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Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Static Protected Attributes | Private Member Functions | Static Private Member Functions | Private Attributes
Sensor Class Referenceabstract

#include <sensor.h>

Inheritance diagram for Sensor:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Sensor:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

bool Register ()
virtual void showInfo (const char *sensorName) const =0
const char * getSensorName () const
virtual SensorResult get () const =0
virtual bool hasSensor () const
virtual float getRaw () const
virtual bool isRedundant () const
void unregister ()
SensorType type () const

Static Public Member Functions

static void showAllSensorInfo ()
static void showInfo (SensorType type)
static void resetRegistry ()
static const SensorgetSensorOfType (SensorType type)
static SensorResult get (SensorType type)
static float getOrZero (SensorType type)
static float getRaw (SensorType type)
static bool isRedundant (SensorType type)
static bool hasSensor (SensorType type)
static void setMockValue (SensorType type, float value, bool mockRedundant=false)
static void setInvalidMockValue (SensorType type)
static void resetMockValue (SensorType type)
static void resetAllMocks ()
static void inhibitTimeouts (bool inhibit)
static const char * getSensorName (SensorType type)

Protected Member Functions

 Sensor (SensorType type)

Static Protected Attributes

static bool s_inhibitSensorTimeouts = false

Private Member Functions

constexpr size_t getIndex ()

Static Private Member Functions

static constexpr size_t getIndex (SensorType type)
static SensorRegistryEntry * getEntryForType (SensorType type)

Private Attributes

const SensorType m_type

Detailed Description

Definition at line 60 of file sensor.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Sensor()

Sensor::Sensor ( SensorType  type)

Definition at line 177 of file sensor.h.

178  : m_type(type) {}
const SensorType m_type
Definition: sensor.h:183
SensorType type() const
Definition: sensor.h:171

Member Function Documentation

◆ get() [1/2]

virtual SensorResult Sensor::get ( ) const
pure virtual

Implemented in RedundantSensor, RedundantFordTps, ProxySensor, FallbackSensor, GearDetector, StoredValueSensor, LuaOverrideSensor, and FunctionPointerSensor.

Referenced by HpfpQuantity::calcPI(), canDashboardHaltech(), canMazdaRX8(), check(), EtbController::checkStatus(), WallFuelController::computeBeta(), WallFuelController::computeTau(), ThrottleModelBase::estimateThrottleFlow(), SensorReader< TSensorType >::get(), LuaOverrideSensor::get(), FallbackSensor::get(), ProxySensor::get(), RedundantFordTps::get(), RedundantSensor::get(), AcController::getAcState(), getAdvanceCorrections(), AlphaNAirmass::getAirmass(), getBaroCorrection(), getCltFuelCorrection(), getCltTimingCorrection(), getCrankingFuel3(), InjectorModelWithConfig::getDeadtime(), InjectorModelWithConfig::getFuelDifferentialPressure(), getIatFuelCorrection(), IdleController::getIdlePosition(), ClosedLoopFuelCellImpl::getLambdaError(), IFuelComputer::getLoadOverride(), MafAirmass::getMaf(), SpeedDensityAirmass::getMap(), getOrZero(), PrimeController::getPrimeDuration(), getRunningAdvance(), getSanitizedPedal(), getSensor(), BoostController::getSetpoint(), DfcoController::getState(), FanController::getState(), FuelComputer::getStoichiometricRatio(), IFuelComputer::getTCharge(), AirmassVeModelBase::getVe(), initMapDecoder(), LambdaMonitorBase::isCurrentlyGood(), Engine::isInShutdownMode(), LaunchControlBase::isInsideTpsCondition(), isPedalError(), TransmissionControllerBase::isShiftCompleted(), isTps1Error(), isTps2Error(), kLineThread(), AlternatorController::observePlant(), BoostController::observePlant(), EtbController::observePlant(), HpfpController::onFastCallback(), EngineState::periodicFastCallback(), Engine::periodicSlowCallback(), populateFrame(), TransmissionControllerBase::postState(), printMAPInfo(), printTPSInfo(), printTpsSenser(), readGppwmChannel(), recalculateAuxValveTiming(), TwoPinDcMotor::set(), Gm4l6xTransmissionController::set32State(), Generic4TransmissionController::setTccState(), shouldCorrect(), AutomaticGearController::update(), LimpManager::updateState(), updateTempSensors(), updateThrottles(), and updateTunerStudioState().

◆ get() [2/2]

SensorResult Sensor::get ( SensorType  type)
NotNull: sensor result or UnexpectedCode::Configuration if sensor is not registered

Definition at line 166 of file sensor.cpp.

166  {
167  const auto entry = getEntryForType(type);
169  // Check if this is a valid sensor entry
170  if (!entry) {
171  return UnexpectedCode::Configuration;
172  }
174  return entry->get();
175 }
static SensorRegistryEntry * getEntryForType(SensorType type)
Definition: sensor.cpp:148
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getEntryForType()

SensorRegistryEntry * Sensor::getEntryForType ( SensorType  type)

Definition at line 148 of file sensor.cpp.

148  {
149  size_t index = getIndex(type);
150  // Check that we didn't get garbage
151  if (index >= efi::size(s_sensorRegistry)) {
152  return nullptr;
153  }
155  return &s_sensorRegistry[index];
156 }
constexpr size_t getIndex()
Definition: sensor.h:186
static SensorRegistryEntry s_sensorRegistry[static_cast< size_t >(SensorType::PlaceholderLast)]
Definition: sensor.cpp:129
composite packet size

Referenced by get(), getRaw(), getSensorOfType(), hasSensor(), isRedundant(), resetMockValue(), setInvalidMockValue(), setMockValue(), and showInfo().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getIndex() [1/2]

constexpr size_t Sensor::getIndex ( )

Definition at line 186 of file sensor.h.

186  {
187  return getIndex(m_type);
188  }

Referenced by getEntryForType(), Register(), and unregister().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getIndex() [2/2]

static constexpr size_t Sensor::getIndex ( SensorType  type)

Definition at line 191 of file sensor.h.

191  {
192  return static_cast<size_t>(type);
193  }
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getOrZero()

static float Sensor::getOrZero ( SensorType  type)

Definition at line 92 of file sensor.h.

92  {
93  return Sensor::get(type).value_or(0);
94  }
virtual SensorResult get() const =0

Referenced by adjustCrankPhase(), canDashboardBmwE46(), canDashboardBmwE90(), canDashboardFiat(), canDashboardGenesisCoupe(), canDashboardHaltech(), canDashboardNissanVQ(), canDashboardVAG(), canDashboardVagMqb(), canDashboardW202(), canMazdaRX8(), EtbController::checkStatus(), GearDetector::computeGearboxRatio(), configureRusefiLuaHooks(), TriggerCentral::decodeMapCam(), TriggerDecoderBase::decodeTriggerEvent(), fuelClosedLoopCorrection(), AcController::getAcState(), getBaroCorrection(), BoostController::getClosedLoopImpl(), getCrankingFuel3(), GearDetector::getDriveshaftRpm(), getFuelALSCorrection(), IdleController::getIdlePosition(), KnockController::getKnockThreshold(), getLoad(), SpeedDensityAirmass::getMap(), getMaxAirflowAtMap(), KnockController::getMaximumRetard(), BoostController::getOpenLoop(), getRunningAdvance(), AlternatorController::getSetpoint(), BoostController::getSetpoint(), VvtController::getSetpoint(), EtbController::getSetpointEtb(), IgnitionState::getSparkDwell(), DfcoController::getState(), TpsAccelEnrichment::getTpsEnrichment(), getVeLoadAxis(), handleGetDataRequest(), hipThread(), initElectronicThrottle(), initNewSensors(), AntilagSystemBase::isALSMaxCLTCondition(), AntilagSystemBase::isALSMaxThrottleIntentCondition(), AntilagSystemBase::isALSMinCLTCondition(), LambdaMonitorBase::isCurrentlyGood(), isIgnVoltage(), LaunchControlBase::isInsideSpeedCondition(), LaunchControlBase::isLaunchRpmRetardCondition(), isPrimeInjectionPulseSkipped(), TriggerCentral::isToothExpectedNow(), lua_getAirmass(), mapAveragingTriggerCallback(), HpfpController::onFastCallback(), BoostController::onFastCallback(), WallFuelController::onFastCallback(), LimpManager::onFastCallback(), TripOdometer::onSlowCallback(), ThrottleModelBase::onSlowCallback(), onTdcCallback(), InjectionEvent::onTriggerTooth(), EngineState::periodicFastCallback(), Engine::periodicSlowCallback(), populateFrame(), printMAPInfo(), refreshMapAveragingPreCalc(), reportWave(), LambdaMonitorBase::restoreConditionsMet(), sendWidebandInfo(), StepperMotorBase::setInitialPosition(), shouldUpdateCorrection(), speedoUpdate(), startDwellByTurningSparkPinHigh(), tachUpdate(), tdcMarkCallback(), AntilagSystemBase::update(), LaunchControlBase::update(), GenericGearController::update(), DynoView::update(), updateEgtSensors(), updateFuelSensors(), DynoView::updateHP(), updateLambda(), updateMiscSensors(), updatePressures(), updateRawSensors(), LimpManager::updateRevLimit(), Engine::updateSlowSensors(), LimpManager::updateState(), updateThrottles(), updateTunerStudioState(), updateVehicleSpeed(), and updateVrThresholdPwm().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getRaw() [1/2]

virtual float Sensor::getRaw ( ) const

Reimplemented in FunctionalSensor.

Definition at line 157 of file sensor.h.

157  {
158  return 0;
159  }

Referenced by grabPedalIsUp(), grabPedalIsWideOpen(), grabTPSIsClosed(), grabTPSIsWideOpen(), lua_getSensorRaw(), Engine::periodicSlowCallback(), printTpsSenser(), sendQcBenchRawAnalogValues(), updateRawSensors(), and updateThrottles().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getRaw() [2/2]

float Sensor::getRaw ( SensorType  type)

Definition at line 177 of file sensor.cpp.

177  {
178  const auto entry = getEntryForType(type);
180  return entry ? entry->getRaw() : 0;
181 }
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getSensorName() [1/2]

const char* Sensor::getSensorName ( ) const

Definition at line 139 of file sensor.h.

139 { return getSensorName(m_type); }
const char * getSensorName() const
Definition: sensor.h:139

Referenced by check(), getSensorName(), HellaOilLevelSensor::init(), EtbController::init(), FrequencySensor::initIfValid(), AdcSubscription::PrintInfo(), FallbackSensor::showInfo(), ProxySensor::showInfo(), RedundantFordTps::showInfo(), RedundantSensor::showInfo(), and showInfo().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSensorName() [2/2]

const char * Sensor::getSensorName ( SensorType  type)

Definition at line 226 of file sensor.cpp.

226  {
227  return getSensorType(type);
228 }
const char * getSensorType(SensorType value)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getSensorOfType()

const Sensor * Sensor::getSensorOfType ( SensorType  type)

Definition at line 158 of file sensor.cpp.

158  {
159  auto entry = getEntryForType(type);
160  return entry ? entry->getSensor() : nullptr;
161 }

Referenced by ProxySensor::isRedundant().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasSensor() [1/2]

virtual bool Sensor::hasSensor ( ) const

◆ hasSensor() [2/2]

bool Sensor::hasSensor ( SensorType  type)

Definition at line 189 of file sensor.cpp.

189  {
190  const auto entry = getEntryForType(type);
192  return entry ? entry->hasSensor() : false;
193 }
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ inhibitTimeouts()

void Sensor::inhibitTimeouts ( bool  inhibit)

Definition at line 232 of file sensor.cpp.

232  {
234 }
static bool s_inhibitSensorTimeouts
Definition: sensor.h:180

Referenced by writeToFlashIfPending().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isRedundant() [1/2]

virtual bool Sensor::isRedundant ( ) const

Reimplemented in SentTps, RedundantSensor, RedundantFordTps, and ProxySensor.

Definition at line 164 of file sensor.h.

164  {
165  // By default sensors are not redundant
166  return false;
167  }

Referenced by EtbController::init().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isRedundant() [2/2]

bool Sensor::isRedundant ( SensorType  type)

Definition at line 183 of file sensor.cpp.

183  {
184  const auto entry = getEntryForType(type);
186  return entry ? entry->isRedundant() : false;
187 }

Referenced by ProxySensor::isRedundant().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Register()

bool Sensor::Register ( )

◆ resetAllMocks()

void Sensor::resetAllMocks ( )

Definition at line 219 of file sensor.cpp.

219  {
220  // Reset all mocks
221  for (size_t i = 0; i < efi::size(s_sensorRegistry); i++) {
222  s_sensorRegistry[i].resetMock();
223  }
224 }

Referenced by initSensorCli().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ resetMockValue()

void Sensor::resetMockValue ( SensorType  type)

Definition at line 211 of file sensor.cpp.

211  {
212  auto entry = getEntryForType(type);
214  if (entry) {
215  entry->resetMock();
216  }
217 }
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ resetRegistry()

void Sensor::resetRegistry ( )

Definition at line 139 of file sensor.cpp.

139  {
140  // Clear all entries
141  for (size_t i = 0; i < efi::size(s_sensorRegistry); i++) {
142  auto &entry = s_sensorRegistry[i];
144  entry.reset();
145  }
146 }

◆ setInvalidMockValue()

void Sensor::setInvalidMockValue ( SensorType  type)

Definition at line 195 of file sensor.cpp.

195  {
196  auto entry = getEntryForType(type);
198  if (entry) {
199  entry->setInvalidMockValue();
200  }
201 }
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setMockValue()

void Sensor::setMockValue ( SensorType  type,
float  value,
bool  mockRedundant = false 

Definition at line 203 of file sensor.cpp.

203  {
204  auto entry = getEntryForType(type);
206  if (entry) {
207  entry->setMockValue(value, mockRedundant);
208  }
209 }

Referenced by initMapDecoder(), initNewSensors(), and initSensorCli().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ showAllSensorInfo()

void Sensor::showAllSensorInfo ( )

Definition at line 237 of file sensor.cpp.

237  {
238  for (size_t i = 1; i < efi::size(s_sensorRegistry); i++) {
239  auto& entry = s_sensorRegistry[i];
240  const char* name = getSensorType((SensorType)i);
242  entry.showInfo(name);
243  }
244 }
Definition: sensor_type.h:18

Referenced by initSensorCli(), and printSensorInfo().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ showInfo() [1/2]

virtual void Sensor::showInfo ( const char *  sensorName) const
pure virtual

◆ showInfo() [2/2]

void Sensor::showInfo ( SensorType  type)

Definition at line 247 of file sensor.cpp.

247  {
248  auto entry = getEntryForType(type);
250  if (entry) {
251  entry->showInfo(getSensorName(type));
252  }
253 }
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ type()

SensorType Sensor::type ( ) const

Definition at line 171 of file sensor.h.

171  {
172  return m_type;
173  }

Referenced by get(), getEntryForType(), getIndex(), getOrZero(), getRaw(), getSensorName(), getSensorOfType(), hasSensor(), isRedundant(), resetMockValue(), setInvalidMockValue(), setMockValue(), and showInfo().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ unregister()

void Sensor::unregister ( )

Definition at line 135 of file sensor.cpp.

135  {
136  s_sensorRegistry[getIndex()].unregister();
137 }

Referenced by deinitAuxSensors(), deInitFlexSensor(), deinitTps(), onEcuStartDoSomethingTriggerInputPins(), and GearDetector::~GearDetector().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

Field Documentation

◆ m_type

const SensorType Sensor::m_type

Definition at line 183 of file sensor.h.

Referenced by getIndex(), getSensorName(), and type().

◆ s_inhibitSensorTimeouts

bool Sensor::s_inhibitSensorTimeouts = false

Definition at line 180 of file sensor.h.

Referenced by StoredValueSensor::get(), and inhibitTimeouts().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: