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USB port usage

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 3:32 am
by tomiata
Question on how others are using USB serial ports.
I'm connecting to a Linux laptop so your mileage may vary.

1. Discovery mini USB programming port at "top" of the board.
For programming firmware, also will power Discovery board for testing/programming.
To be safe, I unplug wiring harness from the car before programming.

2. Discovery micro USB port for console or Tunerstudio. I swap between them running one or the other. Runs fine at 115.2k for either java console or TS.
But connecting to console for me with Linux about 1 in 5 times will crash rusefi firmware with red-led-of-death. Is anyone else seeing this problem?

3. Frankenso micro USB port, should work for TS at 38.4kb.
Has an issue with power on some Frankeso boards. I do not use it since I have not been able to reliably use TS and java console at the same time.