The most advanced open source ECU
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1 // this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool config_definition_base-all.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/algo/fuel/fuel_computer.txt Sat Feb 17 23:38:05 UTC 2024
2 // by class com.rusefi.output.CHeaderConsumer
3 // begin
4 #pragma once
5 #include "rusefi_types.h"
6 // start of running_fuel_s
7 struct running_fuel_s {
8  /**
9  * Fuel: Post cranking mult
10  * offset 0
11  */
12  float postCrankingFuelCorrection = (float)0;
13  /**
15  * offset 4
16  */
17  float intakeTemperatureCoefficient = (float)0;
18  /**
20  * offset 8
21  */
23  /**
24  * units: secs
25  * offset 12
26  */
27  float timeSinceCrankingInSecs = (float)0;
28  /**
30  * This is the raw value we take from the fuel map or base fuel algorithm, before the corrections
31  * units: mg
32  * offset 16
33  */
34  scaled_channel<uint16_t, 100, 1> baseFuel = (uint16_t)0;
35  /**
37  * Total fuel with CLT IAT and TPS acceleration without injector lag corrections per cycle, as pulse per cycle
38  * units: mg
39  * offset 18
40  */
41  scaled_channel<uint16_t, 100, 1> fuel = (uint16_t)0;
42 };
43 static_assert(sizeof(running_fuel_s) == 20);
45 // start of fuel_computer_s
47  /**
48  * Fuel: Total correction
49  * units: mult
50  * offset 0
51  */
52  float totalFuelCorrection = (float)0;
53  /**
54  * offset 4
55  */
57  /**
58  * units: %
59  * offset 24
60  */
61  scaled_channel<uint16_t, 100, 1> afrTableYAxis = (uint16_t)0;
62  /**
64  * offset 26
65  */
66  scaled_channel<uint16_t, 10000, 1> targetLambda = (uint16_t)0;
67  /**
69  * units: ratio
70  * offset 28
71  */
72  scaled_channel<uint16_t, 1000, 1> targetAFR = (uint16_t)0;
73  /**
74  * Fuel: Stoich ratio
75  * units: ratio
76  * offset 30
77  */
78  scaled_channel<uint16_t, 1000, 1> stoichiometricRatio = (uint16_t)0;
79  /**
80  * offset 32
81  */
82  float sdTcharge_coff = (float)0;
83  /**
85  * units: g
86  * offset 36
87  */
88  float sdAirMassInOneCylinder = (float)0;
89  /**
90  * Air: Normalized cyl filling
91  * units: %
92  * offset 40
93  */
94  float normalizedCylinderFilling = (float)0;
95  /**
96  * offset 44
97  */
98  uint8_t brokenInjector = (uint8_t)0;
99  /**
100  * offset 45
101  */
102  uint8_t unused88 = (uint8_t)0;
103  /**
104  * offset 46
105  */
106  uint16_t idealEngineTorque = (uint16_t)0;
107  /**
108  offset 48 bit 0 */
109  bool injectorHwIssue : 1 {};
110  /**
111  offset 48 bit 1 */
112  bool unusedBit_13_1 : 1 {};
113  /**
114  offset 48 bit 2 */
115  bool unusedBit_13_2 : 1 {};
116  /**
117  offset 48 bit 3 */
118  bool unusedBit_13_3 : 1 {};
119  /**
120  offset 48 bit 4 */
121  bool unusedBit_13_4 : 1 {};
122  /**
123  offset 48 bit 5 */
124  bool unusedBit_13_5 : 1 {};
125  /**
126  offset 48 bit 6 */
127  bool unusedBit_13_6 : 1 {};
128  /**
129  offset 48 bit 7 */
130  bool unusedBit_13_7 : 1 {};
131  /**
132  offset 48 bit 8 */
133  bool unusedBit_13_8 : 1 {};
134  /**
135  offset 48 bit 9 */
136  bool unusedBit_13_9 : 1 {};
137  /**
138  offset 48 bit 10 */
139  bool unusedBit_13_10 : 1 {};
140  /**
141  offset 48 bit 11 */
142  bool unusedBit_13_11 : 1 {};
143  /**
144  offset 48 bit 12 */
145  bool unusedBit_13_12 : 1 {};
146  /**
147  offset 48 bit 13 */
148  bool unusedBit_13_13 : 1 {};
149  /**
150  offset 48 bit 14 */
151  bool unusedBit_13_14 : 1 {};
152  /**
153  offset 48 bit 15 */
154  bool unusedBit_13_15 : 1 {};
155  /**
156  offset 48 bit 16 */
157  bool unusedBit_13_16 : 1 {};
158  /**
159  offset 48 bit 17 */
160  bool unusedBit_13_17 : 1 {};
161  /**
162  offset 48 bit 18 */
163  bool unusedBit_13_18 : 1 {};
164  /**
165  offset 48 bit 19 */
166  bool unusedBit_13_19 : 1 {};
167  /**
168  offset 48 bit 20 */
169  bool unusedBit_13_20 : 1 {};
170  /**
171  offset 48 bit 21 */
172  bool unusedBit_13_21 : 1 {};
173  /**
174  offset 48 bit 22 */
175  bool unusedBit_13_22 : 1 {};
176  /**
177  offset 48 bit 23 */
178  bool unusedBit_13_23 : 1 {};
179  /**
180  offset 48 bit 24 */
181  bool unusedBit_13_24 : 1 {};
182  /**
183  offset 48 bit 25 */
184  bool unusedBit_13_25 : 1 {};
185  /**
186  offset 48 bit 26 */
187  bool unusedBit_13_26 : 1 {};
188  /**
189  offset 48 bit 27 */
190  bool unusedBit_13_27 : 1 {};
191  /**
192  offset 48 bit 28 */
193  bool unusedBit_13_28 : 1 {};
194  /**
195  offset 48 bit 29 */
196  bool unusedBit_13_29 : 1 {};
197  /**
198  offset 48 bit 30 */
199  bool unusedBit_13_30 : 1 {};
200  /**
201  offset 48 bit 31 */
202  bool unusedBit_13_31 : 1 {};
203 };
204 static_assert(sizeof(fuel_computer_s) == 52);
206 // end
207 // this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool config_definition_base-all.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/algo/fuel/fuel_computer.txt Sat Feb 17 23:38:05 UTC 2024
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 1000, 1 > targetAFR
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 1000, 1 > stoichiometricRatio
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 10000, 1 > targetLambda
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 100, 1 > afrTableYAxis
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 100, 1 > baseFuel
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 100, 1 > fuel