Updating firmware on Proteus v0.4

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Updating firmware on Proteus v0.4

Post by JoakimR »

I have a Proteus with firmware 20200310.
I downloaded the latest bundle and tried to update firmware but I get this error message box with red background:

Console version 20230107
Windows 6.1
Bundle rusefi_bundle_proteus_f4
Auto-detecting port...

Reboot command [reboot_dfu] sent into serial=COM9!

Detected rusEFI on COM9

Giving time for USB enumeration...
Executing wmic path win32_pnpentity where "Caption like '%STM32%' and Caption like '%Bootloader%'" get Caption,ConfigManagerErrorCode /format:list
No Instance(s) Available.


No Instance(s) Available.
*** DRIVER ERROR? *** Did you have a chance to try 'Install Drivers' button on top of rusEFI console start screen?

Tried "install drivers" button but it made no difference.
What am I doing wrong?
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Re: Updating firmware on Proteus v0.4

Post by AndreyB »

Please make sure you do not have legacy DFU driver see https://github.com/rusefi/rusefi/wiki/HOWTO-Update-Firmware#faq
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Re: Updating firmware on Proteus v0.4

Post by JoakimR »

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