The most advanced open source ECU
Data Fields
output_channels_s Struct Reference

#include <output_channels_generated.h>

Inheritance diagram for output_channels_s:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for output_channels_s:
Collaboration graph

Data Fields

bool sd_present: 1 {}
bool sd_logging_internal: 1 {}
bool triggerScopeReady: 1 {}
bool antilagTriggered: 1 {}
bool isFanOn: 1 {}
bool isO2HeaterOn: 1 {}
bool checkEngine: 1 {}
bool needBurn: 1 {}
bool sd_msd: 1 {}
bool isFan2On: 1 {}
bool toothLogReady: 1 {}
bool isTpsError: 1 {}
bool isCltError: 1 {}
bool isMapError: 1 {}
bool isIatError: 1 {}
bool isTriggerError: 1 {}
bool hasCriticalError: 1 {}
bool isWarnNow: 1 {}
bool isPedalError: 1 {}
bool isKnockChipOk: 1 {}
bool launchTriggered: 1 {}
bool isTps2Error: 1 {}
bool injectorFault: 1 {}
bool ignitionFault: 1 {}
bool isMainRelayOn: 1 {}
bool isUsbConnected: 1 {}
bool dfcoActive: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_27_27: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_27_28: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_27_29: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_27_30: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_27_31: 1 {}
uint16_t RPMValue = (uint16_t)0
int16_t rpmAcceleration = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 100, 1 > speedToRpmRatio = (uint16_t)0
uint8_t unusedVehicleSpeedKph = (uint8_t)0
int8_t internalMcuTemperature = (int8_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 100, 1 > coolant = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 100, 1 > intake = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 100, 1 > auxTemp1 = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 100, 1 > auxTemp2 = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 100, 1 > TPSValue = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 100, 1 > throttlePedalPosition = (int16_t)0
uint16_t tpsADC = (uint16_t)0
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 1000, 1 > rawMaf = (uint16_t)0
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 10, 1 > mafMeasured = (uint16_t)0
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 30, 1 > MAPValue = (uint16_t)0
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 30, 1 > baroPressure = (uint16_t)0
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 10000, 1 > lambdaValue = (uint16_t)0
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 1000, 1 > VBatt = (uint16_t)0
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 30, 1 > oilPressure = (uint16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 50, 1 > vvtPositionB1I = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 300, 1 > actualLastInjection = (uint16_t)0
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 2, 1 > injectorDutyCycle = (uint8_t)0
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_45 [1]
int16_t injectionOffset = (int16_t)0
uint16_t engineMakeCodeNameCrc16 = (uint16_t)0
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 100, 1 > wallFuelAmount = (uint16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 100, 1 > wallFuelCorrectionValue = (int16_t)0
uint16_t revolutionCounterSinceStart = (uint16_t)0
uint16_t canReadCounter = (uint16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 300, 1 > tpsAccelFuel = (int16_t)0
uint8_t currentIgnitionMode = (uint8_t)0
uint8_t currentInjectionMode = (uint8_t)0
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 100, 1 > coilDutyCycle = (uint16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 100, 1 > etbTarget = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 100, 1 > etb1DutyCycle = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 100, 1 > fuelTankLevel = (int16_t)0
uint16_t totalFuelConsumption = (uint16_t)0
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 200, 1 > fuelFlowRate = (uint16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 100, 1 > TPS2Value = (int16_t)0
uint16_t tuneCrc16 = (uint16_t)0
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 10, 1 > veValue = (uint16_t)0
uint32_t seconds = (uint32_t)0
uint32_t engineMode = (uint32_t)0
uint32_t firmwareVersion = (uint32_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 1000, 1 > rawIdlePositionSensor = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 1000, 1 > rawWastegatePosition = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 1000, 1 > accelerationLat = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 1000, 1 > accelerationLon = (int16_t)0
uint8_t detectedGear = (uint8_t)0
uint8_t maxTriggerReentrant = (uint8_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 1000, 1 > rawLowFuelPressure = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 1000, 1 > rawHighFuelPressure = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 30, 1 > lowFuelPressure = (int16_t)0
int8_t tcuDesiredGear = (int8_t)0
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 2, 1 > flexPercent = (uint8_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 100, 1 > wastegatePositionSensor = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 10, 1 > highFuelPressure = (int16_t)0
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_114 [2]
float calibrationValue = (float)0
uint8_t calibrationMode = (uint8_t)0
uint8_t idleStepperTargetPosition = (uint8_t)0
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_122 [2]
uint32_t tsConfigVersion = (uint32_t)0
uint32_t totalTriggerErrorCounter = (uint32_t)0
uint32_t orderingErrorCounter = (uint32_t)0
uint16_t warningCounter = (uint16_t)0
uint16_t lastErrorCode = (uint16_t)0
uint16_t recentErrorCode [8]
float debugFloatField1 = (float)0
float debugFloatField2 = (float)0
float debugFloatField3 = (float)0
float debugFloatField4 = (float)0
float debugFloatField5 = (float)0
float debugFloatField6 = (float)0
float debugFloatField7 = (float)0
uint32_t debugIntField1 = (uint32_t)0
uint32_t debugIntField2 = (uint32_t)0
uint32_t debugIntField3 = (uint32_t)0
int16_t debugIntField4 = (int16_t)0
int16_t debugIntField5 = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 4, 1 > egt [EGT_CHANNEL_COUNT]
scaled_channel< int16_t, 1000, 1 > rawTps1Primary = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 1000, 1 > rawClt = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 1000, 1 > rawIat = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 1000, 1 > rawOilPressure = (int16_t)0
uint8_t fuelClosedLoopBinIdx = (uint8_t)0
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_225 [3]
float rawPpsPrimary = (float)0
float rawPpsSecondary = (float)0
float rawRawPpsPrimary = (float)0
float rawRawPpsSecondary = (float)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 100, 1 > idlePositionSensor = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 1000, 1 > AFRValue = (uint16_t)0
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 300, 1 > VssAcceleration = (uint16_t)0
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 10000, 1 > lambdaValue2 = (uint16_t)0
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 1000, 1 > AFRValue2 = (uint16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 50, 1 > vvtPositionB1E = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 50, 1 > vvtPositionB2I = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 50, 1 > vvtPositionB2E = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 100, 1 > fuelPidCorrection [2]
scaled_channel< int16_t, 1000, 1 > rawTps1Secondary = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 1000, 1 > rawTps2Primary = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 1000, 1 > rawTps2Secondary = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 1000, 1 > accelerationVert = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 1000, 1 > gyroYaw = (int16_t)0
int8_t vvtTargets [4]
uint16_t turboSpeed = (uint16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 50, 1 > ignitionAdvanceCyl [MAX_CYLINDER_COUNT]
scaled_channel< int16_t, 100, 1 > tps1Split = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 100, 1 > tps2Split = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 100, 1 > tps12Split = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 100, 1 > accPedalSplit = (int16_t)0
int8_t sparkCutReason = (int8_t)0
int8_t fuelCutReason = (int8_t)0
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 10, 1 > mafEstimate = (uint16_t)0
uint16_t instantRpm = (uint16_t)0
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 1000, 1 > rawMap = (uint16_t)0
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 1000, 1 > rawAfr = (uint16_t)0
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_322 [2]
float calibrationValue2 = (float)0
uint32_t luaInvocationCounter = (uint32_t)0
uint32_t luaLastCycleDuration = (uint32_t)0
uint32_t vssEdgeCounter = (uint32_t)0
uint32_t issEdgeCounter = (uint32_t)0
float auxLinear1 = (float)0
float auxLinear2 = (float)0
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 10, 1 > fallbackMap = (uint16_t)0
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 30, 1 > instantMAPValue = (uint16_t)0
uint16_t maxLockedDuration = (uint16_t)0
uint16_t canWriteOk = (uint16_t)0
uint16_t canWriteNotOk = (uint16_t)0
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_362 [2]
uint32_t triggerPrimaryFall = (uint32_t)0
uint32_t triggerPrimaryRise = (uint32_t)0
uint32_t triggerSecondaryFall = (uint32_t)0
uint32_t triggerSecondaryRise = (uint32_t)0
uint16_t triggerVvtFall = (uint16_t)0
uint16_t triggerVvtRise = (uint16_t)0
uint16_t triggerVvt2Fall = (uint16_t)0
uint16_t triggerVvt2Rise = (uint16_t)0
uint8_t starterState = (uint8_t)0
uint8_t starterRelayDisable = (uint8_t)0
uint8_t multiSparkCounter = (uint8_t)0
uint8_t extiOverflowCount = (uint8_t)0
pid_status_s alternatorStatus
pid_status_s idleStatus
pid_status_s etbStatus
pid_status_s boostStatus
pid_status_s wastegateDcStatus
pid_status_s vvtStatus [CAM_INPUTS_COUNT]
uint16_t auxSpeed1 = (uint16_t)0
uint16_t auxSpeed2 = (uint16_t)0
uint16_t ISSValue = (uint16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 1000, 1 > rawAnalogInput [LUA_ANALOG_INPUT_COUNT]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 2, 1 > gppwmOutput [4]
scaled_channel< int16_t, 1, 1 > gppwmXAxis [4]
scaled_channel< int16_t, 10, 1 > gppwmYAxis [4]
scaled_channel< int16_t, 1000, 1 > rawBattery = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 10, 1 > ignBlendParameter [IGN_BLEND_COUNT]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 2, 1 > ignBlendBias [IGN_BLEND_COUNT]
scaled_channel< int16_t, 100, 1 > ignBlendOutput [IGN_BLEND_COUNT]
scaled_channel< int16_t, 10, 1 > veBlendParameter [VE_BLEND_COUNT]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 2, 1 > veBlendBias [VE_BLEND_COUNT]
scaled_channel< int16_t, 100, 1 > veBlendOutput [VE_BLEND_COUNT]
scaled_channel< int16_t, 10, 1 > boostOpenLoopBlendParameter [BOOST_BLEND_COUNT]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 2, 1 > boostOpenLoopBlendBias [BOOST_BLEND_COUNT]
scaled_channel< int8_t, 1, 1 > boostOpenLoopBlendOutput [BOOST_BLEND_COUNT]
scaled_channel< int16_t, 10, 1 > boostClosedLoopBlendParameter [BOOST_BLEND_COUNT]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 2, 1 > boostClosedLoopBlendBias [BOOST_BLEND_COUNT]
scaled_channel< int16_t, 10, 1 > boostClosedLoopBlendOutput [BOOST_BLEND_COUNT]
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_638 [2]
bool coilState1: 1 {}
bool coilState2: 1 {}
bool coilState3: 1 {}
bool coilState4: 1 {}
bool coilState5: 1 {}
bool coilState6: 1 {}
bool coilState7: 1 {}
bool coilState8: 1 {}
bool coilState9: 1 {}
bool coilState10: 1 {}
bool coilState11: 1 {}
bool coilState12: 1 {}
bool injectorState1: 1 {}
bool injectorState2: 1 {}
bool injectorState3: 1 {}
bool injectorState4: 1 {}
bool injectorState5: 1 {}
bool injectorState6: 1 {}
bool injectorState7: 1 {}
bool injectorState8: 1 {}
bool injectorState9: 1 {}
bool injectorState10: 1 {}
bool injectorState11: 1 {}
bool injectorState12: 1 {}
bool triggerChannel1: 1 {}
bool triggerChannel2: 1 {}
bool vvtChannel1: 1 {}
bool vvtChannel2: 1 {}
bool vvtChannel3: 1 {}
bool vvtChannel4: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_233_30: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_233_31: 1 {}
uint32_t outputRequestPeriod = (uint32_t)0
float mapFast = (float)0
float luaGauges [LUA_GAUGE_COUNT]
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 1000, 1 > rawMaf2 = (uint16_t)0
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 10, 1 > mafMeasured2 = (uint16_t)0
uint16_t schedulingUsedCount = (uint16_t)0
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 100, 1 > vehicleSpeedKph = (uint16_t)0
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 100, 1 > Gego = (uint16_t)0
uint16_t testBenchIter = (uint16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 100, 1 > oilTemp = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 100, 1 > fuelTemp = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 100, 1 > ambientTemp = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< int16_t, 100, 1 > compressorDischargeTemp = (int16_t)0
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 30, 1 > compressorDischargePressure = (uint16_t)0
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 30, 1 > throttleInletPressure = (uint16_t)0
uint16_t ignitionOnTime = (uint16_t)0
uint16_t engineRunTime = (uint16_t)0
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 10, 1 > distanceTraveled = (uint16_t)0
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 1000, 1 > afrGasolineScale = (uint16_t)0
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 1000, 1 > afr2GasolineScale = (uint16_t)0
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_718 [2]
float wheelSlipRatio = (float)0
uint8_t ignitorDiagnostic [MAX_CYLINDER_COUNT]
uint8_t injectorDiagnostic [MAX_CYLINDER_COUNT]
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 300, 1 > actualLastInjectionStage2 = (uint16_t)0
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 2, 1 > injectorDutyCycleStage2 = (uint8_t)0
uint8_t adc13bitCounter = (uint8_t)0
uint8_t fastAdcErrorsCount = (uint8_t)0
uint8_t deviceUid = (uint8_t)0
uint16_t unexpectedAdcSample = (uint16_t)0
uint8_t unusedAtTheEnd [76]

Detailed Description

Definition at line 36 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Field Documentation

◆ accelerationLat

scaled_channel<int16_t, 1000, 1> output_channels_s::accelerationLat = (int16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_ACCEL_LAT@ units: G offset 96

Definition at line 422 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ accelerationLon

scaled_channel<int16_t, 1000, 1> output_channels_s::accelerationLon = (int16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_ACCEL_LON@ units: G offset 98

Definition at line 428 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ accelerationVert

scaled_channel<int16_t, 1000, 1> output_channels_s::accelerationVert = (int16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_ACCEL_VERT@ units: G offset 270

Definition at line 724 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ accPedalSplit

scaled_channel<int16_t, 100, 1> output_channels_s::accPedalSplit = (int16_t)0

units: % offset 310

Definition at line 767 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateThrottles().

◆ actualLastInjection

scaled_channel<uint16_t, 300, 1> output_channels_s::actualLastInjection = (uint16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_LAST_INJECTION@ Actual last injection time - including all compensation and injection mode units: ms offset 42

Definition at line 273 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), InjectionEvent::onTriggerTooth(), and populateFrame().

◆ actualLastInjectionStage2

scaled_channel<uint16_t, 300, 1> output_channels_s::actualLastInjectionStage2 = (uint16_t)0


Definition at line 1276 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and InjectionEvent::onTriggerTooth().

◆ adc13bitCounter

uint8_t output_channels_s::adc13bitCounter = (uint8_t)0

offset 751

Definition at line 1286 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getAvgAdcValue(), and getOutputValueByName().

◆ afr2GasolineScale

scaled_channel<uint16_t, 1000, 1> output_channels_s::afr2GasolineScale = (uint16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_AFR2_GAS_SCALE@ units: AFR offset 716

Definition at line 1252 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateLambda().

◆ afrGasolineScale

scaled_channel<uint16_t, 1000, 1> output_channels_s::afrGasolineScale = (uint16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_AFR_GAS_SCALE@ units: AFR offset 714

Definition at line 1246 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateLambda().

◆ AFRValue

scaled_channel<uint16_t, 1000, 1> output_channels_s::AFRValue = (uint16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_AFR@ units: AFR offset 246

Definition at line 662 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateLambda().

◆ AFRValue2

scaled_channel<uint16_t, 1000, 1> output_channels_s::AFRValue2 = (uint16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_AFR2@ units: AFR offset 252

Definition at line 679 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateLambda().

◆ alignmentFill_at_114

uint8_t output_channels_s::alignmentFill_at_114[2]

need 4 byte alignment units: units offset 114

Definition at line 483 of file output_channels_generated.h.

◆ alignmentFill_at_122

uint8_t output_channels_s::alignmentFill_at_122[2]

need 4 byte alignment units: units offset 122

Definition at line 502 of file output_channels_generated.h.

◆ alignmentFill_at_225

uint8_t output_channels_s::alignmentFill_at_225[3]

need 4 byte alignment units: units offset 225

Definition at line 630 of file output_channels_generated.h.

◆ alignmentFill_at_322

uint8_t output_channels_s::alignmentFill_at_322[2]

need 4 byte alignment units: units offset 322

Definition at line 807 of file output_channels_generated.h.

◆ alignmentFill_at_362

uint8_t output_channels_s::alignmentFill_at_362[2]

need 4 byte alignment units: units offset 362

Definition at line 873 of file output_channels_generated.h.

◆ alignmentFill_at_45

uint8_t output_channels_s::alignmentFill_at_45[1]

need 4 byte alignment units: units offset 45

Definition at line 285 of file output_channels_generated.h.

◆ alignmentFill_at_638

uint8_t output_channels_s::alignmentFill_at_638[2]

need 4 byte alignment units: units offset 638

Definition at line 1050 of file output_channels_generated.h.

◆ alignmentFill_at_718

uint8_t output_channels_s::alignmentFill_at_718[2]

need 4 byte alignment units: units offset 718

Definition at line 1258 of file output_channels_generated.h.

◆ alternatorStatus

pid_status_s output_channels_s::alternatorStatus

offset 392

Definition at line 926 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by AlternatorController::getClosedLoop(), and getOutputValueByName().

◆ ambientTemp

scaled_channel<int16_t, 100, 1> output_channels_s::ambientTemp = (int16_t)0

units: deg C offset 700

Definition at line 1210 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTempSensors().

◆ antilagTriggered

bool output_channels_s::antilagTriggered

offset 0 bit 3

Definition at line 50 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName().

◆ auxLinear1

float output_channels_s::auxLinear1 = (float)0

@GAUGE_NAME_AUX_LINEAR_1@ offset 344

Definition at line 836 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updatePressures().

◆ auxLinear2

float output_channels_s::auxLinear2 = (float)0

@GAUGE_NAME_AUX_LINEAR_2@ offset 348

Definition at line 841 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updatePressures().

◆ auxSpeed1

uint16_t output_channels_s::auxSpeed1 = (uint16_t)0

Aux speed 1 units: s offset 536

Definition at line 952 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateMiscSensors().

◆ auxSpeed2

uint16_t output_channels_s::auxSpeed2 = (uint16_t)0

Aux speed 2 units: s offset 538

Definition at line 958 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateMiscSensors().

◆ auxTemp1

scaled_channel<int16_t, 100, 1> output_channels_s::auxTemp1 = (int16_t)0

units: deg C offset 16

Definition at line 199 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTempSensors().

◆ auxTemp2

scaled_channel<int16_t, 100, 1> output_channels_s::auxTemp2 = (int16_t)0

units: deg C offset 18

Definition at line 204 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTempSensors().

◆ baroPressure

scaled_channel<uint16_t, 30, 1> output_channels_s::baroPressure = (uint16_t)0

units: kPa offset 32

Definition at line 243 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updatePressures().

◆ boostClosedLoopBlendBias

scaled_channel<uint8_t, 2, 1> output_channels_s::boostClosedLoopBlendBias[BOOST_BLEND_COUNT]

units: % offset 632

Definition at line 1039 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by BoostController::getSetpoint().

◆ boostClosedLoopBlendOutput

scaled_channel<int16_t, 10, 1> output_channels_s::boostClosedLoopBlendOutput[BOOST_BLEND_COUNT]

units: % offset 634

Definition at line 1044 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by BoostController::getSetpoint().

◆ boostClosedLoopBlendParameter

scaled_channel<int16_t, 10, 1> output_channels_s::boostClosedLoopBlendParameter[BOOST_BLEND_COUNT]

offset 628

Definition at line 1034 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by BoostController::getSetpoint().

◆ boostOpenLoopBlendBias

scaled_channel<uint8_t, 2, 1> output_channels_s::boostOpenLoopBlendBias[BOOST_BLEND_COUNT]

units: % offset 624

Definition at line 1025 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by BoostController::getOpenLoop().

◆ boostOpenLoopBlendOutput

scaled_channel<int8_t, 1, 1> output_channels_s::boostOpenLoopBlendOutput[BOOST_BLEND_COUNT]

units: % offset 626

Definition at line 1030 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by BoostController::getOpenLoop().

◆ boostOpenLoopBlendParameter

scaled_channel<int16_t, 10, 1> output_channels_s::boostOpenLoopBlendParameter[BOOST_BLEND_COUNT]

offset 620

Definition at line 1020 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by BoostController::getOpenLoop().

◆ boostStatus

pid_status_s output_channels_s::boostStatus

offset 440

Definition at line 938 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by BoostController::getClosedLoop(), and getOutputValueByName().

◆ calibrationMode

uint8_t output_channels_s::calibrationMode = (uint8_t)0

◆ calibrationValue

float output_channels_s::calibrationValue = (float)0

◆ calibrationValue2

float output_channels_s::calibrationValue2 = (float)0

offset 324

Definition at line 811 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), grabPedalIsUp(), and grabPedalIsWideOpen().

◆ canReadCounter

uint16_t output_channels_s::canReadCounter = (uint16_t)0


Definition at line 318 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by canInfo(), getOutputValueByName(), and postCanState().

◆ canWriteNotOk

uint16_t output_channels_s::canWriteNotOk = (uint16_t)0


Definition at line 867 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by canInfo(), getOutputValueByName(), postCanState(), and CanTxMessage::~CanTxMessage().

◆ canWriteOk

uint16_t output_channels_s::canWriteOk = (uint16_t)0


Definition at line 862 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by canInfo(), getOutputValueByName(), postCanState(), and CanTxMessage::~CanTxMessage().

◆ checkEngine

bool output_channels_s::checkEngine

offset 0 bit 6

Definition at line 60 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ coilDutyCycle

scaled_channel<uint16_t, 100, 1> output_channels_s::coilDutyCycle = (uint16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_DWELL_DUTY@ units: % offset 62

Definition at line 340 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateIgnition().

◆ coilState1

bool output_channels_s::coilState1

offset 640 bit 0

Definition at line 1053 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), IgnitionOutputPin::setHigh(), and IgnitionOutputPin::setLow().

◆ coilState10

bool output_channels_s::coilState10

offset 640 bit 9

Definition at line 1080 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName().

◆ coilState11

bool output_channels_s::coilState11

offset 640 bit 10

Definition at line 1083 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName().

◆ coilState12

bool output_channels_s::coilState12

offset 640 bit 11

Definition at line 1086 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName().

◆ coilState2

bool output_channels_s::coilState2

offset 640 bit 1

Definition at line 1056 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), IgnitionOutputPin::setHigh(), and IgnitionOutputPin::setLow().

◆ coilState3

bool output_channels_s::coilState3

offset 640 bit 2

Definition at line 1059 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), IgnitionOutputPin::setHigh(), and IgnitionOutputPin::setLow().

◆ coilState4

bool output_channels_s::coilState4

offset 640 bit 3

Definition at line 1062 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), IgnitionOutputPin::setHigh(), and IgnitionOutputPin::setLow().

◆ coilState5

bool output_channels_s::coilState5

offset 640 bit 4

Definition at line 1065 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), IgnitionOutputPin::setHigh(), and IgnitionOutputPin::setLow().

◆ coilState6

bool output_channels_s::coilState6

offset 640 bit 5

Definition at line 1068 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), IgnitionOutputPin::setHigh(), and IgnitionOutputPin::setLow().

◆ coilState7

bool output_channels_s::coilState7

offset 640 bit 6

Definition at line 1071 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName().

◆ coilState8

bool output_channels_s::coilState8

offset 640 bit 7

Definition at line 1074 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName().

◆ coilState9

bool output_channels_s::coilState9

offset 640 bit 8

Definition at line 1077 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName().

◆ compressorDischargePressure

scaled_channel<uint16_t, 30, 1> output_channels_s::compressorDischargePressure = (uint16_t)0

units: kPa offset 704

Definition at line 1220 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName().

◆ compressorDischargeTemp

scaled_channel<int16_t, 100, 1> output_channels_s::compressorDischargeTemp = (int16_t)0

units: deg C offset 702

Definition at line 1215 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTempSensors().

◆ coolant

scaled_channel<int16_t, 100, 1> output_channels_s::coolant = (int16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_CLT@ units: deg C offset 12

Definition at line 188 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTempSensors().

◆ currentIgnitionMode

uint8_t output_channels_s::currentIgnitionMode = (uint8_t)0


Definition at line 329 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and prepareCylinderIgnitionSchedule().

◆ currentInjectionMode

uint8_t output_channels_s::currentInjectionMode = (uint8_t)0


Definition at line 334 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and InjectionEvent::update().

◆ debugFloatField1

float output_channels_s::debugFloatField1 = (float)0

◆ debugFloatField2

float output_channels_s::debugFloatField2 = (float)0

◆ debugFloatField3

float output_channels_s::debugFloatField3 = (float)0

◆ debugFloatField4

float output_channels_s::debugFloatField4 = (float)0

◆ debugFloatField5

float output_channels_s::debugFloatField5 = (float)0

◆ debugFloatField6

float output_channels_s::debugFloatField6 = (float)0

◆ debugFloatField7

float output_channels_s::debugFloatField7 = (float)0

◆ debugIntField1

uint32_t output_channels_s::debugIntField1 = (uint32_t)0

◆ debugIntField2

uint32_t output_channels_s::debugIntField2 = (uint32_t)0

◆ debugIntField3

uint32_t output_channels_s::debugIntField3 = (uint32_t)0

◆ debugIntField4

int16_t output_channels_s::debugIntField4 = (int16_t)0

◆ debugIntField5

int16_t output_channels_s::debugIntField5 = (int16_t)0

◆ detectedGear

uint8_t output_channels_s::detectedGear = (uint8_t)0


Definition at line 433 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateVehicleSpeed().

◆ deviceUid

uint8_t output_channels_s::deviceUid = (uint8_t)0

offset 753

Definition at line 1294 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and printUid().

◆ dfcoActive

bool output_channels_s::dfcoActive

offset 0 bit 26

Definition at line 137 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateFlags().

◆ distanceTraveled

scaled_channel<uint16_t, 10, 1> output_channels_s::distanceTraveled = (uint16_t)0

units: km offset 712

Definition at line 1240 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateFuelResults().

◆ egt

scaled_channel<int16_t, 4, 1> output_channels_s::egt[EGT_CHANNEL_COUNT]

EGT units: deg C offset 200

Definition at line 600 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by updateEgtSensors().

◆ engineMakeCodeNameCrc16

uint16_t output_channels_s::engineMakeCodeNameCrc16 = (uint16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_ENGINE_CRC16@ units: crc16 offset 48

Definition at line 297 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and Engine::preCalculate().

◆ engineMode

uint32_t output_channels_s::engineMode = (uint32_t)0

Engine Mode units: em offset 84

Definition at line 400 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ engineRunTime

uint16_t output_channels_s::engineRunTime = (uint16_t)0

units: sec offset 710

Definition at line 1235 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateFuelResults().

◆ etb1DutyCycle

scaled_channel<int16_t, 100, 1> output_channels_s::etb1DutyCycle = (int16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_ETB_DUTY@ units: % offset 66

Definition at line 352 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), initElectronicThrottle(), and EtbController::setOutput().

◆ etbStatus

pid_status_s output_channels_s::etbStatus

offset 424

Definition at line 934 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by EtbController::checkStatus(), and getOutputValueByName().

◆ etbTarget

scaled_channel<int16_t, 100, 1> output_channels_s::etbTarget = (int16_t)0

ETB Target units: % offset 64

Definition at line 346 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), EtbController::getSetpointEtb(), and EtbController::getSetpointIdleValve().

◆ extiOverflowCount

uint8_t output_channels_s::extiOverflowCount = (uint8_t)0

offset 391

Definition at line 922 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ fallbackMap

scaled_channel<uint16_t, 10, 1> output_channels_s::fallbackMap = (uint16_t)0

units: kPa offset 352

Definition at line 846 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by SpeedDensityAirmass::getMap(), and getOutputValueByName().

◆ fastAdcErrorsCount

uint8_t output_channels_s::fastAdcErrorsCount = (uint8_t)0

offset 752

Definition at line 1290 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by fast_adc_callback(), and getOutputValueByName().

◆ firmwareVersion

uint32_t output_channels_s::firmwareVersion = (uint32_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_VERSION@ units: version_f offset 88

Definition at line 406 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ flexPercent

scaled_channel<uint8_t, 2, 1> output_channels_s::flexPercent = (uint8_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_FLEX@ units: % offset 109

Definition at line 465 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateFuelSensors().

◆ fuelClosedLoopBinIdx

uint8_t output_channels_s::fuelClosedLoopBinIdx = (uint8_t)0

offset 224

Definition at line 624 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by fuelClosedLoopCorrection(), and getOutputValueByName().

◆ fuelCutReason

int8_t output_channels_s::fuelCutReason = (int8_t)0

Fuel: Cut Code units: code offset 313

Definition at line 779 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and handleFuel().

◆ fuelFlowRate

scaled_channel<uint16_t, 200, 1> output_channels_s::fuelFlowRate = (uint16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_FLOW@ units: gram/s offset 72

Definition at line 370 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateFuelResults().

◆ fuelPidCorrection

scaled_channel<int16_t, 100, 1> output_channels_s::fuelPidCorrection[2]

Fuel: Trim bank units: % offset 260

Definition at line 703 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by updateFuelCorrections().

◆ fuelTankLevel

scaled_channel<int16_t, 100, 1> output_channels_s::fuelTankLevel = (int16_t)0

Fuel level units: % offset 68

Definition at line 358 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateFuelSensors().

◆ fuelTemp

scaled_channel<int16_t, 100, 1> output_channels_s::fuelTemp = (int16_t)0

units: deg C offset 698

Definition at line 1205 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTempSensors().

◆ Gego

scaled_channel<uint16_t, 100, 1> output_channels_s::Gego = (uint16_t)0

units: % offset 692

Definition at line 1190 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateFuelCorrections().

◆ gppwmOutput

scaled_channel<uint8_t, 2, 1> output_channels_s::gppwmOutput[4]

GPPWM Output units: % offset 558

Definition at line 975 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by readGppwmChannel(), and updateGppwm().

◆ gppwmXAxis

scaled_channel<int16_t, 1, 1> output_channels_s::gppwmXAxis[4]

offset 562

Definition at line 979 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by updateGppwm().

◆ gppwmYAxis

scaled_channel<int16_t, 10, 1> output_channels_s::gppwmYAxis[4]

offset 570

Definition at line 983 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by updateGppwm().

◆ gyroYaw

scaled_channel<int16_t, 1000, 1> output_channels_s::gyroYaw = (int16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_GYRO_YAW@ units: deg/sec offset 272

Definition at line 730 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ hasCriticalError

bool output_channels_s::hasCriticalError

Error: Active offset 0 bit 16

Definition at line 99 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ highFuelPressure

scaled_channel<int16_t, 10, 1> output_channels_s::highFuelPressure = (int16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_PRESSURE_HIGH@ units: bar offset 112

Definition at line 477 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateFuelSensors().

◆ idlePositionSensor

scaled_channel<int16_t, 100, 1> output_channels_s::idlePositionSensor = (int16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_IDLE_POSITION@ units: % offset 244

Definition at line 656 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateMiscSensors().

◆ idleStatus

pid_status_s output_channels_s::idleStatus

offset 408

Definition at line 930 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by IdleController::getIdlePosition(), and getOutputValueByName().

◆ idleStepperTargetPosition

uint8_t output_channels_s::idleStepperTargetPosition = (uint8_t)0

Idle: Stepper target position offset 121

Definition at line 496 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by IdleController::getIdlePosition(), and getOutputValueByName().

◆ ignBlendBias

scaled_channel<uint8_t, 2, 1> output_channels_s::ignBlendBias[IGN_BLEND_COUNT]

units: % offset 588

Definition at line 997 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getRunningAdvance().

◆ ignBlendOutput

scaled_channel<int16_t, 100, 1> output_channels_s::ignBlendOutput[IGN_BLEND_COUNT]

units: deg offset 592

Definition at line 1002 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getRunningAdvance().

◆ ignBlendParameter

scaled_channel<int16_t, 10, 1> output_channels_s::ignBlendParameter[IGN_BLEND_COUNT]

offset 580

Definition at line 992 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getRunningAdvance().

◆ ignitionAdvanceCyl

scaled_channel<int16_t, 50, 1> output_channels_s::ignitionAdvanceCyl[MAX_CYLINDER_COUNT]

Ign: Timing Cyl units: deg offset 280

Definition at line 747 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by prepareCylinderIgnitionSchedule().

◆ ignitionFault

bool output_channels_s::ignitionFault

Ignition Fault offset 0 bit 23

Definition at line 126 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName().

◆ ignitionOnTime

uint16_t output_channels_s::ignitionOnTime = (uint16_t)0

units: sec offset 708

Definition at line 1230 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateFuelResults().

◆ ignitorDiagnostic

uint8_t output_channels_s::ignitorDiagnostic[MAX_CYLINDER_COUNT]

offset 724

Definition at line 1266 of file output_channels_generated.h.

◆ injectionOffset

int16_t output_channels_s::injectionOffset = (int16_t)0


Definition at line 291 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by InjectionEvent::computeInjectionAngle(), and getOutputValueByName().

◆ injectorDiagnostic

uint8_t output_channels_s::injectorDiagnostic[MAX_CYLINDER_COUNT]

offset 736

Definition at line 1270 of file output_channels_generated.h.

◆ injectorDutyCycle

scaled_channel<uint8_t, 2, 1> output_channels_s::injectorDutyCycle = (uint8_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_INJ_DUTY@ units: % offset 44

Definition at line 279 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ injectorDutyCycleStage2

scaled_channel<uint8_t, 2, 1> output_channels_s::injectorDutyCycleStage2 = (uint8_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_INJ_DUTY_STAGE_2@ units: % offset 750

Definition at line 1282 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ injectorFault

bool output_channels_s::injectorFault

Injector Fault offset 0 bit 22

Definition at line 122 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName().

◆ injectorState1

bool output_channels_s::injectorState1

offset 640 bit 12

Definition at line 1089 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName().

◆ injectorState10

bool output_channels_s::injectorState10

offset 640 bit 21

Definition at line 1116 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName().

◆ injectorState11

bool output_channels_s::injectorState11

offset 640 bit 22

Definition at line 1119 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName().

◆ injectorState12

bool output_channels_s::injectorState12

offset 640 bit 23

Definition at line 1122 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName().

◆ injectorState2

bool output_channels_s::injectorState2

offset 640 bit 13

Definition at line 1092 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName().

◆ injectorState3

bool output_channels_s::injectorState3

offset 640 bit 14

Definition at line 1095 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName().

◆ injectorState4

bool output_channels_s::injectorState4

offset 640 bit 15

Definition at line 1098 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName().

◆ injectorState5

bool output_channels_s::injectorState5

offset 640 bit 16

Definition at line 1101 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName().

◆ injectorState6

bool output_channels_s::injectorState6

offset 640 bit 17

Definition at line 1104 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName().

◆ injectorState7

bool output_channels_s::injectorState7

offset 640 bit 18

Definition at line 1107 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName().

◆ injectorState8

bool output_channels_s::injectorState8

offset 640 bit 19

Definition at line 1110 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName().

◆ injectorState9

bool output_channels_s::injectorState9

offset 640 bit 20

Definition at line 1113 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName().

◆ instantMAPValue

scaled_channel<uint16_t, 30, 1> output_channels_s::instantMAPValue = (uint16_t)0

Instant MAP units: kPa offset 354

Definition at line 852 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by TriggerCentral::decodeMapCam(), getOutputValueByName(), and mapAveragingAdcCallback().

◆ instantRpm

uint16_t output_channels_s::instantRpm = (uint16_t)0

sync: instant RPM units: rpm offset 316

Definition at line 791 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ intake

scaled_channel<int16_t, 100, 1> output_channels_s::intake = (int16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_IAT@ units: deg C offset 14

Definition at line 194 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTempSensors().

◆ internalMcuTemperature

int8_t output_channels_s::internalMcuTemperature = (int8_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_CPU_TEMP@ units: deg C offset 11

Definition at line 182 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateMiscSensors().

◆ isCltError

bool output_channels_s::isCltError

Error: CLT offset 0 bit 12

Definition at line 83 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTempSensors().

◆ isFan2On

bool output_channels_s::isFan2On

Radiator Fan 2 offset 0 bit 9

Definition at line 71 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateFlags().

◆ isFanOn

bool output_channels_s::isFanOn

Radiator Fan offset 0 bit 4

Definition at line 54 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateFlags().

◆ isIatError

bool output_channels_s::isIatError

Error: IAT offset 0 bit 14

Definition at line 91 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTempSensors().

◆ isKnockChipOk

bool output_channels_s::isKnockChipOk

offset 0 bit 19

Definition at line 110 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ isMainRelayOn

bool output_channels_s::isMainRelayOn

offset 0 bit 24

Definition at line 129 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateFlags().

◆ isMapError

bool output_channels_s::isMapError

Error: MAP offset 0 bit 13

Definition at line 87 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName().

◆ isO2HeaterOn

bool output_channels_s::isO2HeaterOn

offset 0 bit 5

Definition at line 57 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateFlags().

◆ isPedalError

bool output_channels_s::isPedalError

Error: Pedal offset 0 bit 18

Definition at line 107 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateThrottles().

◆ issEdgeCounter

uint32_t output_channels_s::issEdgeCounter = (uint32_t)0

offset 340

Definition at line 831 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ ISSValue

uint16_t output_channels_s::ISSValue = (uint16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_ISS@ units: RPM offset 540

Definition at line 964 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateMiscSensors().

◆ isTps2Error

bool output_channels_s::isTps2Error

Error: TPS2 offset 0 bit 21

Definition at line 118 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateThrottles().

◆ isTpsError

bool output_channels_s::isTpsError

Error: TPS offset 0 bit 11

Definition at line 79 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateThrottles().

◆ isTriggerError

bool output_channels_s::isTriggerError

Error: Trigger offset 0 bit 15

Definition at line 95 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateFlags().

◆ isUsbConnected

bool output_channels_s::isUsbConnected

isUsbConnected Original reason for this is to check if USB is connected from Lua offset 0 bit 25

Definition at line 134 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ isWarnNow

bool output_channels_s::isWarnNow

Warning: Active offset 0 bit 17

Definition at line 103 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ lambdaValue

scaled_channel<uint16_t, 10000, 1> output_channels_s::lambdaValue = (uint16_t)0


Definition at line 248 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateLambda().

◆ lambdaValue2

scaled_channel<uint16_t, 10000, 1> output_channels_s::lambdaValue2 = (uint16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_LAMBDA2@ offset 250

Definition at line 673 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateLambda().

◆ lastErrorCode

uint16_t output_channels_s::lastErrorCode = (uint16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_WARNING_LAST@ units: error offset 138

Definition at line 528 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateWarningCodes().

◆ launchTriggered

bool output_channels_s::launchTriggered

Launch Control Triggered offset 0 bit 20

Definition at line 114 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateFlags().

◆ lowFuelPressure

scaled_channel<int16_t, 30, 1> output_channels_s::lowFuelPressure = (int16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_PRESSURE_LOW@ units: kpa offset 106

Definition at line 453 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateFuelSensors().

◆ luaGauges

float output_channels_s::luaGauges[LUA_GAUGE_COUNT]

Lua: Gauge units: value offset 652

Definition at line 1164 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by updateRawSensors().

◆ luaInvocationCounter

uint32_t output_channels_s::luaInvocationCounter = (uint32_t)0

Lua: Tick counter units: count offset 328

Definition at line 817 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and runOneLua().

◆ luaLastCycleDuration

uint32_t output_channels_s::luaLastCycleDuration = (uint32_t)0

Lua: Last tick duration units: nt offset 332

Definition at line 823 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), runOneLua(), and startLua().

◆ mafEstimate

scaled_channel<uint16_t, 10, 1> output_channels_s::mafEstimate = (uint16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_AIR_FLOW_ESTIMATE@ units: kg/h offset 314

Definition at line 785 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ mafMeasured

scaled_channel<uint16_t, 10, 1> output_channels_s::mafMeasured = (uint16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_AIR_FLOW_MEASURED@ units: kg/h offset 28

Definition at line 232 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ mafMeasured2

scaled_channel<uint16_t, 10, 1> output_channels_s::mafMeasured2 = (uint16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_AIR_FLOW_MEASURED_2@ units: kg/h offset 686

Definition at line 1175 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ mapFast

float output_channels_s::mapFast = (float)0

offset 648

Definition at line 1158 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ MAPValue

scaled_channel<uint16_t, 30, 1> output_channels_s::MAPValue = (uint16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_MAP@ units: kPa offset 30

Definition at line 238 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updatePressures().

◆ maxLockedDuration

uint16_t output_channels_s::maxLockedDuration = (uint16_t)0

units: us offset 356

Definition at line 857 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ maxTriggerReentrant

uint8_t output_channels_s::maxTriggerReentrant = (uint8_t)0

offset 101

Definition at line 437 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ multiSparkCounter

uint8_t output_channels_s::multiSparkCounter = (uint8_t)0

Ign: Multispark count offset 390

Definition at line 918 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getAdvanceCorrections(), and getOutputValueByName().

◆ needBurn

bool output_channels_s::needBurn

offset 0 bit 7

Definition at line 63 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateFlags().

◆ oilPressure

scaled_channel<uint16_t, 30, 1> output_channels_s::oilPressure = (uint16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_OIL_PRESSURE@ units: kPa offset 38

Definition at line 260 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updatePressures().

◆ oilTemp

scaled_channel<int16_t, 100, 1> output_channels_s::oilTemp = (int16_t)0

units: deg C offset 696

Definition at line 1200 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTempSensors().

◆ orderingErrorCounter

uint32_t output_channels_s::orderingErrorCounter = (uint32_t)0

offset 132

Definition at line 516 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ outputRequestPeriod

uint32_t output_channels_s::outputRequestPeriod = (uint32_t)0

offset 644

Definition at line 1154 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by TunerStudio::cmdOutputChannels(), and getOutputValueByName().

◆ rawAfr

scaled_channel<uint16_t, 1000, 1> output_channels_s::rawAfr = (uint16_t)0

units: V offset 320

Definition at line 801 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateRawSensors().

◆ rawAnalogInput

scaled_channel<int16_t, 1000, 1> output_channels_s::rawAnalogInput[LUA_ANALOG_INPUT_COUNT]

units: V offset 542

Definition at line 969 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by updateRawSensors().

◆ rawBattery

scaled_channel<int16_t, 1000, 1> output_channels_s::rawBattery = (int16_t)0

units: V offset 578

Definition at line 988 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateRawSensors().

◆ rawClt

scaled_channel<int16_t, 1000, 1> output_channels_s::rawClt = (int16_t)0

units: V offset 218

Definition at line 610 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateRawSensors().

◆ rawHighFuelPressure

scaled_channel<int16_t, 1000, 1> output_channels_s::rawHighFuelPressure = (int16_t)0

units: V offset 104

Definition at line 447 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateRawSensors().

◆ rawIat

scaled_channel<int16_t, 1000, 1> output_channels_s::rawIat = (int16_t)0

units: V offset 220

Definition at line 615 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateRawSensors().

◆ rawIdlePositionSensor

scaled_channel<int16_t, 1000, 1> output_channels_s::rawIdlePositionSensor = (int16_t)0

units: V offset 92

Definition at line 411 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateRawSensors().

◆ rawLowFuelPressure

scaled_channel<int16_t, 1000, 1> output_channels_s::rawLowFuelPressure = (int16_t)0

units: V offset 102

Definition at line 442 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateRawSensors().

◆ rawMaf

scaled_channel<uint16_t, 1000, 1> output_channels_s::rawMaf = (uint16_t)0

units: V offset 26

Definition at line 226 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateRawSensors().

◆ rawMaf2

scaled_channel<uint16_t, 1000, 1> output_channels_s::rawMaf2 = (uint16_t)0

units: V offset 684

Definition at line 1169 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateRawSensors().

◆ rawMap

scaled_channel<uint16_t, 1000, 1> output_channels_s::rawMap = (uint16_t)0

units: V offset 318

Definition at line 796 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateRawSensors().

◆ rawOilPressure

scaled_channel<int16_t, 1000, 1> output_channels_s::rawOilPressure = (int16_t)0

units: V offset 222

Definition at line 620 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateRawSensors().

◆ rawPpsPrimary

float output_channels_s::rawPpsPrimary = (float)0

units: V offset 228

Definition at line 635 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateRawSensors().

◆ rawPpsSecondary

float output_channels_s::rawPpsSecondary = (float)0

units: V offset 232

Definition at line 640 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateRawSensors().

◆ rawRawPpsPrimary

float output_channels_s::rawRawPpsPrimary = (float)0

units: V offset 236

Definition at line 645 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName().

◆ rawRawPpsSecondary

float output_channels_s::rawRawPpsSecondary = (float)0

units: V offset 240

Definition at line 650 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName().

◆ rawTps1Primary

scaled_channel<int16_t, 1000, 1> output_channels_s::rawTps1Primary = (int16_t)0

units: V offset 216

Definition at line 605 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateRawSensors().

◆ rawTps1Secondary

scaled_channel<int16_t, 1000, 1> output_channels_s::rawTps1Secondary = (int16_t)0

units: V offset 264

Definition at line 708 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateRawSensors().

◆ rawTps2Primary

scaled_channel<int16_t, 1000, 1> output_channels_s::rawTps2Primary = (int16_t)0

units: V offset 266

Definition at line 713 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateRawSensors().

◆ rawTps2Secondary

scaled_channel<int16_t, 1000, 1> output_channels_s::rawTps2Secondary = (int16_t)0

units: V offset 268

Definition at line 718 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateRawSensors().

◆ rawWastegatePosition

scaled_channel<int16_t, 1000, 1> output_channels_s::rawWastegatePosition = (int16_t)0

units: V offset 94

Definition at line 416 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateRawSensors().

◆ recentErrorCode

uint16_t output_channels_s::recentErrorCode[8]

Warning code units: error offset 140

Definition at line 534 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by updateWarningCodes().

◆ revolutionCounterSinceStart

uint16_t output_channels_s::revolutionCounterSinceStart = (uint16_t)0

offset 54

Definition at line 313 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ rpmAcceleration

int16_t output_channels_s::rpmAcceleration = (int16_t)0

dRPM units: RPM acceleration offset 6

Definition at line 164 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ RPMValue

uint16_t output_channels_s::RPMValue = (uint16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_RPM@ units: RPM offset 4

Definition at line 158 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ schedulingUsedCount

uint16_t output_channels_s::schedulingUsedCount = (uint16_t)0

◆ sd_logging_internal

bool output_channels_s::sd_logging_internal

SD: Logging offset 0 bit 1

Definition at line 44 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and THD_FUNCTION().

◆ sd_msd

bool output_channels_s::sd_msd

SD: MSD offset 0 bit 8

Definition at line 67 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by attachMsdSdCard(), and getOutputValueByName().

◆ sd_present

bool output_channels_s::sd_present

SD: Present offset 0 bit 0

Definition at line 40 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and mountMmc().

◆ seconds

uint32_t output_channels_s::seconds = (uint32_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_UPTIME@ units: sec offset 80

Definition at line 394 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ sparkCutReason

int8_t output_channels_s::sparkCutReason = (int8_t)0

Ign: Cut Code units: code offset 312

Definition at line 773 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and onTriggerEventSparkLogic().

◆ speedToRpmRatio

scaled_channel<uint16_t, 100, 1> output_channels_s::speedToRpmRatio = (uint16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_GEAR_RATIO@ units: value offset 8

Definition at line 170 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateVehicleSpeed().

◆ starterRelayDisable

uint8_t output_channels_s::starterRelayDisable = (uint8_t)0

offset 389

Definition at line 913 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ starterState

uint8_t output_channels_s::starterState = (uint8_t)0

offset 388

Definition at line 909 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ tcuDesiredGear

int8_t output_channels_s::tcuDesiredGear = (int8_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_DESIRED_GEAR@ units: gear offset 108

Definition at line 459 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and GearControllerBase::postState().

◆ testBenchIter

uint16_t output_channels_s::testBenchIter = (uint16_t)0

units: count offset 694

Definition at line 1195 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and runBench().

◆ throttleInletPressure

scaled_channel<uint16_t, 30, 1> output_channels_s::throttleInletPressure = (uint16_t)0

units: kPa offset 706

Definition at line 1225 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName().

◆ throttlePedalPosition

scaled_channel<int16_t, 100, 1> output_channels_s::throttlePedalPosition = (int16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_THROTTLE_PEDAL@ units: % offset 22

Definition at line 216 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateThrottles().

◆ toothLogReady

bool output_channels_s::toothLogReady

Tooth Logger Ready offset 0 bit 10

Definition at line 75 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and setToothLogReady().

◆ totalFuelConsumption

uint16_t output_channels_s::totalFuelConsumption = (uint16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_CONSUMPTION@ units: grams offset 70

Definition at line 364 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateFuelResults().

◆ totalTriggerErrorCounter

uint32_t output_channels_s::totalTriggerErrorCounter = (uint32_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_TRG_ERR@ units: counter offset 128

Definition at line 512 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ tps12Split

scaled_channel<int16_t, 100, 1> output_channels_s::tps12Split = (int16_t)0

units: % offset 308

Definition at line 762 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateThrottles().

◆ tps1Split

scaled_channel<int16_t, 100, 1> output_channels_s::tps1Split = (int16_t)0

units: % offset 304

Definition at line 752 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateThrottles().

◆ tps2Split

scaled_channel<int16_t, 100, 1> output_channels_s::tps2Split = (int16_t)0

units: % offset 306

Definition at line 757 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateThrottles().

◆ TPS2Value

scaled_channel<int16_t, 100, 1> output_channels_s::TPS2Value = (int16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_TPS2@ units: % offset 74

Definition at line 376 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateThrottles().

◆ tpsAccelFuel

scaled_channel<int16_t, 300, 1> output_channels_s::tpsAccelFuel = (int16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_TPS_EXTRA@ units: ms offset 58

Definition at line 324 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ tpsADC

uint16_t output_channels_s::tpsADC = (uint16_t)0

units: ADC offset 24

Definition at line 221 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateThrottles().

◆ TPSValue

scaled_channel<int16_t, 100, 1> output_channels_s::TPSValue = (int16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_TPS@ units: % offset 20

Definition at line 210 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateThrottles().

◆ triggerChannel1

bool output_channels_s::triggerChannel1

offset 640 bit 24

Definition at line 1125 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and handleShaftSignal().

◆ triggerChannel2

bool output_channels_s::triggerChannel2

offset 640 bit 25

Definition at line 1128 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and handleShaftSignal().

◆ triggerPrimaryFall

uint32_t output_channels_s::triggerPrimaryFall = (uint32_t)0

offset 364

Definition at line 877 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ triggerPrimaryRise

uint32_t output_channels_s::triggerPrimaryRise = (uint32_t)0

offset 368

Definition at line 881 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ triggerScopeReady

bool output_channels_s::triggerScopeReady

◆ triggerSecondaryFall

uint32_t output_channels_s::triggerSecondaryFall = (uint32_t)0

offset 372

Definition at line 885 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ triggerSecondaryRise

uint32_t output_channels_s::triggerSecondaryRise = (uint32_t)0

offset 376

Definition at line 889 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ triggerVvt2Fall

uint16_t output_channels_s::triggerVvt2Fall = (uint16_t)0

offset 384

Definition at line 901 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ triggerVvt2Rise

uint16_t output_channels_s::triggerVvt2Rise = (uint16_t)0

offset 386

Definition at line 905 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ triggerVvtFall

uint16_t output_channels_s::triggerVvtFall = (uint16_t)0

offset 380

Definition at line 893 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ triggerVvtRise

uint16_t output_channels_s::triggerVvtRise = (uint16_t)0

offset 382

Definition at line 897 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ tsConfigVersion

uint32_t output_channels_s::tsConfigVersion = (uint32_t)0

offset 124

Definition at line 506 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ tuneCrc16

uint16_t output_channels_s::tuneCrc16 = (uint16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_TUNE_CRC16@ units: crc16 offset 76

Definition at line 382 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and Engine::preCalculate().

◆ turboSpeed

uint16_t output_channels_s::turboSpeed = (uint16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_TURBO_SPEED@ units: hz offset 278

Definition at line 741 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ unexpectedAdcSample

uint16_t output_channels_s::unexpectedAdcSample = (uint16_t)0

offset 754

Definition at line 1298 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getAvgAdcValue(), and getOutputValueByName().

◆ unusedAtTheEnd

uint8_t output_channels_s::unusedAtTheEnd[76]

offset 756

Definition at line 1302 of file output_channels_generated.h.

◆ unusedBit_233_30

bool output_channels_s::unusedBit_233_30

offset 640 bit 30

Definition at line 1147 of file output_channels_generated.h.

◆ unusedBit_233_31

bool output_channels_s::unusedBit_233_31

offset 640 bit 31

Definition at line 1150 of file output_channels_generated.h.

◆ unusedBit_27_27

bool output_channels_s::unusedBit_27_27

offset 0 bit 27

Definition at line 140 of file output_channels_generated.h.

◆ unusedBit_27_28

bool output_channels_s::unusedBit_27_28

offset 0 bit 28

Definition at line 143 of file output_channels_generated.h.

◆ unusedBit_27_29

bool output_channels_s::unusedBit_27_29

offset 0 bit 29

Definition at line 146 of file output_channels_generated.h.

◆ unusedBit_27_30

bool output_channels_s::unusedBit_27_30

offset 0 bit 30

Definition at line 149 of file output_channels_generated.h.

◆ unusedBit_27_31

bool output_channels_s::unusedBit_27_31

offset 0 bit 31

Definition at line 152 of file output_channels_generated.h.

◆ unusedVehicleSpeedKph

uint8_t output_channels_s::unusedVehicleSpeedKph = (uint8_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_VVS@ units: kph offset 10

Definition at line 176 of file output_channels_generated.h.

◆ VBatt

scaled_channel<uint16_t, 1000, 1> output_channels_s::VBatt = (uint16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_VBAT@ units: V offset 36

Definition at line 254 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateMiscSensors().

◆ veBlendBias

scaled_channel<uint8_t, 2, 1> output_channels_s::veBlendBias[VE_BLEND_COUNT]

units: % offset 608

Definition at line 1011 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by AirmassVeModelBase::getVe().

◆ veBlendOutput

scaled_channel<int16_t, 100, 1> output_channels_s::veBlendOutput[VE_BLEND_COUNT]

units: % offset 612

Definition at line 1016 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by AirmassVeModelBase::getVe().

◆ veBlendParameter

scaled_channel<int16_t, 10, 1> output_channels_s::veBlendParameter[VE_BLEND_COUNT]

offset 600

Definition at line 1006 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by AirmassVeModelBase::getVe().

◆ vehicleSpeedKph

scaled_channel<uint16_t, 100, 1> output_channels_s::vehicleSpeedKph = (uint16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_VVS@ units: kph offset 690

Definition at line 1185 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateVehicleSpeed().

◆ veValue

scaled_channel<uint16_t, 10, 1> output_channels_s::veValue = (uint16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_VE@ units: ratio offset 78

Definition at line 388 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateFuelInfo().

◆ VssAcceleration

scaled_channel<uint16_t, 300, 1> output_channels_s::VssAcceleration = (uint16_t)0

Vss Accel units: m/s2 offset 248

Definition at line 668 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ vssEdgeCounter

uint32_t output_channels_s::vssEdgeCounter = (uint32_t)0

offset 336

Definition at line 827 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ vvtChannel1

bool output_channels_s::vvtChannel1

bank 1 intake cam input offset 640 bit 26

Definition at line 1132 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and handleVvtCamSignal().

◆ vvtChannel2

bool output_channels_s::vvtChannel2

bank 1 exhaust cam input offset 640 bit 27

Definition at line 1136 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and handleVvtCamSignal().

◆ vvtChannel3

bool output_channels_s::vvtChannel3

bank 2 intake cam input offset 640 bit 28

Definition at line 1140 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and handleVvtCamSignal().

◆ vvtChannel4

bool output_channels_s::vvtChannel4

bank 2 exhaust cam input offset 640 bit 29

Definition at line 1144 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and handleVvtCamSignal().

◆ vvtPositionB1E

scaled_channel<int16_t, 50, 1> output_channels_s::vvtPositionB1E = (int16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_VVT_B1E@ units: deg offset 254

Definition at line 685 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateVvtSensors().

◆ vvtPositionB1I

scaled_channel<int16_t, 50, 1> output_channels_s::vvtPositionB1I = (int16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_VVT_B1I@ units: deg offset 40

Definition at line 266 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateVvtSensors().

◆ vvtPositionB2E

scaled_channel<int16_t, 50, 1> output_channels_s::vvtPositionB2E = (int16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_VVT_B2E@ units: deg offset 258

Definition at line 697 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateVvtSensors().

◆ vvtPositionB2I

scaled_channel<int16_t, 50, 1> output_channels_s::vvtPositionB2I = (int16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_VVT_B2I@ units: deg offset 256

Definition at line 691 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateVvtSensors().

◆ vvtStatus

pid_status_s output_channels_s::vvtStatus[CAM_INPUTS_COUNT]

offset 472

Definition at line 946 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by VvtController::getClosedLoop().

◆ vvtTargets

int8_t output_channels_s::vvtTargets[4]

units: deg offset 274

Definition at line 735 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by VvtController::getSetpoint(), and populateFrame().

◆ wallFuelAmount

scaled_channel<uint16_t, 100, 1> output_channels_s::wallFuelAmount = (uint16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_FUEL_WALL_AMOUNT@ units: mg offset 50

Definition at line 303 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateFuelInfo().

◆ wallFuelCorrectionValue

scaled_channel<int16_t, 100, 1> output_channels_s::wallFuelCorrectionValue = (int16_t)0


Definition at line 309 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateFuelInfo().

◆ warningCounter

uint16_t output_channels_s::warningCounter = (uint16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_WARNING_COUNTER@ units: count offset 136

Definition at line 522 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateWarningCodes().

◆ wastegateDcStatus

pid_status_s output_channels_s::wastegateDcStatus

offset 456

Definition at line 942 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by EtbController::checkStatus(), and getOutputValueByName().

◆ wastegatePositionSensor

scaled_channel<int16_t, 100, 1> output_channels_s::wastegatePositionSensor = (int16_t)0

@GAUGE_NAME_WG_POSITION@ units: % offset 110

Definition at line 471 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateMiscSensors().

◆ wheelSlipRatio

float output_channels_s::wheelSlipRatio = (float)0

offset 720

Definition at line 1262 of file output_channels_generated.h.

Referenced by getOutputValueByName(), and updateVehicleSpeed().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: