2000 Subaru Outback bh Ez30 1Gen/2gen

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2000 Subaru Outback bh Ez30 1Gen/2gen

Post by WOOL »

Hi all .
WhatsApp Image 2023-09-03 at 20.28.47.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2023-09-03 at 20.28.47.jpeg (223.76 KiB) Viewed 11148 times
This page will be very useful for fans of the first generation EZ30 swap to other bodies. Since this motor was installed only in the Legacy BH body and it was only on an automatic box and was NEVER supplied with a Manual box, I encountered a number of problems with the factory ECU when switching to the Transmission Manual. Namely, with the fact that the ECU constantly receives information about the temperature of the ATF and the current position of the throttle. So I had no need for the factory ECU, I began to look for a solution and, in my opinion, ran into the most recent and promising RUSEFI project. And looking ahead, I will say that I did not lose.

The first thing I did was build Frankenso
WhatsApp Image 2023-09-03 at 20.24.44.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2023-09-03 at 20.24.44.jpeg (220.89 KiB) Viewed 11148 times
Read the trigger logs and get support for the ez30 trigger . I made the basic settings for VE, ignition and other little things and went to set up, but made a big mistake by lowering the base maps in the range of maximum loads in the region of 4000-6000 RPM. This caused detonation (120 knocks) and got a breakdown of the head gasket.

First start

Of course, the motor was not the first freshness and already had signs of overheating, which could cause the block and head to bend.
But at the cost of this engine, we now have Tune for the Ez 30
First generation (Without VVT and with aluminum intake mainfold)
Link to Tune -->

It feels like we got an increase in power at low revs in the range from 1000-3500 (those who swapped ez30 know that if you stay on the factory control unit, then it is in this range that power disappears)

I was not upset and was not afraid of what happened to the motor, because in the garage I have 3 more ez30 2nd generation with the same problem =)
And I started assembling the motor on new components

Slightly lowering the ratio from 10.7:1 to 9.7:1 (I plan to install a turbocharger)
WhatsApp Image 2023-06-21 at 18.16.16.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2023-06-21 at 18.16.16.jpeg (75.01 KiB) Viewed 11148 times
Along the way, I decided to assemble a proteus 0.7 and an adapter board for factory wiring as a PNP prototype. And since the 2nd generation engines have a VVT and an analogue of the HONDA VTEC (AVLS, AVCS)
WhatsApp Image 2023-09-03 at 20.33.24 (1).jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2023-09-03 at 20.33.24 (1).jpeg (187.28 KiB) Viewed 11148 times
First start EZ30 2Gen

I left a place on the adapter board for connecting these valves. At the moment I am a happy owner of the 2nd generation EZ30 on RUSEFI and now I can start designing a PNP board for the ez30. At the moment, I have not yet skated table VE and have not connected VVT and VTEC solenoids.
Also now I use the WBO controller from Dron_gus and I am very pleased with it.

tune for the 2generation engine at the link --->

All settings except VE and Ignition were copied from the factory control unit via Tartrix openport (ECU Flash)
I will be happy to answer any questions regarding this engine and its settings.
Many thanks to everyone who participates in the project, and special thanks to Andrey and the team of programmers
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Re: 2000 Subaru Outback bh Ez30 1Gen/2gen

Post by Dron_Gus »

Nice car, good build!
And thank you for being a good beta-tester of WBOx2 :)
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Re: 2000 Subaru Outback bh Ez30 1Gen/2gen

Post by WOOL »

A lot has been done since then. I want to post the progress here, Surely it will be useful to someone.
Today I tested Andrew's fixes. https://rusefi.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&p=48508#p48508
Added VVT angles targets based on safety objectives, angles are lowered from the standard by 5-10 degrees. But I finally got a power boost in the mid-range at 70-90 kPa map. Still have a dip at 2600 - 3600 on a fully open throttle.

Tune https://www.rusefi.com/online/view.php?msq=1562

Log https://www.rusefi.com/online/view.php?log=1306
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Re: 2000 Subaru Outback bh Ez30 1Gen/2gen

Post by daytonatrbo »

Hello, Wool!

Any New updates here? I'm really happy to see the progress you have made with the EZ30 2nd gen.

I'm curious if you feel the newer UAEFI units would be adequate to run this engine, or if the Proteus board is needed to run the VVTI correctly. I know the new UAEFI boards have lots of IO, but given your experience I thought I should ask.
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