The most advanced open source ECU
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1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2015, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
3  * Copyright 2016-2017 NXP
4  * All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7  */
9 #ifndef _FSL_ACMP_H_
10 #define _FSL_ACMP_H_
12 #include "fsl_common.h"
14 /*!
15  * @addtogroup acmp
16  * @{
17  */
19 /*******************************************************************************
20  * Definitions
21  ******************************************************************************/
23 /*! @name Driver version */
24 /*@{*/
25 /*! @brief ACMP driver version 2.0.4. */
27 /*@}*/
29 /*! @brief The mask of status flags cleared by writing 1. */
31 #define CMP_C1_CHNn_MASK 0xFF0000U /* C1_CHN0 - C1_CHN7. */
32 #define CMP_C2_CHnF_MASK 0xFF0000U /* C2_CH0F - C2_CH7F. */
34 /*! @brief Interrupt enable/disable mask. */
36 {
37  kACMP_OutputRisingInterruptEnable = (1U << 0U), /*!< Enable the interrupt when comparator outputs rising. */
38  kACMP_OutputFallingInterruptEnable = (1U << 1U), /*!< Enable the interrupt when comparator outputs falling. */
39  kACMP_RoundRobinInterruptEnable = (1U << 2U), /*!< Enable the Round-Robin interrupt. */
40 };
42 /*! @brief Status flag mask. */
44 {
45  kACMP_OutputRisingEventFlag = CMP_C0_CFR_MASK, /*!< Rising-edge on compare output has occurred. */
46  kACMP_OutputFallingEventFlag = CMP_C0_CFF_MASK, /*!< Falling-edge on compare output has occurred. */
47  kACMP_OutputAssertEventFlag = CMP_C0_COUT_MASK, /*!< Return the current value of the analog comparator output. */
48 };
51 /*!
52  * @brief Comparator hard block offset control.
53  *
54  * If OFFSET level is 1, then there is no hysteresis in the case of positive port input crossing negative port
55  * input in the positive direction (or negative port input crossing positive port input in the negative direction).
56  * Hysteresis still exists for positive port input crossing negative port input in the falling direction.
57  * If OFFSET level is 0, then the hysteresis selected by acmp_hysteresis_mode_t is valid for both directions.
58  */
59 typedef enum _acmp_offset_mode
60 {
61  kACMP_OffsetLevel0 = 0U, /*!< The comparator hard block output has level 0 offset internally. */
62  kACMP_OffsetLevel1 = 1U, /*!< The comparator hard block output has level 1 offset internally. */
66 /*!
67  * @brief Comparator hard block hysteresis control.
68  *
69  * See chip data sheet to get the actual hysteresis value with each level.
70  */
72 {
73  kACMP_HysteresisLevel0 = 0U, /*!< Offset is level 0 and Hysteresis is level 0. */
74  kACMP_HysteresisLevel1 = 1U, /*!< Offset is level 0 and Hysteresis is level 1. */
75  kACMP_HysteresisLevel2 = 2U, /*!< Offset is level 0 and Hysteresis is level 2. */
76  kACMP_HysteresisLevel3 = 3U, /*!< Offset is level 0 and Hysteresis is level 3. */
79 /*! @brief CMP Voltage Reference source. */
81 {
82  kACMP_VrefSourceVin1 = 0U, /*!< Vin1 is selected as resistor ladder network supply reference Vin. */
83  kACMP_VrefSourceVin2 = 1U, /*!< Vin2 is selected as resistor ladder network supply reference Vin. */
87 /*! @brief Port input source. */
88 typedef enum _acmp_port_input
89 {
90  kACMP_PortInputFromDAC = 0U, /*!< Port input from the 8-bit DAC output. */
91  kACMP_PortInputFromMux = 1U, /*!< Port input from the analog 8-1 mux. */
95 /*! @brief Fixed mux port. */
96 typedef enum _acmp_fixed_port
97 {
98  kACMP_FixedPlusPort = 0U, /*!< Only the inputs to the Minus port are swept in each round. */
99  kACMP_FixedMinusPort = 1U, /*!< Only the inputs to the Plus port are swept in each round. */
103 /*! @brief Internal DAC's work mode. */
105 {
106  kACMP_DACWorkLowSpeedMode = 0U, /*!< DAC is selected to work in low speed and low power mode. */
107  kACMP_DACWorkHighSpeedMode = 1U, /*!< DAC is selected to work in high speed high power mode. */
111 /*! @brief Configuration for ACMP. */
112 typedef struct _acmp_config
113 {
115  acmp_offset_mode_t offsetMode; /*!< Offset mode. */
117  acmp_hysteresis_mode_t hysteresisMode; /*!< Hysteresis mode. */
118  bool enableHighSpeed; /*!< Enable High Speed (HS) comparison mode. */
119  bool enableInvertOutput; /*!< Enable inverted comparator output. */
120  bool useUnfilteredOutput; /*!< Set compare output(COUT) to equal COUTA(true) or COUT(false). */
121  bool enablePinOut; /*!< The comparator output is available on the associated pin. */
124 /*!
125  * @brief Configuration for channel.
126  *
127  * The comparator's port can be input from channel mux or DAC. If port input is from channel mux, detailed channel
128  * number for the mux should be configured.
129  */
130 typedef struct _acmp_channel_config
131 {
133  acmp_port_input_t positivePortInput; /*!< Input source of the comparator's positive port. */
135  uint32_t plusMuxInput; /*!< Plus mux input channel(0~7). */
137  acmp_port_input_t negativePortInput; /*!< Input source of the comparator's negative port. */
139  uint32_t minusMuxInput; /*!< Minus mux input channel(0~7). */
142 /*! @brief Configuration for filter. */
143 typedef struct _acmp_filter_config
144 {
145  bool enableSample; /*!< Using external SAMPLE as sampling clock input, or using divided bus clock. */
146  uint32_t filterCount; /*!< Filter Sample Count. Available range is 1-7, 0 would cause the filter disabled. */
147  uint32_t filterPeriod; /*!< Filter Sample Period. The divider to bus clock. Available range is 0-255. */
150 /*! @brief Configuration for DAC. */
151 typedef struct _acmp_dac_config
152 {
153  acmp_reference_voltage_source_t referenceVoltageSource; /*!< Supply voltage reference source. */
154  uint32_t DACValue; /*!< Value for DAC Output Voltage. Available range is 0-63. */
157  bool enableOutput; /*!< Enable the DAC output. */
165 /*! @brief Configuration for round robin mode. */
167 {
168  acmp_fixed_port_t fixedPort; /*!< Fixed mux port. */
169  uint32_t fixedChannelNumber; /*!< Indicates which channel is fixed in the fixed mux port. */
170  uint32_t checkerChannelMask; /*!< Mask of checker channel index. Available range is channel0:0x01 to channel7:0x80
171  for round-robin checker. */
172  uint32_t sampleClockCount; /*!< Specifies how many round-robin clock cycles(0~3) later the sample takes place. */
173  uint32_t delayModulus; /*!< Comparator and DAC initialization delay modulus. */
178 /*! @brief Discrete mode clock selection. */
180 {
181  kACMP_DiscreteClockSlow = 0U, /*!< Slow clock (32kHz) is used as the discrete mode clock. */
182  kACMP_DiscreteClockFast = 1U, /*!< Fast clock (16-20MHz) is used as the discrete mode clock. */
185 /*!
186  * @brief ACMP discrete sample selection.
187  * These values configures the analog comparator sampling timing (speicified by the discrete mode clock period T which
188  * is selected by #acmp_discrete_clock_source_t) in discrete mode.
189  */
191 {
192  kACMP_DiscreteSampleTimeAs1T = 0U, /*!< The sampling time equals to 1xT. */
193  kACMP_DiscreteSampleTimeAs2T = 1U, /*!< The sampling time equals to 2xT. */
194  kACMP_DiscreteSampleTimeAs4T = 2U, /*!< The sampling time equals to 4xT. */
195  kACMP_DiscreteSampleTimeAs8T = 3U, /*!< The sampling time equals to 8xT. */
196  kACMP_DiscreteSampleTimeAs16T = 4U, /*!< The sampling time equals to 16xT. */
197  kACMP_DiscreteSampleTimeAs32T = 5U, /*!< The sampling time equals to 32xT. */
198  kACMP_DiscreteSampleTimeAs64T = 6U, /*!< The sampling time equals to 64xT. */
199  kACMP_DiscreteSampleTimeAs256T = 7U, /*!< The sampling time equals to 256xT. */
202 /*!
203  * @brief ACMP discrete phase time selection.
204  * There are two phases for sampling input signals, phase 1 and phase 2.
205  */
207 {
208  kACMP_DiscretePhaseTimeAlt0 = 0U, /*!< The phase x active in one sampling selection 0. */
209  kACMP_DiscretePhaseTimeAlt1 = 1U, /*!< The phase x active in one sampling selection 1. */
210  kACMP_DiscretePhaseTimeAlt2 = 2U, /*!< The phase x active in one sampling selection 2. */
211  kACMP_DiscretePhaseTimeAlt3 = 3U, /*!< The phase x active in one sampling selection 3. */
212  kACMP_DiscretePhaseTimeAlt4 = 4U, /*!< The phase x active in one sampling selection 4. */
213  kACMP_DiscretePhaseTimeAlt5 = 5U, /*!< The phase x active in one sampling selection 5. */
214  kACMP_DiscretePhaseTimeAlt6 = 6U, /*!< The phase x active in one sampling selection 6. */
215  kACMP_DiscretePhaseTimeAlt7 = 7U, /*!< The phase x active in one sampling selection 7. */
218 /*! @brief Configuration for discrete mode. */
220 {
221  bool enablePositiveChannelDiscreteMode; /*!< Positive Channel Continuous Mode Enable. By default, the continuous
222  mode is used. */
223  bool enableNegativeChannelDiscreteMode; /*!< Negative Channel Continuous Mode Enable. By default, the continuous
224  mode is used. */
225  bool enableResistorDivider; /*!< Resistor Divider Enable is used to enable the resistor divider for the inputs when
226  they come from 3v domain and their values are above 1.8v. */
227  acmp_discrete_clock_source_t clockSource; /*!< Select the clock source in order to generate the requiried timing for
228  comparator to work in discrete mode. */
229  acmp_discrete_sample_time_t sampleTime; /*!< Select the ACMP total sampling time period. */
230  acmp_discrete_phase_time_t phase1Time; /*!< Select the ACMP phase 1 sampling time. */
231  acmp_discrete_phase_time_t phase2Time; /*!< Select the ACMP phase 2 sampling time. */
234 #endif /* FSL_FEATURE_ACMP_HAS_C3_REG */
236 #if defined(__cplusplus)
237 extern "C" {
238 #endif
240 /*******************************************************************************
241  * API
242  ******************************************************************************/
244 /*!
245  * @name Initialization and deinitialization
246  * @{
247  */
249 /*!
250  * @brief Initializes the ACMP.
251  *
252  * The default configuration can be got by calling ACMP_GetDefaultConfig().
253  *
254  * @param base ACMP peripheral base address.
255  * @param config Pointer to ACMP configuration structure.
256  */
257 void ACMP_Init(CMP_Type *base, const acmp_config_t *config);
259 /*!
260  * @brief Deinitializes the ACMP.
261  *
262  * @param base ACMP peripheral base address.
263  */
264 void ACMP_Deinit(CMP_Type *base);
266 /*!
267  * @brief Gets the default configuration for ACMP.
268  *
269  * This function initializes the user configuration structure to default value. The default value are:
270  *
271  * Example:
272  @code
273  config->enableHighSpeed = false;
274  config->enableInvertOutput = false;
275  config->useUnfilteredOutput = false;
276  config->enablePinOut = false;
277  config->enableHysteresisBothDirections = false;
278  config->hysteresisMode = kACMP_hysteresisMode0;
279  @endcode
280  *
281  * @param config Pointer to ACMP configuration structure.
282  */
285 /* @} */
287 /*!
288  * @name Basic Operations
289  * @{
290  */
292 /*!
293  * @brief Enables or disables the ACMP.
294  *
295  * @param base ACMP peripheral base address.
296  * @param enable True to enable the ACMP.
297  */
298 void ACMP_Enable(CMP_Type *base, bool enable);
301 /*!
302  * @brief Enables the link from CMP to DAC enable.
303  *
304  * When this bit is set, the DAC enable/disable is controlled by the bit CMP_C0[EN] instead of CMP_C1[DACEN].
305  *
306  * @param base ACMP peripheral base address.
307  * @param enable Enable the feature or not.
308  */
309 void ACMP_EnableLinkToDAC(CMP_Type *base, bool enable);
312 /*!
313  * @brief Sets the channel configuration.
314  *
315  * Note that the plus/minus mux's setting is only valid when the positive/negative port's input isn't from DAC but
316  * from channel mux.
317  *
318  * Example:
319  @code
320  acmp_channel_config_t configStruct = {0};
321  configStruct.positivePortInput = kACMP_PortInputFromDAC;
322  configStruct.negativePortInput = kACMP_PortInputFromMux;
323  configStruct.minusMuxInput = 1U;
324  ACMP_SetChannelConfig(CMP0, &configStruct);
325  @endcode
326  *
327  * @param base ACMP peripheral base address.
328  * @param config Pointer to channel configuration structure.
329  */
330 void ACMP_SetChannelConfig(CMP_Type *base, const acmp_channel_config_t *config);
332 /* @} */
334 /*!
335  * @name Advanced Operations
336  * @{
337  */
339 /*!
340  * @brief Enables or disables DMA.
341  *
342  * @param base ACMP peripheral base address.
343  * @param enable True to enable DMA.
344  */
345 void ACMP_EnableDMA(CMP_Type *base, bool enable);
347 /*!
348  * @brief Enables or disables window mode.
349  *
350  * @param base ACMP peripheral base address.
351  * @param enable True to enable window mode.
352  */
353 void ACMP_EnableWindowMode(CMP_Type *base, bool enable);
355 /*!
356  * @brief Configures the filter.
357  *
358  * The filter can be enabled when the filter count is bigger than 1, the filter period is greater than 0 and the sample
359  * clock is from divided bus clock or the filter is bigger than 1 and the sample clock is from external clock. Detailed
360  * usage can be got from the reference manual.
361  *
362  * Example:
363  @code
364  acmp_filter_config_t configStruct = {0};
365  configStruct.filterCount = 5U;
366  configStruct.filterPeriod = 200U;
367  configStruct.enableSample = false;
368  ACMP_SetFilterConfig(CMP0, &configStruct);
369  @endcode
370  *
371  * @param base ACMP peripheral base address.
372  * @param config Pointer to filter configuration structure.
373  */
374 void ACMP_SetFilterConfig(CMP_Type *base, const acmp_filter_config_t *config);
376 /*!
377  * @brief Configures the internal DAC.
378  *
379  * Example:
380  @code
381  acmp_dac_config_t configStruct = {0};
382  configStruct.referenceVoltageSource = kACMP_VrefSourceVin1;
383  configStruct.DACValue = 20U;
384  configStruct.enableOutput = false;
385  configStruct.workMode = kACMP_DACWorkLowSpeedMode;
386  ACMP_SetDACConfig(CMP0, &configStruct);
387  @endcode
388  *
389  * @param base ACMP peripheral base address.
390  * @param config Pointer to DAC configuration structure. "NULL" is for disabling the feature.
391  */
392 void ACMP_SetDACConfig(CMP_Type *base, const acmp_dac_config_t *config);
394 /*!
395  * @brief Configures the round robin mode.
396  *
397  * Example:
398  @code
399  acmp_round_robin_config_t configStruct = {0};
400  configStruct.fixedPort = kACMP_FixedPlusPort;
401  configStruct.fixedChannelNumber = 3U;
402  configStruct.checkerChannelMask = 0xF7U;
403  configStruct.sampleClockCount = 0U;
404  configStruct.delayModulus = 0U;
405  ACMP_SetRoundRobinConfig(CMP0, &configStruct);
406  @endcode
407  * @param base ACMP peripheral base address.
408  * @param config Pointer to round robin mode configuration structure. "NULL" is for disabling the feature.
409  */
410 void ACMP_SetRoundRobinConfig(CMP_Type *base, const acmp_round_robin_config_t *config);
412 /*!
413  * @brief Defines the pre-set state of channels in round robin mode.
414  *
415  * Note: The pre-state has different circuit with get-round-robin-result in the SOC even though they are same bits.
416  * So get-round-robin-result can't return the same value as the value are set by pre-state.
417  *
418  * @param base ACMP peripheral base address.
419  * @param mask Mask of round robin channel index. Available range is channel0:0x01 to channel7:0x80.
420  */
421 void ACMP_SetRoundRobinPreState(CMP_Type *base, uint32_t mask);
423 /*!
424  * @brief Gets the channel input changed flags in round robin mode.
425  *
426  * @param base ACMP peripheral base address.
427  * @return Mask of channel input changed asserted flags. Available range is channel0:0x01 to channel7:0x80.
428  */
429 static inline uint32_t ACMP_GetRoundRobinStatusFlags(CMP_Type *base)
430 {
431  return (((base->C2) & CMP_C2_CHnF_MASK) >> CMP_C2_CH0F_SHIFT);
432 }
434 /*!
435  * @brief Clears the channel input changed flags in round robin mode.
436  *
437  * @param base ACMP peripheral base address.
438  * @param mask Mask of channel index. Available range is channel0:0x01 to channel7:0x80.
439  */
440 void ACMP_ClearRoundRobinStatusFlags(CMP_Type *base, uint32_t mask);
442 /*!
443  * @brief Gets the round robin result.
444  *
445  * Note that the set-pre-state has different circuit with get-round-robin-result in the SOC even though they are same
446  * bits. So ACMP_GetRoundRobinResult() can't return the same value as the value are set by ACMP_SetRoundRobinPreState.
448  * @param base ACMP peripheral base address.
449  * @return Mask of round robin channel result. Available range is channel0:0x01 to channel7:0x80.
450  */
451 static inline uint32_t ACMP_GetRoundRobinResult(CMP_Type *base)
452 {
453  return ((base->C2 & CMP_C2_ACOn_MASK) >> CMP_C2_ACOn_SHIFT);
454 }
456 /* @} */
458 /*!
459  * @name Interrupts
460  * @{
461  */
463 /*!
464  * @brief Enables interrupts.
465  *
466  * @param base ACMP peripheral base address.
467  * @param mask Interrupts mask. See "_acmp_interrupt_enable".
468  */
469 void ACMP_EnableInterrupts(CMP_Type *base, uint32_t mask);
471 /*!
472  * @brief Disables interrupts.
473  *
474  * @param base ACMP peripheral base address.
475  * @param mask Interrupts mask. See "_acmp_interrupt_enable".
476  */
477 void ACMP_DisableInterrupts(CMP_Type *base, uint32_t mask);
479 /* @} */
481 /*!
482  * @name Status
483  * @{
484  */
486 /*!
487  * @brief Gets status flags.
488  *
489  * @param base ACMP peripheral base address.
490  * @return Status flags asserted mask. See "_acmp_status_flags".
491  */
492 uint32_t ACMP_GetStatusFlags(CMP_Type *base);
494 /*!
495  * @brief Clears status flags.
496  *
497  * @param base ACMP peripheral base address.
498  * @param mask Status flags mask. See "_acmp_status_flags".
499  */
500 void ACMP_ClearStatusFlags(CMP_Type *base, uint32_t mask);
502 /* @} */
505 /*!
506  * @name Discrete mode
507  * @{
508  */
510 /*!
511  * @brief Configure the discrete mode.
512  *
513  * Configure the discrete mode when supporting 3V domain with 1.8V core.
514  *
515  * @param base ACMP peripheral base address.
516  * @param config Pointer to configuration structure. See "acmp_discrete_mode_config_t".
517  */
520 /*!
521  * @brief Get the default configuration for discrete mode setting.
522  *
523  * @param config Pointer to configuration structure to be restored with the setting values.
524  */
527 /* @} */
528 #endif /* FSL_FEATURE_ACMP_HAS_C3_REG */
530 #if defined(__cplusplus)
531 }
532 #endif
534 /*! @}*/
536 #endif /* _FSL_ACMP_H_ */
struct _acmp_channel_config acmp_channel_config_t
Configuration for channel.
ACMP discrete sample selection. These values configures the analog comparator sampling timing (speici...
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:191
Interrupt enable/disable mask.
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:36
void ACMP_SetFilterConfig(CMP_Type *base, const acmp_filter_config_t *config)
Configures the filter.
Definition: fsl_acmp.c:315
acmp_hysteresis_mode_t hysteresisMode
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:117
void ACMP_Enable(CMP_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables or disables the ACMP.
Definition: fsl_acmp.c:172
void ACMP_GetDefaultDiscreteModeConfig(acmp_discrete_mode_config_t *config)
Get the default configuration for discrete mode setting.
Definition: fsl_acmp.c:645
static uint32_t ACMP_GetRoundRobinResult(CMP_Type *base)
Gets the round robin result.
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:451
acmp_offset_mode_t offsetMode
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:115
uint32_t ACMP_GetStatusFlags(CMP_Type *base)
Gets status flags.
Definition: fsl_acmp.c:559
struct _acmp_discrete_mode_config acmp_discrete_mode_config_t
Configuration for discrete mode.
void ACMP_SetRoundRobinPreState(CMP_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Defines the pre-set state of channels in round robin mode.
Definition: fsl_acmp.c:453
acmp_discrete_phase_time_t phase1Time
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:230
bool enableHighSpeed
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:118
void ACMP_SetChannelConfig(CMP_Type *base, const acmp_channel_config_t *config)
Sets the channel configuration.
Definition: fsl_acmp.c:230
uint32_t minusMuxInput
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:139
bool enablePositiveChannelDiscreteMode
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:221
enum _acmp_reference_voltage_source acmp_reference_voltage_source_t
CMP Voltage Reference source.
acmp_discrete_clock_source_t clockSource
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:227
acmp_discrete_phase_time_t phase2Time
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:231
uint32_t checkerChannelMask
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:170
CMP Voltage Reference source.
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:81
Comparator hard block hysteresis control.
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:72
static uint32_t ACMP_GetRoundRobinStatusFlags(CMP_Type *base)
Gets the channel input changed flags in round robin mode.
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:429
bool enableInvertOutput
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:119
bool enablePinOut
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:121
ACMP discrete phase time selection. There are two phases for sampling input signals,...
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:207
enum _acmp_discrete_phase_time acmp_discrete_phase_time_t
ACMP discrete phase time selection. There are two phases for sampling input signals,...
acmp_port_input_t positivePortInput
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:133
enum _acmp_dac_work_mode acmp_dac_work_mode_t
Internal DAC's work mode.
bool enableNegativeChannelDiscreteMode
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:223
uint32_t DACValue
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:154
struct _acmp_filter_config acmp_filter_config_t
Configuration for filter.
acmp_discrete_sample_time_t sampleTime
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:229
void ACMP_Init(CMP_Type *base, const acmp_config_t *config)
Initializes the ACMP.
Definition: fsl_acmp.c:70
Discrete mode clock selection.
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:180
struct _acmp_config acmp_config_t
Configuration for ACMP.
Port input source.
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:89
void ACMP_EnableDMA(CMP_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables or disables DMA.
Definition: fsl_acmp.c:260
uint32_t filterPeriod
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:147
enum _acmp_hysteresis_mode acmp_hysteresis_mode_t
Comparator hard block hysteresis control.
uint32_t fixedChannelNumber
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:169
struct _acmp_dac_config acmp_dac_config_t
Configuration for DAC.
Internal DAC's work mode.
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:105
void ACMP_ClearRoundRobinStatusFlags(CMP_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the channel input changed flags in round robin mode.
Definition: fsl_acmp.c:470
void ACMP_DisableInterrupts(CMP_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables interrupts.
Definition: fsl_acmp.c:522
void ACMP_Deinit(CMP_Type *base)
Deinitializes the ACMP.
Definition: fsl_acmp.c:120
acmp_port_input_t negativePortInput
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:137
Comparator hard block offset control.
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:60
uint32_t plusMuxInput
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:135
enum _acmp_port_input acmp_port_input_t
Port input source.
Status flag mask.
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:44
void ACMP_SetDACConfig(CMP_Type *base, const acmp_dac_config_t *config)
Configures the internal DAC.
Definition: fsl_acmp.c:348
bool useUnfilteredOutput
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:120
Fixed mux port.
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:97
enum _acmp_offset_mode acmp_offset_mode_t
Comparator hard block offset control.
void ACMP_EnableInterrupts(CMP_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables interrupts.
Definition: fsl_acmp.c:485
void ACMP_EnableLinkToDAC(CMP_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables the link from CMP to DAC enable.
Definition: fsl_acmp.c:196
acmp_reference_voltage_source_t referenceVoltageSource
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:153
enum _acmp_discrete_sample_time acmp_discrete_sample_time_t
ACMP discrete sample selection. These values configures the analog comparator sampling timing (speici...
void ACMP_EnableWindowMode(CMP_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables or disables window mode.
Definition: fsl_acmp.c:281
acmp_fixed_port_t fixedPort
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:168
void ACMP_ClearStatusFlags(CMP_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears status flags.
Definition: fsl_acmp.c:589
void ACMP_SetDiscreteModeConfig(CMP_Type *base, const acmp_discrete_mode_config_t *config)
Configure the discrete mode.
Definition: fsl_acmp.c:615
enum _acmp_fixed_port acmp_fixed_port_t
Fixed mux port.
enum _acmp_discrete_clock_source acmp_discrete_clock_source_t
Discrete mode clock selection.
struct _acmp_round_robin_config acmp_round_robin_config_t
Configuration for round robin mode.
void ACMP_GetDefaultConfig(acmp_config_t *config)
Gets the default configuration for ACMP.
Definition: fsl_acmp.c:148
acmp_dac_work_mode_t workMode
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:161
void ACMP_SetRoundRobinConfig(CMP_Type *base, const acmp_round_robin_config_t *config)
Configures the round robin mode.
Definition: fsl_acmp.c:406
uint32_t filterCount
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:146
@ kACMP_DiscreteSampleTimeAs64T
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:198
@ kACMP_DiscreteSampleTimeAs2T
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:193
@ kACMP_DiscreteSampleTimeAs256T
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:199
@ kACMP_DiscreteSampleTimeAs1T
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:192
@ kACMP_DiscreteSampleTimeAs16T
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:196
@ kACMP_DiscreteSampleTimeAs8T
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:195
@ kACMP_DiscreteSampleTimeAs4T
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:194
@ kACMP_DiscreteSampleTimeAs32T
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:197
@ kACMP_RoundRobinInterruptEnable
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:39
@ kACMP_OutputFallingInterruptEnable
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:38
@ kACMP_OutputRisingInterruptEnable
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:37
@ kACMP_VrefSourceVin2
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:83
@ kACMP_VrefSourceVin1
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:82
@ kACMP_HysteresisLevel2
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:75
@ kACMP_HysteresisLevel1
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:74
@ kACMP_HysteresisLevel0
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:73
@ kACMP_HysteresisLevel3
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:76
@ kACMP_DiscretePhaseTimeAlt2
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:210
@ kACMP_DiscretePhaseTimeAlt0
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:208
@ kACMP_DiscretePhaseTimeAlt1
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:209
@ kACMP_DiscretePhaseTimeAlt7
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:215
@ kACMP_DiscretePhaseTimeAlt3
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:211
@ kACMP_DiscretePhaseTimeAlt4
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:212
@ kACMP_DiscretePhaseTimeAlt6
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:214
@ kACMP_DiscretePhaseTimeAlt5
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:213
@ kACMP_DiscreteClockSlow
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:181
@ kACMP_DiscreteClockFast
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:182
@ kACMP_PortInputFromDAC
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:90
@ kACMP_PortInputFromMux
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:91
@ kACMP_DACWorkHighSpeedMode
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:107
@ kACMP_DACWorkLowSpeedMode
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:106
@ kACMP_OffsetLevel0
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:61
@ kACMP_OffsetLevel1
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:62
@ kACMP_OutputAssertEventFlag
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:47
@ kACMP_OutputFallingEventFlag
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:46
@ kACMP_OutputRisingEventFlag
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:45
@ kACMP_FixedPlusPort
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:98
@ kACMP_FixedMinusPort
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:99
persistent_config_s * config
static void enable(const char *param)
Definition: settings.cpp:630
Configuration for channel.
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:131
Configuration for ACMP.
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:113
Configuration for DAC.
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:152
Configuration for discrete mode.
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:220
Configuration for filter.
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:144
Configuration for round robin mode.
Definition: fsl_acmp.h:167