinsScaledByte[VALUE_COUNT] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
      23             : 
      24             : scaled_channel<uint32_t, 10000, 3> mapScaledChannel[VALUE_COUNT][RPM_COUNT] = {
      25             :         { 1, 2, 3, 4, 4},
      26             :         { 2, 3, 4, 200, 200 },
      27             :         { 3, 4, 200, 500, 500 },
      28             :         { 4, 5, 300, 600, 600 },
      29             : };
      30             : 
      31             : float map[VALUE_COUNT][RPM_COUNT] = {
      32             :         { 1, 2, 3, 4, 4},
      33             :         { 2, 3, 4, 200, 200 },
      34             :         { 3, 4, 200, 500, 500 },
      35             :         { 4, 5, 300, 600, 600 },
      36             : };
      37             : 
      38          30 : static float getValue(float rpm, float maf) {
      39          30 :         Map3D<RPM_COUNT, VALUE_COUNT, float, float, float> x1{"x"};
      40             :         // note "5, 4" above
      41             :         // note "map[4][5], Bins[4], rpm[5] below
      42          30 :         x1.initTable(map, rpmBins, mafBins);
      43          30 :         float result1 = x1.getValue(rpm, maf);
      44             : 
      45             : 
      46          30 :         Map3D<RPM_COUNT, VALUE_COUNT, float, float, int> x2{"x"};
      47          30 :         x2.initTable(map, rpmBins, mafBinsScaledInt);
      48          30 :         float result2 = x2.getValue(rpm, maf);
      49          30 :         EXPECT_NEAR_M4(result1, result2);
      50             : 
      51             : 
      52          30 :         Map3D<RPM_COUNT, VALUE_COUNT, float, float, uint8_t> x3{"x"};
      53          30 :         x3.initTable(map, rpmBins, mafBinsScaledByte);
      54          30 :         float result3 = x3.getValue(rpm, maf);
      55          30 :         EXPECT_NEAR_M4(result1, result3);
      56             : 
      57          30 :         Map3D<RPM_COUNT, VALUE_COUNT, float, uint8_t, float> x4{"x"};
      58          30 :         x4.initTable(map, rpmBinsScaledByte, mafBins);
      59          30 :         float result4 = x4.getValue(rpm, maf);
      60          30 :         EXPECT_NEAR_M4(result1, result4);
      61             : 
      62          30 :         float result5 = interpolate3d(
      63             :                 map,
      64             :                 mafBinsScaledInt, maf,
      65             :                 rpmBinsScaledByte, rpm
      66             :         );
      67          30 :         EXPECT_NEAR_M4(result1, result5);
      68             : 
      69             :         // Test with values stored in scaled bytes
      70          30 :         Map3D<RPM_COUNT, VALUE_COUNT, uint32_t, float, float> x6{"x"};
      71          30 :         x6.initTable(mapScaledChannel, rpmBins, mafBins);
      72          30 :         float result6 = x6.getValue(rpm, maf);
      73          30 :         EXPECT_NEAR(result1, result6, 1e-3);
      74             : 
      75          60 :         return result1;
      76             : }
      77             : 
      78           1 : static void newTestToComfirmInterpolation() {
      79             : // here's how the table loos like:
      80             : //
      81             : //__RPM_
      82             : //__300_|_10|200|
      83             : //__200_|__3|__4|
      84             : //______|__2|__3|_LOAD
      85             : 
      86           1 :         map[1][2] = 10;
      87           1 :         mapScaledChannel[1][2] = 10;
      88             : 
      89             : 
      90             :         // let's start by testing corners
      91           1 :         EXPECT_NEAR_M4(3, getValue(/*rpm*/200, 2));
      92           1 :         EXPECT_NEAR_M4(4, getValue(/*rpm*/200, 3)) << "low rpm high load";
      93             : 
      94           1 :         EXPECT_NEAR_M4(10, getValue(/*rpm*/300, 2));
      95           1 :         EXPECT_NEAR_M4(200, getValue(/*rpm*/300, 3));
      96             : 
      97             :         // now testing middles of cell sides
      98           1 :         EXPECT_NEAR_M4(3.5, getValue(/*rpm*/200, 2.5)) << "low rpm middle";
      99           1 :         EXPECT_NEAR_M4(105, getValue(/*rpm*/300, 2.5)) << "high rpm";
     100             : 
     101           1 :         EXPECT_NEAR_M4(6.5, getValue(/*rpm*/250, 2)) << "low load middle";
     102           1 :         EXPECT_NEAR_M4(102, getValue(/*rpm*/250, 3));
     103             : 
     104             :         // slowly go from middle side towards center
     105           1 :         EXPECT_NEAR_M4(16.05, getValue(/*rpm*/250, 2.1)) << "middle @ 2.1";
     106           1 :         EXPECT_NEAR_M4(25.6, getValue(/*rpm*/250, 2.2)) << "middle @ 2.2";
     107           1 :         EXPECT_NEAR_M4(35.15, getValue(/*rpm*/250, 2.3)) << "middle @ 2.3";
     108             : 
     109           1 :         EXPECT_NEAR_M4(54.25, getValue(/*rpm*/250, 2.5)) << "middle cell";
     110             : 
     111             :         // issue #604: interpolation outside of the table
     112             :         // X above the range
     113           1 :         EXPECT_NEAR_M4(230, getValue(/*rpm*/800, 2.1)) << "800 @ 2.1";
     114           1 :         EXPECT_NEAR_M4(290, getValue(/*rpm*/800, 2.3)) << "800 @ 2.3";
     115           1 :         EXPECT_NEAR_M4(530, getValue(/*rpm*/800, 3.3)) << "800 @ 3.3";
     116             : 
     117             :         // X below the range
     118           1 :         EXPECT_NEAR_M4(2.1, getValue(/*rpm*/-810, 2.1)) << "-810 @ 2.1";
     119           1 :         EXPECT_NEAR_M4(2.3, getValue(/*rpm*/-820, 2.3)) << "-820 @ 2.3";
     120             : 
     121             :         // Y above the range
     122           1 :         EXPECT_NEAR_M4(330, getValue(/*rpm*/310, 12.1)) << "310 @ 12.1";
     123           1 :         EXPECT_NEAR_M4(360, getValue(/*rpm*/320, 12.3)) << "320 @ 12.3";
     124             : 
     125             :         // Y below the range
     126           1 :         EXPECT_NEAR_M4(3.1, getValue(/*rpm*/310, -12.1)) << "310 @ -12.1";
     127           1 :         EXPECT_NEAR_M4(3.2, getValue(/*rpm*/320, -12.3)) << "320 @ -12.3";
     128           1 : }
     129             : 
     130           4 : TEST(misc, testInterpolate3d) {
     131           1 :         printf("*** no interpolation here 1\r\n");
     132           1 :         EXPECT_NEAR_M4(2, getValue(100, 2));
     133             : 
     134           1 :         printf("*** no interpolation here 2\r\n");
     135           1 :         EXPECT_NEAR_M4(5, getValue(200, 4));
     136             : 
     137           1 :         printf("*** rpm interpolated value expected1\r\n");
     138           1 :         EXPECT_NEAR_M4(2.5, getValue(150, 2));
     139             : 
     140           1 :         printf("*** rpm interpolated value expected2\r\n");
     141           1 :         EXPECT_NEAR_M4(102, getValue(250, 3));
     142             : 
     143           1 :         printf("*** both rpm and maf interpolated value expected\r\n");
     144           1 :         EXPECT_NEAR_M4(361, getValue(335.3, 3.551));
     145             : 
     146           1 :         printf("*** both rpm and maf interpolated value expected 2\r\n");
     147           1 :         EXPECT_NEAR_M4(203.6, getValue(410.01, 2.012));
     148             : 
     149           1 :         printf("*** both rpm and maf interpolated value expected 3\r\n");
     150           1 :         EXPECT_NEAR_M4(600, getValue(1000000, 1000));
     151             : 
     152           1 :         printf("*** both rpm and maf interpolated value expected 4\r\n");
     153             : 
     154           1 :         EXPECT_NEAR_M4(4, getValue(410.01, -1));
     155             : 
     156             : 
     157           1 :         EXPECT_NEAR_M4(1, getValue(-1, -1));
     158             : 
     159           1 :         newTestToComfirmInterpolation();
     160           1 : }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14