Hi from London

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Hi from London

Post by jabran »

Hi guys,

I stumbled upon rusefi a while back but never gave it a proper look untill I started messing around with other opensource efi projects. I started a long time ago using MS-1 so I love that I can use tunerstudio with rusefi.

I am planning on gettings some proper dyno tunes for mx5 1.6 na engines as I run a dyno shop/mechanical workshop so people can load them on knowing they are safe until they can get it tuned.

I have had some extra boards printed (frankenstein and frankenso) so if anyone needs any in u.k or europe send me a message (if that's ok with mods), they should be with me early next week. I do plan on donating from all sales to rusefi to support the project.

I have been meaning for a long time to fix my megasquirt for my ae86 4age 16v engine (injector driver chip overheats after about 30 minutes of running so just needs a new chip) but I think I am going to frankenso that instead now and see where we get, hopefully I can make a plug'nplay solution and selling my apexi powerfc.

I think i'm gonna get my mx5 turbo swapped on it as it seems it should be fairly seamless so people will have a turbo basemap, I have my rx7 fc which is sitting all sad for a long looong time lol (long story) but I might revive that and see where we get as budget ecu options for rotaries are almost non existent as they "require" staged injection and ignition split but that's gonna be a while away as I need to rebuild that engine.

I can't wait to try it out!!!
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Re: Hi from London

Post by kb1gtt »

Hello Jabran, and welcome along.

Sounds like you have found the wiki, but just in case you have not, here's a link. http://rusefi.com/wiki/index.php?title=Manual:Hardware_Frankenso_board

Also we have made breakout connector boars like the below. These can be handy when connecting a Frankenstein to an existing harness.

I don't believe there are any problems with making your own boards. We have found that PCB kits rarely get assembled and rarely become functional systems. If you do it from scratch, that will be interesting. I understand EU taxes make this blah for those behind the EU regulatory curtain. Typically it's lower cost to buy boards from rusEFI than to MFG your own, but we also understand the EU likes to make a buck. I think the key thing is to make sure that when you do code related stuff you follow the GPL thing, or at least be kind of nice if a developer inquires about developer rights. Generally we are more interested in doing cool things than in being arm chair lawyers. If you do something cool, take credit for it, if you reuse someone else's cool thing, give them credit.

If you want to make a PNP system, and if you have the skills to test it out and such, I could likely offer a helping hand in the layout. Keep us posted on the development effort.
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Re: Hi from London

Post by jabran »

I don't have the skill to design the entire pcb but I think I should be able to stretch to making a breakout board for the oem ecu connector for the cars I am interested in.

Well lets see if I can get one working, I am pretty good at finishing stuff I start lol even if it is just to prove a point sometimes :lol:

You'll hear back from me in a week or so if I get it going, worst case I'll have to order one in the end. I have a hot air station and reflow oven etc so I should manage...I think
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Re: Hi from London

Post by AndreyB »


I have a feeling that I do not have any assembled boards in stock anyway. I actually need to start assembling my first 0.5 board as a final test before placing assembly order.
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Re: Hi from London

Post by jabran »

Got my boards today :)

I just need to sort my parts order and hopefully I'll have it running in my mx5 in couple of weeks. Excited!!!
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Re: Hi from London

Post by kb1gtt »

Oooh, a white R0.5. I'll keep my fingers crossed that we don't find any more issues with it. I'll try to remember you have this board, such that if we find issues I can put in extra effort to share notes about the issues. It has been common that we optimize parts by trying things like different caps or different inductors, etc.
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Re: Hi from London

Post by jabran »

I think we need an updated BOM as I noticed quite a few of the resistors, caps etc on the Digi key part number were for reels rather than cut tape etc which brought the price down by about £50. If my own works etc then I'll share my BOM list, I don't see why it won't as all the replacement part numbers use the exact same spec caps and resistors etc. The major components I didn't change.

I have a few more of the white ones let me know if you want one.
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