Custom microRusEFI with SD card

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Re: Custom microRusEFI with SD card

Post by stayros32001 »

Is there any change to officially build also firms without the new bootloader?
I have done more than 1000km with last firmware that JRD McLAREN compiled for our boards and it is fine.
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Re: Custom microRusEFI with SD card

Post by AndreyB »

Very limited telepathic abilities - please post logs & tunes where appropriate -

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Re: Custom microRusEFI with SD card

Post by mi-hol »

@JRD McLAREN @stayros32001 may I kindly ask for an update?

- did you try this firmware?
- did it fix the issue?

could you provide MCU bootloader version using instructions from too?
Vlado, Andrey and I just agreed that I'll test the version with same MCU
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Benelli Tornado 900 Tre
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Re: Custom microRusEFI with SD card

Post by JRD McLAREN »

.. some Proteus and microRusEFI for sale in Europe ..
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Re: Custom microRusEFI with SD card

Post by mi-hol »

I got MRE 0.6.0 delivered and plan to flash it with:
1. Vlado's build w/o openblt -

Any recommendations or word of caution?
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Benelli Tornado 900 Tre
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Re: Custom microRusEFI with SD card

Post by mi-hol »

Had to change the sequence of planned steps because Vlado's build w/o openblt contains only "bin" firmware but I had not setup drivers yet.

Started with
Therefore I followed
Unfortunately I had OpenJDK versions of Java 8& 11 already installed which resulted in misleading error "This application requires a JAVA Runtime Environment 1.8.0" when running rusefi_console.exe.
Workaround is to:
1. have JAVA 8 directory in PATH env var.

Code: Select all

echo %path%
C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7-preview;C:\Perl64\bin;C:\Users\mholzer\AppData\Roaming\ActiveState\bin;C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-\bin;C:\Python39\Scripts\;C:\Python39\;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\;
2. execute command

Code: Select all

java -jar rusefi_console.jar 
After pressing "connect", error about incompatible firmware format comes up
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Benelli Tornado 900 Tre
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Re: Custom microRusEFI with SD card

Post by mi-hol »

flashing new firmware fixed my issue.

"Injector 3 fault: driver_off" and related messages are scarry, therefore I'd like to test if the MRE works as expected.
Is there are simple test I can perform without engine attached?
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Best Regards
Benelli Tornado 900 Tre
Benelli TNT 1130 (rebuilding)
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Re: Custom microRusEFI with SD card

Post by AndreyB »

mi-hol wrote:
Wed Mar 08, 2023 3:22 pm
"Injector 3 fault: driver_off" and related messages are scarry, therefore I'd like to test if the MRE works as expected.
I believe it's trying to tell you that it has detected lack of injectors. As long as your injectors are in fact not connected that would be expected?

A test would be to click (used, unneeded?) injector outside of an engine :)
Very limited telepathic abilities - please post logs & tunes where appropriate -

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Re: Custom microRusEFI with SD card

Post by mi-hol »

ok, no injectors connected hence message is correct.

Andrey, because this specific MRE ECU didn't work at all in your test, I wonder if there is anything unexpected in below log file entries?

In case not, I'd assume the encountered issues were firmware related and have been fixed by now.
Which would be a great achievement!

I 230308 145200.511 [communication executor1] BinaryProtocol - Got rusEFI master.2023.03.06.mre_f4.355160174 signature
I 230308 145202.062 [communication executor1] BinaryProtocol - Reading from controller...
I 230308 145202.136 [communication executor1] IniFileModel - Searching for rusefi*.ini in ..
I 230308 145202.137 [communication executor1] IniFileModel - Reading ..\rusefi_mre_f4.ini
I 230308 145202.251 [communication executor1] IniFileModel - Section [SettingGroups]
I 230308 145202.252 [communication executor1] IniFileModel - Section [MegaTune]
I 230308 145202.252 [communication executor1] IniFileModel - Section [TunerStudio]
I 230308 145202.252 [communication executor1] IniFileModel - Section [Constants]
I 230308 145202.318 [communication executor1] IniFileModel - Section [Tuning]
I 230308 145202.336 [communication executor1] IniFileModel - Section [LoggerDefinition]
I 230308 145202.352 [communication executor1] IniFileModel - Section [VeAnalyze]
I 230308 145202.365 [communication executor1] IniFileModel - Section [OutputChannels]
I 230308 145202.367 [communication executor1] IniFileModel - Section [PcVariables]
I 230308 145202.368 [communication executor1] IniFileModel - Section [ConstantsExtensions]
I 230308 145202.370 [communication executor1] IniFileModel - Section [CurveEditor]
I 230308 145202.371 [communication executor1] IniFileModel - Section [TableEditor]
I 230308 145202.372 [communication executor1] IniFileModel - Section [GaugeConfigurations]
I 230308 145202.374 [communication executor1] IniFileModel - Section [WueAnalyze]
I 230308 145202.374 [communication executor1] IniFileModel - Section [FrontPage]
I 230308 145202.379 [communication executor1] IniFileModel - Section [KeyActions]
I 230308 145202.380 [communication executor1] IniFileModel - Section [Datalog]
I 230308 145202.381 [communication executor1] IniFileModel - Section [Menu]
I 230308 145202.382 [communication executor1] IniFileModel - Section [ControllerCommands]
I 230308 145202.383 [communication executor1] IniFileModel - Section [UserDefined]
I 230308 145202.396 [communication executor1] IniFileModel - Section [Tools]
I 230308 145202.427 [communication executor1] BinaryProtocol - Got configuration from controller 22432 byte(s)
I 230308 145202.622 [AWT-EventQueue-0] BinaryProtocolServer - BinaryProtocolServer on 2390
I 230308 145202.651 [AWT-EventQueue-0] StatusConsumer - ServerSocket 2390 created. Feel free to point TS at IP Address 'localhost' port 2390
I 230308 145202.674 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Last boot had hard fault type: 3 addr: E000ED38 CSFR: 0
I 230308 145202.685 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Fault ctx 0: 10002AF4
I 230308 145202.687 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Fault ctx 1: 0
I 230308 145202.687 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Fault ctx 2: 1000A920
I 230308 145202.688 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Fault ctx 3: 61762073
I 230308 145202.688 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Fault ctx 4: 10016
I 230308 145202.689 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Fault ctx 5: 802D5C9
I 230308 145202.689 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Fault ctx 6: A0000000
I 230308 145202.689 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Fault ctx 7: 21000000
I 230308 145202.690 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Fault ctx 8: 0
I 230308 145202.690 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Fault ctx 9: 47C35000
I 230308 145202.690 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Fault ctx 10: 14820
I 230308 145202.690 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Fault ctx 11: 0
I 230308 145202.691 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Fault ctx 12: 0
I 230308 145202.691 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Fault ctx 13: 40800000
I 230308 145202.692 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Fault ctx 14: C3500
I 230308 145202.692 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Fault ctx 15: 0
I 230308 145202.697 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Fault ctx 16: 40233333
I 230308 145202.706 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Fault ctx 17: 40A00000
I 230308 145202.707 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Fault ctx 18: 43480000
I 230308 145202.707 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Fault ctx 19: 447A0000
I 230308 145202.707 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Fault ctx 20: 0
I 230308 145202.707 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Fault ctx 21: 0
I 230308 145202.708 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Fault ctx 22: 0
I 230308 145202.718 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Fault ctx 23: 7FC00000
I 230308 145202.718 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Fault ctx 24: 20000010
I 230308 145202.719 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Fault ctx 25: F
I 230308 145202.719 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Power cycle count: 0
I 230308 145202.719 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: initHardware()
I 230308 145202.723 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: led: CRITICAL status on PE3
I 230308 145202.734 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: initRtc()
I 230308 145202.735 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Current RTC time: 01 Jan 1980 00:00:00
I 230308 145202.735 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: USB DM on PA11
I 230308 145202.737 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: USB DP on PA12
I 230308 145202.738 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: *** rusEFI LLC (c) 2012-2023. All rights reserved.
I 230308 145202.738 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: *** rusEFI v20230306@54879
I 230308 145202.739 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: *** Chibios Kernel: 6.1.4
I 230308 145202.740 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: *** Compiled: Mar 6 2023 - 04:56:09
I 230308 145202.741 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: *** COMPILER=11.3.1 20220712
I 230308 145202.741 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: *** detected HSE clock 8.04 MHz PLLM = 8
I 230308 145202.742 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: hellenBoardId=0
I 230308 145202.743 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: UID=29004F 33355103 33303934
I 230308 145202.743 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: can read 0x20000010 1
I 230308 145202.743 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: can read 0x20020010 0
I 230308 145202.744 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: can read 0x20070010 0
I 230308 145202.745 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: isStm32F42x No
I 230308 145202.745 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: MCU rev=413 flashSize=1024
I 230308 145202.745 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: CORTEX_MAX_KERNEL_PRIORITY=2
I 230308 145202.746 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: STM32_ADCCLK=21000000
I 230308 145202.747 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: STM32_TIMCLK1=84000000
I 230308 145202.747 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: STM32_TIMCLK2=168000000
I 230308 145202.748 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: STM32_PCLK1=42000000
I 230308 145202.748 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: STM32_PCLK2=84000000
I 230308 145202.749 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: PORT_IDLE_THREAD_STACK_SIZE=32
I 230308 145202.749 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: CH_DBG_ENABLE_ASSERTS=1
I 230308 145202.750 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: CH_DBG_SYSTEM_STATE_CHECK=1
I 230308 145202.750 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: CH_DBG_ENABLE_STACK_CHECK=1
I 230308 145202.750 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: EFI_LOGIC_ANALYZER=1
I 230308 145202.750 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: EFI_TUNER_STUDIO=1
I 230308 145202.750 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: EFI_SIGNAL_EXECUTOR_SLEEP=0
I 230308 145202.751 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: EFI_SIGNAL_EXECUTOR_HW_TIMER=0
I 230308 145202.751 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: EFI_SHAFT_POSITION_INPUT=1
I 230308 145202.751 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: EFI_INTERNAL_ADC=1
I 230308 145202.751 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: readFromFlash 80E0000
I 230308 145202.753 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Reading second configuration copy
I 230308 145202.754 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: readFromFlash 80C0000
I 230308 145202.754 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: applyNonPersistentConfiguration()
I 230308 145202.764 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: initializeTriggerWaveform(TT_TOOTHED_WHEEL_60_2/8)
I 230308 145202.766 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: led: comm status on PE2
I 230308 145202.767 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: led: warning status on PE1
I 230308 145202.768 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: led: running status on PE4
I 230308 145202.768 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: engine sniffer: No
I 230308 145202.771 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: engine sniffer size=300
I 230308 145202.772 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: initAdcInputs()
I 230308 145202.773 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: WARNING: Invalid MAP at 0.708615360
I 230308 145202.774 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: SPI clock on PB3
I 230308 145202.775 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: SPI master out on PB5
I 230308 145202.775 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: SPI master in on PB4
I 230308 145202.785 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: SPI clock on PB13
I 230308 145202.787 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: SPI master out on PB15
I 230308 145202.787 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: SPI master in on PB14
I 230308 145202.787 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: tle8888 CS on PD5
I 230308 145202.803 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: SD CS on PE15
I 230308 145202.803 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: Injector 1 on 37 - Injector 1
I 230308 145202.803 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: Injector 2 on 38 - Injector 2
I 230308 145202.819 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: Injector 3 on 41 - Injector 3
I 230308 145202.819 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: Injector 4 on 42 - Injector 4
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: Coil 1 on 9 - Ignition 1
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: Coil 2 on 10 - Ignition 2
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: Coil 3 on 11 - Ignition 3
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: Coil 4 on 12 - Ignition 4
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: Idle Valve on 3 - Lowside 2
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: Fuel pump Relay on 35 - GP Out 1
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: Fan Relay on 34 - GP Out 2
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: extiTriggerTurnOnInputPin Trigger #1 45 - VR/Hall Crank
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: Trigger #1 on 45 - VR/Hall Crank
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: extiTriggerTurnOnInputPin cam1 25 - Hall Cam
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: cam1 on 25 - Hall Cam
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: CAN TX on PB6
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: CAN RX on PB12
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: initHardware() OK!
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Emulating MINIMAL_PINS
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: BatteryVoltage on PC1
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: MapSlow on 27 - AN volt 1
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: Tps1Primary on 20 - AN volt 5
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: Clt on 18 - AN temp 1
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: Iat on 23 - AN temp 2
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: AFR on 32 - AN volt 6, Aux Reuse
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Length should be positive
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: ETB Disable on PC8
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: ETB Dir 1 on PA8
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: pin_markUsed: ETB Enable on PC7
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Length should be positive
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: WARNING: Injector 0 fault: driver_off
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: WARNING: Injector 1 fault: driver_off
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: WARNING: Injector 2 fault: driver_off
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: WARNING: Injector 3 fault: driver_off
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Running main loop
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: LUA loading script length: 572...
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: LUA script loaded successfully!
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: WARNING: Injector 0 fault: driver_off
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: WARNING: Injector 1 fault: driver_off
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: WARNING: Injector 2 fault: driver_off
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: WARNING: Injector 3 fault: driver_off
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: WARNING: Injector 0 fault: driver_off
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: WARNING: Injector 1 fault: driver_off
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: WARNING: Injector 2 fault: driver_off
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: WARNING: Injector 3 fault: driver_off
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: WARNING: Injector 0 fault: driver_off
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: WARNING: Injector 1 fault: driver_off
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: WARNING: Injector 2 fault: driver_off
I 230308 145202.834 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: WARNING: Injector 3 fault: driver_off
I 230308 145202.850 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: WARNING: Injector 0 fault: driver_off
I 230308 145202.850 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: WARNING: Injector 1 fault: driver_off
I 230308 145202.850 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: WARNING: Injector 2 fault: driver_off
I 230308 145202.850 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: WARNING: Injector 3 fault: driver_off
I 230308 145202.850 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: WARNING: Injector 0 fault: driver_off
I 230308 145202.850 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: WARNING: Injector 1 fault: driver_off
I 230308 145202.850 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: WARNING: Injector 2 fault: driver_off
I 230308 145202.850 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: WARNING: Injector 3 fault: driver_off
I 230308 145202.850 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: WARNING: Injector 0 fault: driver_off
I 230308 145202.850 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: WARNING: Injector 1 fault: driver_off
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: WARNING: Injector 2 fault: driver_off
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: WARNING: Injector 3 fault: driver_off
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: USB: got Query command
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: got S/H (queryCommand) mode=1
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Primary UART RX AUX J12
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: Primary UART TX AUX J13
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: TunerStudio size=780 / total=124 / errors=0 / H=1 / O=0 / P=0 / B=0
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: TunerStudio W=0 / C=0 / P=0
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: READ mode=1 offset=0 size=750
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: READ mode=1 offset=750 size=750
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: READ mode=1 offset=1500 size=750
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: READ mode=1 offset=2250 size=750
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: READ mode=1 offset=3000 size=750
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: READ mode=1 offset=3750 size=750
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: READ mode=1 offset=4500 size=750
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: READ mode=1 offset=5250 size=750
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: READ mode=1 offset=6000 size=750
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: READ mode=1 offset=6750 size=750
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: READ mode=1 offset=7500 size=750
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: READ mode=1 offset=8250 size=750
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: READ mode=1 offset=9000 size=750
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: READ mode=1 offset=9750 size=750
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: READ mode=1 offset=10500 size=750
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: READ mode=1 offset=11250 size=750
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: READ mode=1 offset=12000 size=750
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: READ mode=1 offset=12750 size=750
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: READ mode=1 offset=13500 size=750
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: READ mode=1 offset=14250 size=750
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: READ mode=1 offset=15000 size=750
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: READ mode=1 offset=15750 size=750
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: READ mode=1 offset=16500 size=750
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: READ mode=1 offset=17250 size=750
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: READ mode=1 offset=18000 size=750
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: READ mode=1 offset=18750 size=750
I 230308 145202.865 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: READ mode=1 offset=19500 size=750
I 230308 145202.880 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: READ mode=1 offset=20250 size=750
I 230308 145202.880 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: READ mode=1 offset=21000 size=750
I 230308 145202.882 [communication executor1] MessagesCentral - postMessage EngineState: READ mode=1 offset=21750 size=682
I 230308 145202.882 [communication executor1] EngineState - EngineState.unknown: ou
I 230308 145202.882 [Commands Queue] BinaryProtocol - Sending [set date 2023-03-08T14:52:02.504]
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Re: Custom microRusEFI with SD card

Post by AndreyB »

mi-hol wrote:
Wed Mar 08, 2023 3:59 pm
In case not, I'd assume the encountered issues were firmware related and have been fixed by now.
please compare against
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Re: Custom microRusEFI with SD card

Post by mi-hol »

AndreyB wrote:
Wed Mar 08, 2023 4:08 pm
mi-hol wrote:
Wed Mar 08, 2023 3:59 pm
In case not, I'd assume the encountered issues were firmware related and have been fixed by now.
please compare against
Both users of this board reported "dead communications" after installing firmware greater than 20220703 and you posted Sun Nov 27, 2022 4:26 pm "Status update: it does not turn on at all. I might have soldered wrong USB connector part number". You sent the board to Matt and I got it from Matt now.
When I flashed this exact board with 20230306 mre_f4_no_openblt it suddenly communicates correctly.
Would you see any other reason than a solved firmware issue?
Maybe talking this thru via phone is the bester option?

"Re: Custom microRusEFI with SD card
Post by JRD McLAREN » Sun Nov 27, 2022 5:07 pm

20220422 works
20220703 works
20220812 not - tested twice
20220914 not - tested twice

programed via STLINK ...

last release ended with RED FATAL, no serial port..."
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Re: Custom microRusEFI with SD card

Post by mi-hol »

to rule out that I got a different than expected board from Matt.
This is a photo from the MRE I have received with USB-B plug not MicroUSB!.
image.png (1.78 MiB) Viewed 18137 times
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Re: Custom microRusEFI with SD card

Post by JRD McLAREN »

This is not "my" board ..

it will be purple or "UA" blue-yellow board ...

I have two "UA" bards, and it works fine, without OpenBLT ...
1st is in the MINI -
2nd "in my car" or "on my desk" ...

..and stayros32001 is the 3rd user of this "affected MRE" ...

Michael would you can cerate a new thread in You and your build please...
.. some Proteus and microRusEFI for sale in Europe ..
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Re: Custom microRusEFI with SD card

Post by AndreyB »

I am a bit confused. What is pictured here is a while "official" 0.6.0 is not it? Is that the only MRE you have? Why is that MRE in this "custom MRE" thread?
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Re: Custom microRusEFI with SD card

Post by JRD McLAREN »

...because Michael was expecting "my Custom MRE" ... maybe .. :?:
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Re: Custom microRusEFI with SD card

Post by mi-hol »

JRD McLAREN wrote:
Wed Mar 08, 2023 5:34 pm
...because Michael was expecting "my Custom MRE" ...
exactly, seems Matt confused the boards and sent me the wrong board apparently.
Apologize for confusion
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Re: Custom microRusEFI with SD card

Post by JRD McLAREN »

So new PCBs ver. R0.6.1rc are here ...
DSCN6509.JPG (1.33 MiB) Viewed 16956 times
DSCN6510.JPG (1.31 MiB) Viewed 16956 times

Full changelog is here:

It has two footprint for mSDcard slot
- J14 is Wuerth_693072010801 traced to SPI3 interface
- J6 is Molex_104031-0811 traced to SPI2 interface

(I prefer SPI3 interface, because then I can use BT module for serial communication)
(I hope, it will works .. )
.. some Proteus and microRusEFI for sale in Europe ..
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