The most advanced open source ECU
Data Fields
persistent_config_s Struct Reference

#include <engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h>

Collaboration diagram for persistent_config_s:
Collaboration graph

Data Fields

engine_configuration_s engineConfiguration
float etbBiasBins [ETB_BIAS_CURVE_LENGTH]
float etbBiasValues [ETB_BIAS_CURVE_LENGTH]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 20, 1 > iacPidMultTable [IAC_PID_MULT_SIZE][IAC_PID_MULT_SIZE]
uint8_t iacPidMultLoadBins [IAC_PID_MULT_SIZE]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 1, 10 > iacPidMultRpmBins [IAC_PID_MULT_SIZE]
uint16_t sparkDwellRpmBins [DWELL_CURVE_SIZE]
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 100, 1 > sparkDwellValues [DWELL_CURVE_SIZE]
scaled_channel< int8_t, 1, 2 > cltIdleRpmBins [CLT_CURVE_SIZE]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 1, 20 > cltIdleRpm [CLT_CURVE_SIZE]
float cltTimingBins [CLT_TIMING_CURVE_SIZE]
float cltTimingExtra [CLT_TIMING_CURVE_SIZE]
float scriptCurve1Bins [SCRIPT_CURVE_16]
float scriptCurve1 [SCRIPT_CURVE_16]
float scriptCurve2Bins [SCRIPT_CURVE_16]
float scriptCurve2 [SCRIPT_CURVE_16]
float scriptCurve3Bins [SCRIPT_CURVE_8]
float scriptCurve3 [SCRIPT_CURVE_8]
float scriptCurve4Bins [SCRIPT_CURVE_8]
float scriptCurve4 [SCRIPT_CURVE_8]
float scriptCurve5Bins [SCRIPT_CURVE_8]
float scriptCurve5 [SCRIPT_CURVE_8]
float scriptCurve6Bins [SCRIPT_CURVE_8]
float scriptCurve6 [SCRIPT_CURVE_8]
float baroCorrPressureBins [BARO_CORR_SIZE]
float baroCorrRpmBins [BARO_CORR_SIZE]
float baroCorrTable [BARO_CORR_SIZE][BARO_CORR_SIZE]
float crankingTpsCoef [CRANKING_CURVE_SIZE]
float crankingTpsBins [CRANKING_CURVE_SIZE]
uint16_t crankingAdvanceBins [CRANKING_ADVANCE_CURVE_SIZE]
scaled_channel< int16_t, 100, 1 > crankingAdvance [CRANKING_ADVANCE_CURVE_SIZE]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 1, 100 > iacCoastingRpmBins [CLT_CURVE_SIZE]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 2, 1 > iacCoasting [CLT_CURVE_SIZE]
warning_message_t warning_message
uint8_t unusedGapHere [16]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 2, 1 > boostTableOpenLoop [BOOST_LOAD_COUNT][BOOST_RPM_COUNT]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 1, 100 > boostRpmBins [BOOST_RPM_COUNT]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 1, 2 > boostTableClosedLoop [BOOST_LOAD_COUNT][BOOST_RPM_COUNT]
uint8_t boostTpsBins [BOOST_LOAD_COUNT]
uint8_t pedalToTpsTable [PEDAL_TO_TPS_SIZE][PEDAL_TO_TPS_SIZE]
uint8_t pedalToTpsPedalBins [PEDAL_TO_TPS_SIZE]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 1, 100 > pedalToTpsRpmBins [PEDAL_TO_TPS_SIZE]
float cltCrankingCorrBins [CLT_CRANKING_CURVE_SIZE]
float cltCrankingCorr [CLT_CRANKING_CURVE_SIZE]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 1, 50 > idleAdvanceBins [IDLE_ADVANCE_CURVE_SIZE]
float idleAdvance [IDLE_ADVANCE_CURVE_SIZE]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 1, 10 > idleVeRpmBins [IDLE_VE_SIZE]
uint8_t idleVeLoadBins [IDLE_VE_SIZE]
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 10, 1 > idleVeTable [IDLE_VE_SIZE][IDLE_VE_SIZE]
lua_script_t luaScript
float cltFuelCorrBins [CLT_CURVE_SIZE]
float cltFuelCorr [CLT_CURVE_SIZE]
float iatFuelCorrBins [IAT_CURVE_SIZE]
float iatFuelCorr [IAT_CURVE_SIZE]
float crankingFuelCoef [CRANKING_CURVE_SIZE]
float crankingFuelBins [CRANKING_CURVE_SIZE]
float crankingCycleBins [CRANKING_CURVE_SIZE]
int16_t crankingCycleFuelCltBins [CRANKING_CYCLE_CLT_SIZE]
float cltIdleCorrBins [CLT_CURVE_SIZE]
float cltIdleCorr [CLT_CURVE_SIZE]
float mafDecoding [MAF_DECODING_COUNT]
float mafDecodingBins [MAF_DECODING_COUNT]
scaled_channel< int8_t, 10, 1 > ignitionIatCorrTable [8][8]
int8_t ignitionIatCorrTempBins [8]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 1, 5 > ignitionIatCorrLoadBins [8]
int16_t injectionPhase [FUEL_LOAD_COUNT][FUEL_RPM_COUNT]
uint16_t injPhaseLoadBins [FUEL_LOAD_COUNT]
uint16_t injPhaseRpmBins [FUEL_RPM_COUNT]
uint8_t tcuSolenoidTable [TCU_SOLENOID_COUNT][TCU_GEAR_COUNT]
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 100, 1 > mapEstimateTable [FUEL_LOAD_COUNT][FUEL_RPM_COUNT]
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 100, 1 > mapEstimateTpsBins [FUEL_LOAD_COUNT]
uint16_t mapEstimateRpmBins [FUEL_RPM_COUNT]
int8_t vvtTable1 [SCRIPT_TABLE_8][SCRIPT_TABLE_8]
uint16_t vvtTable1LoadBins [SCRIPT_TABLE_8]
uint16_t vvtTable1RpmBins [SCRIPT_TABLE_8]
int8_t vvtTable2 [SCRIPT_TABLE_8][SCRIPT_TABLE_8]
uint16_t vvtTable2LoadBins [SCRIPT_TABLE_8]
uint16_t vvtTable2RpmBins [SCRIPT_TABLE_8]
scaled_channel< int16_t, 10, 1 > ignitionTable [IGN_LOAD_COUNT][IGN_RPM_COUNT]
uint16_t ignitionLoadBins [IGN_LOAD_COUNT]
uint16_t ignitionRpmBins [IGN_RPM_COUNT]
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 10, 1 > veTable [FUEL_LOAD_COUNT][FUEL_RPM_COUNT]
uint16_t veLoadBins [FUEL_LOAD_COUNT]
uint16_t veRpmBins [FUEL_RPM_COUNT]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 147, 1 > lambdaTable [FUEL_LOAD_COUNT][FUEL_RPM_COUNT]
uint16_t lambdaLoadBins [FUEL_LOAD_COUNT]
uint16_t lambdaRpmBins [FUEL_RPM_COUNT]
float tpsTpsAccelFromRpmBins [TPS_TPS_ACCEL_TABLE]
float tpsTpsAccelToRpmBins [TPS_TPS_ACCEL_TABLE]
float scriptTable1 [SCRIPT_TABLE_8][SCRIPT_TABLE_8]
int16_t scriptTable1LoadBins [SCRIPT_TABLE_8]
int16_t scriptTable1RpmBins [SCRIPT_TABLE_8]
float scriptTable2 [TABLE_2_LOAD_SIZE][TABLE_2_RPM_SIZE]
int16_t scriptTable2LoadBins [TABLE_2_LOAD_SIZE]
int16_t scriptTable2RpmBins [TABLE_2_RPM_SIZE]
uint8_t scriptTable3 [SCRIPT_TABLE_8][SCRIPT_TABLE_8]
int16_t scriptTable3LoadBins [SCRIPT_TABLE_8]
int16_t scriptTable3RpmBins [SCRIPT_TABLE_8]
uint8_t scriptTable4 [SCRIPT_TABLE_8][TABLE_4_RPM]
int16_t scriptTable4LoadBins [SCRIPT_TABLE_8]
int16_t scriptTable4RpmBins [TABLE_4_RPM]
uint16_t ignTrimLoadBins [IGN_TRIM_SIZE]
uint16_t ignTrimRpmBins [IGN_TRIM_SIZE]
ign_cyl_trim_s ignTrims [12]
uint16_t fuelTrimLoadBins [FUEL_TRIM_SIZE]
uint16_t fuelTrimRpmBins [FUEL_TRIM_SIZE]
fuel_cyl_trim_s fuelTrims [12]
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 100, 1 > crankingFuelCoefE100 [CRANKING_CURVE_SIZE]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 1, 5 > tcu_pcAirmassBins [TCU_TABLE_WIDTH]
uint8_t tcu_pcValsR [TCU_TABLE_WIDTH]
uint8_t tcu_pcValsN [TCU_TABLE_WIDTH]
uint8_t tcu_pcVals1 [TCU_TABLE_WIDTH]
uint8_t tcu_pcVals2 [TCU_TABLE_WIDTH]
uint8_t tcu_pcVals3 [TCU_TABLE_WIDTH]
uint8_t tcu_pcVals4 [TCU_TABLE_WIDTH]
uint8_t tcu_pcVals12 [TCU_TABLE_WIDTH]
uint8_t tcu_pcVals23 [TCU_TABLE_WIDTH]
uint8_t tcu_pcVals34 [TCU_TABLE_WIDTH]
uint8_t tcu_pcVals21 [TCU_TABLE_WIDTH]
uint8_t tcu_pcVals32 [TCU_TABLE_WIDTH]
uint8_t tcu_pcVals43 [TCU_TABLE_WIDTH]
uint8_t tcu_tccTpsBins [8]
uint8_t tcu_tccLockSpeed [8]
uint8_t tcu_tccUnlockSpeed [8]
uint8_t tcu_32SpeedBins [8]
uint8_t tcu_32Vals [8]
scaled_channel< int8_t, 10, 1 > throttle2TrimTable [ETB2_TRIM_SIZE][ETB2_TRIM_SIZE]
uint8_t throttle2TrimTpsBins [ETB2_TRIM_SIZE]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 1, 100 > throttle2TrimRpmBins [ETB2_TRIM_SIZE]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 4, 1 > maxKnockRetardTable [KNOCK_TABLE_SIZE][KNOCK_TABLE_SIZE]
uint8_t maxKnockRetardLoadBins [KNOCK_TABLE_SIZE]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 1, 100 > maxKnockRetardRpmBins [KNOCK_TABLE_SIZE]
scaled_channel< int16_t, 10, 1 > ALSTimingRetardTable [4][4]
uint16_t alsIgnRetardLoadBins [4]
uint16_t alsIgnRetardrpmBins [4]
scaled_channel< int16_t, 10, 1 > ALSFuelAdjustment [4][4]
uint16_t alsFuelAdjustmentLoadBins [4]
uint16_t alsFuelAdjustmentrpmBins [4]
scaled_channel< int16_t, 1, 10 > ALSIgnSkipTable [4][4]
uint16_t alsIgnSkipLoadBins [4]
uint16_t alsIgnSkiprpmBins [4]
blend_table_s ignBlends [IGN_BLEND_COUNT]
blend_table_s veBlends [VE_BLEND_COUNT]
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 10, 1 > throttleEstimateEffectiveAreaBins [12]
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 10, 1 > throttleEstimateEffectiveAreaValues [12]
blend_table_s boostOpenLoopBlends [BOOST_BLEND_COUNT]
blend_table_s boostClosedLoopBlends [BOOST_BLEND_COUNT]
float tcu_rangeP [RANGE_INPUT_COUNT]
float tcu_rangeR [RANGE_INPUT_COUNT]
float tcu_rangeN [RANGE_INPUT_COUNT]
float tcu_rangeD [RANGE_INPUT_COUNT]
float tcu_rangeM [RANGE_INPUT_COUNT]
float tcu_rangeM3 [RANGE_INPUT_COUNT]
float tcu_rangeM2 [RANGE_INPUT_COUNT]
float tcu_rangeM1 [RANGE_INPUT_COUNT]
float tcu_rangePlus [RANGE_INPUT_COUNT]
float tcu_rangeMinus [RANGE_INPUT_COUNT]
float tcu_rangeLow [RANGE_INPUT_COUNT]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 100, 1 > lambdaMaxDeviationTable [4][4]
uint16_t lambdaMaxDeviationLoadBins [4]
uint16_t lambdaMaxDeviationRpmBins [4]
uint8_t injectorStagingTable [INJ_STAGING_COUNT][INJ_STAGING_COUNT]
uint16_t injectorStagingLoadBins [INJ_STAGING_COUNT]
uint16_t injectorStagingRpmBins [INJ_STAGING_COUNT]
int8_t wwCltBins [WWAE_TABLE_SIZE]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 100, 1 > wwTauCltValues [WWAE_TABLE_SIZE]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 100, 1 > wwBetaCltValues [WWAE_TABLE_SIZE]
int8_t wwMapBins [WWAE_TABLE_SIZE]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 100, 1 > wwTauMapValues [WWAE_TABLE_SIZE]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 100, 1 > wwBetaMapValues [WWAE_TABLE_SIZE]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 2, 1 > hpfpLobeProfileQuantityBins [HPFP_LOBE_PROFILE_SIZE]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 2, 1 > hpfpLobeProfileAngle [HPFP_LOBE_PROFILE_SIZE]
uint8_t hpfpDeadtimeVoltsBins [HPFP_DEADTIME_SIZE]
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 1000, 1 > hpfpDeadtimeMS [HPFP_DEADTIME_SIZE]
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 10, 1 > hpfpTargetLoadBins [HPFP_TARGET_SIZE]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 1, 50 > hpfpTargetRpmBins [HPFP_TARGET_SIZE]
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 1000, 1 > hpfpCompensationLoadBins [HPFP_COMPENSATION_SIZE]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 1, 50 > hpfpCompensationRpmBins [HPFP_COMPENSATION_SIZE]
uint16_t knockNoiseRpmBins [ENGINE_NOISE_CURVE_SIZE]
scaled_channel< int8_t, 2, 1 > knockBaseNoise [ENGINE_NOISE_CURVE_SIZE]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 1, 50 > tpsTspCorrValuesBins [TPS_TPS_ACCEL_CLT_CORR_TABLE]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 50, 1 > tpsTspCorrValues [TPS_TPS_ACCEL_CLT_CORR_TABLE]
int8_t cltRevLimitRpmBins [CLT_LIMITER_CURVE_SIZE]
uint16_t cltRevLimitRpm [CLT_LIMITER_CURVE_SIZE]
scaled_channel< uint16_t, 1000, 1 > fuelLevelBins [FUEL_LEVEL_TABLE_COUNT]
uint8_t fuelLevelValues [FUEL_LEVEL_TABLE_COUNT]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 10, 1 > dwellVoltageCorrVoltBins [DWELL_CURVE_SIZE]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 50, 1 > dwellVoltageCorrValues [DWELL_CURVE_SIZE]
scaled_channel< uint8_t, 1, 1 > tcu_shiftTpsBins [TCU_TABLE_WIDTH]
uint8_t tcu_shiftSpeed12 [TCU_TABLE_WIDTH]
uint8_t tcu_shiftSpeed23 [TCU_TABLE_WIDTH]
uint8_t tcu_shiftSpeed34 [TCU_TABLE_WIDTH]
uint8_t tcu_shiftSpeed21 [TCU_TABLE_WIDTH]
uint8_t tcu_shiftSpeed32 [TCU_TABLE_WIDTH]
uint8_t tcu_shiftSpeed43 [TCU_TABLE_WIDTH]
float tcu_shiftTime
scaled_channel< int16_t, 10, 1 > alternatorVoltageTargetTable [ALTERNATOR_VOLTAGE_TARGET_SIZE][ALTERNATOR_VOLTAGE_TARGET_SIZE]
uint16_t alternatorVoltageTargetLoadBins [ALTERNATOR_VOLTAGE_TARGET_SIZE]
uint16_t alternatorVoltageTargetRpmBins [ALTERNATOR_VOLTAGE_TARGET_SIZE]
float cltBoostCorrBins [BOOST_CURVE_SIZE]
float cltBoostCorr [BOOST_CURVE_SIZE]
float iatBoostCorrBins [BOOST_CURVE_SIZE]
float iatBoostCorr [BOOST_CURVE_SIZE]
bool boardUseTachPullUp: 1 {}
bool boardUseTempPullUp: 1 {}
bool boardUseCrankPullUp: 1 {}
bool boardUse2stepPullDown: 1 {}
bool boardUseCamPullDown: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_212_5: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_212_6: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_212_7: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_212_8: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_212_9: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_212_10: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_212_11: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_212_12: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_212_13: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_212_14: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_212_15: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_212_16: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_212_17: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_212_18: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_212_19: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_212_20: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_212_21: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_212_22: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_212_23: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_212_24: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_212_25: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_212_26: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_212_27: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_212_28: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_212_29: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_212_30: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_212_31: 1 {}
bool boardUseD4PullDown: 1 {}
bool boardUseD5PullDown: 1 {}
bool boardUseCamVrPullUp: 1 {}
bool boardUseD2PullDown: 1 {}
bool boardUseD3PullDown: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_217_10: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_217_11: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_217_12: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_217_13: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_217_14: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_217_15: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_217_16: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_217_17: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_217_18: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_217_19: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_217_20: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_217_21: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_217_22: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_217_23: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_217_24: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_217_25: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_217_26: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_217_27: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_217_28: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_217_29: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_217_30: 1 {}
bool unusedBit_217_31: 1 {}
uint8_t hondaKcltGaugeAdder
uint8_t unusedConfigPadding [BOTTOM_PADDING]
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_23589 [3]

Detailed Description

Definition at line 4660 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Field Documentation

◆ alignmentFill_at_23589

uint8_t persistent_config_s::alignmentFill_at_23589[3]

need 4 byte alignment units: units offset 23589

Definition at line 5710 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_hellen-honda-k.h.

◆ ALSFuelAdjustment

scaled_channel< int16_t, 10, 1 > persistent_config_s::ALSFuelAdjustment

units: percent offset 19364

units: percent offset 19380

units: percent offset 19368

units: percent offset 18864

units: percent offset 20036

units: percent offset 21364

units: percent offset 24864

Definition at line 5359 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getFuelALSCorrection().

◆ alsFuelAdjustmentLoadBins

uint16_t persistent_config_s::alsFuelAdjustmentLoadBins

units: TPS offset 19396

units: TPS offset 19412

units: TPS offset 19400

units: TPS offset 18896

units: TPS offset 20068

units: TPS offset 21396

units: TPS offset 24896

Definition at line 5364 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getFuelALSCorrection(), setDefaultEngineConfiguration(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ alsFuelAdjustmentrpmBins

uint16_t persistent_config_s::alsFuelAdjustmentrpmBins

units: RPM offset 19404

units: RPM offset 19420

units: RPM offset 19408

units: RPM offset 18904

units: RPM offset 20076

units: RPM offset 21404

units: RPM offset 24904

Definition at line 5369 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getFuelALSCorrection(), setDefaultEngineConfiguration(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ alsIgnRetardLoadBins

uint16_t persistent_config_s::alsIgnRetardLoadBins

units: TPS offset 19348

units: TPS offset 19364

units: TPS offset 19352

units: TPS offset 18848

units: TPS offset 20020

units: TPS offset 21348

units: TPS offset 24848

Definition at line 5349 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getRunningAdvance(), setDefaultEngineConfiguration(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ alsIgnRetardrpmBins

uint16_t persistent_config_s::alsIgnRetardrpmBins

units: RPM offset 19356

units: RPM offset 19372

units: RPM offset 19360

units: RPM offset 18856

units: RPM offset 20028

units: RPM offset 21356

units: RPM offset 24856

Definition at line 5354 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getRunningAdvance(), setDefaultEngineConfiguration(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ alsIgnSkipLoadBins

uint16_t persistent_config_s::alsIgnSkipLoadBins

units: TPS offset 19444

units: TPS offset 19460

units: TPS offset 19448

units: TPS offset 18944

units: TPS offset 20116

units: TPS offset 21444

units: TPS offset 24944

Definition at line 5379 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

◆ alsIgnSkiprpmBins

uint16_t persistent_config_s::alsIgnSkiprpmBins

units: RPM offset 19452

units: RPM offset 19468

units: RPM offset 19456

units: RPM offset 18952

units: RPM offset 20124

units: RPM offset 21452

units: RPM offset 24952

Definition at line 5384 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

◆ ALSIgnSkipTable

scaled_channel< int16_t, 1, 10 > persistent_config_s::ALSIgnSkipTable

units: ratio offset 19412

units: ratio offset 19428

units: ratio offset 19416

units: ratio offset 18912

units: ratio offset 20084

units: ratio offset 21412

units: ratio offset 24912

Definition at line 5374 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

◆ ALSTimingRetardTable

scaled_channel< int16_t, 10, 1 > persistent_config_s::ALSTimingRetardTable

units: deg offset 19316

units: deg offset 19332

units: deg offset 19320

units: deg offset 18816

units: deg offset 19988

units: deg offset 21316

units: deg offset 24816

Definition at line 5344 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getRunningAdvance().

◆ alternatorVoltageTargetLoadBins

uint16_t persistent_config_s::alternatorVoltageTargetLoadBins

units: Load offset 22784

units: Load offset 22800

units: Load offset 22788

units: Load offset 22284

units: Load offset 23456

units: Load offset 24784

units: Load offset 28284

Definition at line 5671 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by AlternatorController::getSetpoint().

◆ alternatorVoltageTargetRpmBins

uint16_t persistent_config_s::alternatorVoltageTargetRpmBins

units: RPM offset 22792

units: RPM offset 22808

units: RPM offset 22796

units: RPM offset 22292

units: RPM offset 23464

units: RPM offset 24792

units: RPM offset 28292

Definition at line 5676 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by AlternatorController::getSetpoint().

◆ alternatorVoltageTargetTable

scaled_channel< int16_t, 10, 1 > persistent_config_s::alternatorVoltageTargetTable

units: Volts offset 22752

units: Volts offset 22768

units: Volts offset 22756

units: Volts offset 22252

units: Volts offset 23424

units: Volts offset 24752

units: Volts offset 28252

Definition at line 5666 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by AlternatorController::getSetpoint(), setCommonMazdaNB(), setDefaultAlternatorParameters(), setDodgeNeonNGCEngineConfiguration(), setMazdaMiata96(), and setValue().

◆ baroCorrPressureBins

float persistent_config_s::baroCorrPressureBins

units: kPa offset 4996

units: kPa offset 5012

units: kPa offset 5000

units: kPa offset 4836

Definition at line 4791 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getBaroCorrection(), and setDefaultVETable().

◆ baroCorrRpmBins

float persistent_config_s::baroCorrRpmBins

units: RPM offset 5012

units: RPM offset 5028

units: RPM offset 5016

units: RPM offset 4852

Definition at line 4796 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getBaroCorrection(), and setDefaultVETable().

◆ baroCorrTable

float persistent_config_s::baroCorrTable

units: ratio offset 5028

units: ratio offset 5044

units: ratio offset 5032

units: ratio offset 4868

Definition at line 4801 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getBaroCorrection(), and setDefaultVETable().

◆ boardUse2stepPullDown

bool persistent_config_s::boardUse2stepPullDown

offset 22880 bit 3

offset 22880 bit 1

offset 22896 bit 1

Definition at line 5708 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by boardOnConfigurationChange(), and setHyundaiPb().

◆ boardUseCamPullDown

bool persistent_config_s::boardUseCamPullDown

offset 22880 bit 4

Definition at line 5711 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by boardOnConfigurationChange().

◆ boardUseCamVrPullUp

bool persistent_config_s::boardUseCamVrPullUp

offset 22880 bit 7

Definition at line 5720 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-4chan.h.

Referenced by boardOnConfigurationChange().

◆ boardUseCrankPullUp

bool persistent_config_s::boardUseCrankPullUp

offset 22880 bit 2

offset 22880 bit 1

offset 22896 bit 4

Definition at line 5705 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by boardOnConfigurationChange().

◆ boardUseD2PullDown

bool persistent_config_s::boardUseD2PullDown

offset 22880 bit 8

offset 22880 bit 2

offset 22896 bit 2

Definition at line 5723 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-4chan.h.

Referenced by boardOnConfigurationChange().

◆ boardUseD3PullDown

bool persistent_config_s::boardUseD3PullDown

offset 22880 bit 9

offset 22880 bit 3

offset 22896 bit 3

Definition at line 5726 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-4chan.h.

Referenced by boardOnConfigurationChange().

◆ boardUseD4PullDown

bool persistent_config_s::boardUseD4PullDown

offset 22880 bit 5

Definition at line 5714 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-4chan.h.

Referenced by boardOnConfigurationChange().

◆ boardUseD5PullDown

bool persistent_config_s::boardUseD5PullDown

offset 22880 bit 6

Definition at line 5717 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-4chan.h.

Referenced by boardOnConfigurationChange().

◆ boardUseTachPullUp

bool persistent_config_s::boardUseTachPullUp

offset 22880 bit 0

offset 22880 bit 4

Definition at line 5699 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by boardOnConfigurationChange().

◆ boardUseTempPullUp

bool persistent_config_s::boardUseTempPullUp

offset 22880 bit 1

offset 22880 bit 2

offset 22880 bit 0

offset 22896 bit 0

Definition at line 5702 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by boardOnConfigurationChange(), and setBoardDefaultConfiguration().

◆ boostClosedLoopBlends

blend_table_s persistent_config_s::boostClosedLoopBlends

offset 21388

offset 21404

offset 21392

offset 20888

offset 22060

offset 23388

offset 26888

Definition at line 5411 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by BoostController::getSetpoint().

◆ boostOpenLoopBlends

blend_table_s persistent_config_s::boostOpenLoopBlends

offset 21012

offset 21028

offset 21016

offset 20512

offset 21684

offset 23012

offset 26512

Definition at line 5407 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by BoostController::getOpenLoop().

◆ boostRpmBins

scaled_channel< uint8_t, 1, 100 > persistent_config_s::boostRpmBins

units: RPM offset 5404

units: RPM offset 5420

units: RPM offset 5408

units: RPM offset 5212

Definition at line 4853 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by cannedboostRpmBins(), initBoostCtrl(), setDefaultBoostParameters(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ boostTableClosedLoop

scaled_channel< uint8_t, 1, 2 > persistent_config_s::boostTableClosedLoop

offset 5412

offset 5428

offset 5416

offset 5216

Definition at line 4857 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by initBoostCtrl(), and setDefaultBoostParameters().

◆ boostTableOpenLoop

scaled_channel< uint8_t, 2, 1 > persistent_config_s::boostTableOpenLoop

offset 5340

offset 5356

offset 5344

offset 5180

Definition at line 4848 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by initBoostCtrl(), and setTestDcWastegateConfiguration().

◆ boostTpsBins

uint8_t persistent_config_s::boostTpsBins

offset 5476

offset 5492

offset 5480

offset 5248

Definition at line 4861 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by initBoostCtrl(), setDefaultBoostParameters(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ cltBoostCorr

float persistent_config_s::cltBoostCorr

units: ratio offset 22820

units: ratio offset 22836

units: ratio offset 22824

units: ratio offset 22320

units: ratio offset 23492

units: ratio offset 24820

units: ratio offset 28320

Definition at line 5686 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by setDefaultEngineConfiguration().

◆ cltBoostCorrBins

float persistent_config_s::cltBoostCorrBins

units: C offset 22800

units: C offset 22816

units: C offset 22804

units: C offset 22300

units: C offset 23472

units: C offset 24800

units: C offset 28300

Definition at line 5681 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by setDefaultEngineConfiguration(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ cltCrankingCorr

float persistent_config_s::cltCrankingCorr

CLT-based cranking position multiplier for simple manual idle controller units: % offset 5596

CLT-based cranking position multiplier for simple manual idle controller units: % offset 5612

CLT-based cranking position multiplier for simple manual idle controller units: % offset 5600

CLT-based cranking position multiplier for simple manual idle controller units: % offset 5368

Definition at line 4888 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by cannedcltCrankingCorr(), IdleController::getCrankingOpenLoop(), and setDefaultCranking().

◆ cltCrankingCorrBins

float persistent_config_s::cltCrankingCorrBins

CLT-based cranking position multiplier for simple manual idle controller units: C offset 5564

CLT-based cranking position multiplier for simple manual idle controller units: C offset 5580

CLT-based cranking position multiplier for simple manual idle controller units: C offset 5568

CLT-based cranking position multiplier for simple manual idle controller units: C offset 5336

Definition at line 4882 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by IdleController::getCrankingOpenLoop(), and setDefaultCranking().

◆ cltFuelCorr

float persistent_config_s::cltFuelCorr

units: ratio offset 13772

units: ratio offset 13788

units: ratio offset 13776

units: ratio offset 13544

units: ratio offset 15772

units: ratio offset 19272

Definition at line 4929 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getCltFuelCorrection(), and setDefaultWarmupFuelEnrichment().

◆ cltFuelCorrBins

float persistent_config_s::cltFuelCorrBins

units: C offset 13708

units: C offset 13724

units: C offset 13712

units: C offset 13480

units: C offset 15708

units: C offset 19208

Definition at line 4924 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getCltFuelCorrection(), setDefaultWarmupFuelEnrichment(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ cltIdleCorr

float persistent_config_s::cltIdleCorr

CLT-based idle position multiplier for simple manual idle controller units: ratio offset 14260

CLT-based idle position multiplier for simple manual idle controller units: ratio offset 14276

CLT-based idle position multiplier for simple manual idle controller units: ratio offset 14264

CLT-based idle position multiplier for simple manual idle controller units: ratio offset 14032

CLT-based idle position multiplier for simple manual idle controller units: ratio offset 16260

CLT-based idle position multiplier for simple manual idle controller units: ratio offset 19760

Definition at line 4976 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by cannedcltIdleCorr(), IdleController::getCrankingOpenLoop(), IdleController::getRunningOpenLoop(), and miataNA_setCltIdleCorrBins().

◆ cltIdleCorrBins

float persistent_config_s::cltIdleCorrBins

CLT-based idle position multiplier for simple manual idle controller units: C offset 14196

CLT-based idle position multiplier for simple manual idle controller units: C offset 14212

CLT-based idle position multiplier for simple manual idle controller units: C offset 14200

CLT-based idle position multiplier for simple manual idle controller units: C offset 13968

CLT-based idle position multiplier for simple manual idle controller units: C offset 16196

CLT-based idle position multiplier for simple manual idle controller units: C offset 19696

Definition at line 4970 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by cannedcltIdleCorrBins(), IdleController::getCrankingOpenLoop(), IdleController::getRunningOpenLoop(), miataNA_setCltIdleCorrBins(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ cltIdleRpm

scaled_channel< uint8_t, 1, 20 > persistent_config_s::cltIdleRpm

See idleRpmPid units: RPM offset 4404

See idleRpmPid units: RPM offset 4420

See idleRpmPid units: RPM offset 4408

See idleRpmPid units: RPM offset 4244

Definition at line 4715 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by cannedcltIdleRpm(), IdleController::getTargetRpm(), miataNA_setCltIdleRpmBins(), setDefaultIdleSpeedTarget(), and setTargetRpmCurve().

◆ cltIdleRpmBins

scaled_channel< int8_t, 1, 2 > persistent_config_s::cltIdleRpmBins

CLT-based target RPM for automatic idle controller units: C offset 4388

CLT-based target RPM for automatic idle controller units: C offset 4404

CLT-based target RPM for automatic idle controller units: C offset 4392

CLT-based target RPM for automatic idle controller units: C offset 4228

Definition at line 4709 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by IdleController::getTargetRpm(), miataNA_setCltIdleRpmBins(), setDefaultIdleSpeedTarget(), setTargetRpmCurve(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ cltRevLimitRpm

uint16_t persistent_config_s::cltRevLimitRpm

units: RPM offset 22644

units: RPM offset 22660

units: RPM offset 22648

units: RPM offset 22144

units: RPM offset 23316

units: RPM offset 24644

units: RPM offset 28144

Definition at line 5601 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by LimpManager::updateRevLimit().

◆ cltRevLimitRpmBins

int8_t persistent_config_s::cltRevLimitRpmBins

units: C offset 22640

units: C offset 22656

units: C offset 22644

units: C offset 22140

units: C offset 23312

units: C offset 24640

units: C offset 28140

Definition at line 5596 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by setDefaultBaseEngine(), and LimpManager::updateRevLimit().

◆ cltTimingBins

float persistent_config_s::cltTimingBins

CLT-based timing correction units: C offset 4420

CLT-based timing correction units: C offset 4436

CLT-based timing correction units: C offset 4424

CLT-based timing correction units: C offset 4260

Definition at line 4721 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getCltTimingCorrection(), setDefaultIgnition(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ cltTimingExtra

float persistent_config_s::cltTimingExtra

units: degree offset 4452

units: degree offset 4468

units: degree offset 4456

units: degree offset 4292

Definition at line 4726 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getCltTimingCorrection(), and setDefaultIgnition().

◆ crankingAdvance

scaled_channel< int16_t, 100, 1 > persistent_config_s::crankingAdvance

Optional timing advance table for Cranking (see useSeparateAdvanceForCranking) units: deg offset 5164

Optional timing advance table for Cranking (see useSeparateAdvanceForCranking) units: deg offset 5180

Optional timing advance table for Cranking (see useSeparateAdvanceForCranking) units: deg offset 5168

Optional timing advance table for Cranking (see useSeparateAdvanceForCranking) units: deg offset 5004

Definition at line 4824 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getCrankingAdvance(), and setDefaultCranking().

◆ crankingAdvanceBins

uint16_t persistent_config_s::crankingAdvanceBins

Optional timing advance table for Cranking (see useSeparateAdvanceForCranking) units: RPM offset 5156

Optional timing advance table for Cranking (see useSeparateAdvanceForCranking) units: RPM offset 5172

Optional timing advance table for Cranking (see useSeparateAdvanceForCranking) units: RPM offset 5160

Optional timing advance table for Cranking (see useSeparateAdvanceForCranking) units: RPM offset 4996

Definition at line 4818 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getCrankingAdvance(), and setDefaultCranking().

◆ crankingCycleBins

float persistent_config_s::crankingCycleBins

units: counter offset 14028

units: counter offset 14044

units: counter offset 14032

units: counter offset 13800

units: counter offset 16028

units: counter offset 19528

Definition at line 4954 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getCrankingFuel3(), setDefaultCranking(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ crankingCycleFuelCltBins

int16_t persistent_config_s::crankingCycleFuelCltBins

units: C offset 14060

units: C offset 14076

units: C offset 14064

units: C offset 13832

units: C offset 16060

units: C offset 19560

Definition at line 4959 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getCrankingFuel3(), setDefaultCranking(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ crankingCycleFuelCoef

float persistent_config_s::crankingCycleFuelCoef

units: mult offset 14068

units: mult offset 14084

units: mult offset 14072

units: mult offset 13840

units: mult offset 16068

units: mult offset 19568

Definition at line 4964 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by fuelBenchMode(), getCrankingFuel3(), and setDefaultCranking().

◆ crankingFuelBins

float persistent_config_s::crankingFuelBins

units: C offset 13996

units: C offset 14012

units: C offset 14000

units: C offset 13768

units: C offset 15996

units: C offset 19496

Definition at line 4949 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getCrankingFuel3(), miataNA_setCrankingFuelBins(), miataNAcommonEngineSettings(), setDefaultCranking(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ crankingFuelCoef

float persistent_config_s::crankingFuelCoef

units: ratio offset 13964

units: ratio offset 13980

units: ratio offset 13968

units: ratio offset 13736

units: ratio offset 15964

units: ratio offset 19464

Definition at line 4944 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by fuelBenchMode(), getCrankingFuel3(), miataNA_setCrankingFuelBins(), miataNAcommonEngineSettings(), and setDefaultCranking().

◆ crankingFuelCoefE100

scaled_channel< uint16_t, 100, 1 > persistent_config_s::crankingFuelCoefE100

units: ratio offset 19060

units: ratio offset 19076

units: ratio offset 19064

units: ratio offset 18560

units: ratio offset 19732

units: ratio offset 21060

units: ratio offset 24560

Definition at line 5219 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getCrankingFuel3(), and setDefaultCranking().

◆ crankingTpsBins

float persistent_config_s::crankingTpsBins

units: % offset 5124

units: % offset 5140

units: % offset 5128

units: % offset 4964

Definition at line 4812 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getCrankingFuel3(), setDefaultCranking(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ crankingTpsCoef

float persistent_config_s::crankingTpsCoef

Cranking fuel correction coefficient based on TPS units: Ratio offset 5092

Cranking fuel correction coefficient based on TPS units: Ratio offset 5108

Cranking fuel correction coefficient based on TPS units: Ratio offset 5096

Cranking fuel correction coefficient based on TPS units: Ratio offset 4932

Definition at line 4807 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getCrankingFuel3(), and setDefaultCranking().

◆ dwellVoltageCorrValues

scaled_channel< uint8_t, 50, 1 > persistent_config_s::dwellVoltageCorrValues

units: multiplier offset 22684

units: multiplier offset 22700

units: multiplier offset 22688

units: multiplier offset 22184

units: multiplier offset 23356

units: multiplier offset 24684

units: multiplier offset 28184

Definition at line 5621 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by canneddwellVoltageCorrValues(), IgnitionState::getSparkDwell(), and setDefaultIgnition().

◆ dwellVoltageCorrVoltBins

scaled_channel< uint8_t, 10, 1 > persistent_config_s::dwellVoltageCorrVoltBins

units: volts offset 22676

units: volts offset 22692

units: volts offset 22680

units: volts offset 22176

units: volts offset 23348

units: volts offset 24676

units: volts offset 28176

Definition at line 5616 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by IgnitionState::getSparkDwell(), and setDefaultIgnition().

◆ engineConfiguration

engine_configuration_s persistent_config_s::engineConfiguration

offset 0

Definition at line 4664 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

◆ etbBiasBins

float persistent_config_s::etbBiasBins

target TPS value, 0 to 100% TODO: use int8 data date once we template interpolation method units: target TPS position offset 4212

target TPS value, 0 to 100% TODO: use int8 data date once we template interpolation method units: target TPS position offset 4228

target TPS value, 0 to 100% TODO: use int8 data date once we template interpolation method units: target TPS position offset 4216

target TPS value, 0 to 100% TODO: use int8 data date once we template interpolation method units: target TPS position offset 4052

Definition at line 4671 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by EtbController::getOpenLoop(), setBoschVNH2SP30Curve(), setDefaultEtbBiasCurve(), and setHitachiEtbBiasBins().

◆ etbBiasValues

float persistent_config_s::etbBiasValues

PWM bias, 0 to 100% units: ETB duty cycle bias offset 4244

PWM bias, 0 to 100% units: ETB duty cycle bias offset 4260

PWM bias, 0 to 100% units: ETB duty cycle bias offset 4248

PWM bias, 0 to 100% units: ETB duty cycle bias offset 4084

Definition at line 4677 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by EtbController::getOpenLoop(), setBoschVNH2SP30Curve(), setDefaultEtbBiasCurve(), and setHitachiEtbBiasBins().

◆ fuelLevelBins

scaled_channel< uint16_t, 1000, 1 > persistent_config_s::fuelLevelBins

units: volt offset 22652

units: volt offset 22668

units: volt offset 22656

units: volt offset 22152

units: volt offset 23324

units: volt offset 24652

units: volt offset 28152

Definition at line 5606 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by setDefaultEngineConfiguration(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ fuelLevelValues

uint8_t persistent_config_s::fuelLevelValues

units: % offset 22668

units: % offset 22684

units: % offset 22672

units: % offset 22168

units: % offset 23340

units: % offset 24668

units: % offset 28168

Definition at line 5611 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

◆ fuelTrimLoadBins

uint16_t persistent_config_s::fuelTrimLoadBins

offset 18852

offset 18868

offset 18856

offset 18352

offset 19524

offset 20852

offset 24352

Definition at line 5205 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getCylinderFuelTrim(), setDefaultVETable(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ fuelTrimRpmBins

uint16_t persistent_config_s::fuelTrimRpmBins

units: rpm offset 18860

units: rpm offset 18876

units: rpm offset 18864

units: rpm offset 18360

units: rpm offset 19532

units: rpm offset 20860

units: rpm offset 24360

Definition at line 5210 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getCylinderFuelTrim(), setDefaultVETable(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ fuelTrims

fuel_cyl_trim_s persistent_config_s::fuelTrims

offset 18868

offset 18884

offset 18872

offset 18368

offset 19540

offset 20868

offset 24368

Definition at line 5214 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getCylinderFuelTrim().

◆ hondaKcltGaugeAdder

uint8_t persistent_config_s::hondaKcltGaugeAdder

◆ hpfpCompensation

int8_t persistent_config_s::hpfpCompensation

units: % offset 22454

units: % offset 22470

units: % offset 22458

units: % offset 21954

units: % offset 23126

units: % offset 24454

units: % offset 27954

Definition at line 5560 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by HpfpQuantity::calcFuelPercent().

◆ hpfpCompensationLoadBins

scaled_channel< uint16_t, 1000, 1 > persistent_config_s::hpfpCompensationLoadBins

units: cc/lobe offset 22554

units: cc/lobe offset 22570

units: cc/lobe offset 22558

units: cc/lobe offset 22054

units: cc/lobe offset 23226

units: cc/lobe offset 24554

units: cc/lobe offset 28054

Definition at line 5565 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by HpfpQuantity::calcFuelPercent(), and setBoschHDEV_5_injectors().

◆ hpfpCompensationRpmBins

scaled_channel< uint8_t, 1, 50 > persistent_config_s::hpfpCompensationRpmBins

units: RPM offset 22574

units: RPM offset 22590

units: RPM offset 22578

units: RPM offset 22074

units: RPM offset 23246

units: RPM offset 24574

units: RPM offset 28074

Definition at line 5570 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by HpfpQuantity::calcFuelPercent(), setBoschHDEV_5_injectors(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ hpfpDeadtimeMS

scaled_channel< uint16_t, 1000, 1 > persistent_config_s::hpfpDeadtimeMS

units: ms offset 22208

units: ms offset 22224

units: ms offset 22212

units: ms offset 21708

units: ms offset 22880

units: ms offset 24208

units: ms offset 27708

Definition at line 5540 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by HpfpController::onFastCallback().

◆ hpfpDeadtimeVoltsBins

uint8_t persistent_config_s::hpfpDeadtimeVoltsBins

units: volts offset 22200

units: volts offset 22216

units: volts offset 22204

units: volts offset 21700

units: volts offset 22872

units: volts offset 24200

units: volts offset 27700

Definition at line 5535 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by HpfpController::onFastCallback(), setBoschHDEV_5_injectors(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ hpfpLobeProfileAngle

scaled_channel< uint8_t, 2, 1 > persistent_config_s::hpfpLobeProfileAngle

units: deg offset 22184

units: deg offset 22200

units: deg offset 22188

units: deg offset 21684

units: deg offset 22856

units: deg offset 24184

units: deg offset 27684

Definition at line 5530 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by HpfpQuantity::pumpAngleFuel(), and setBoschHDEV_5_injectors().

◆ hpfpLobeProfileQuantityBins

scaled_channel< uint8_t, 2, 1 > persistent_config_s::hpfpLobeProfileQuantityBins

units: % offset 22168

units: % offset 22184

units: % offset 22172

units: % offset 21668

units: % offset 22840

units: % offset 24168

units: % offset 27668

Definition at line 5525 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by HpfpQuantity::pumpAngleFuel(), setBoschHDEV_5_injectors(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ hpfpTarget

uint16_t persistent_config_s::hpfpTarget

units: kPa offset 22224

units: kPa offset 22240

units: kPa offset 22228

units: kPa offset 21724

units: kPa offset 22896

units: kPa offset 24224

units: kPa offset 27724

Definition at line 5545 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by HpfpQuantity::calcPI(), and setBoschHDEV_5_injectors().

◆ hpfpTargetLoadBins

scaled_channel< uint16_t, 10, 1 > persistent_config_s::hpfpTargetLoadBins

units: load offset 22424

units: load offset 22440

units: load offset 22428

units: load offset 21924

units: load offset 23096

units: load offset 24424

units: load offset 27924

Definition at line 5550 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by HpfpQuantity::calcPI(), setBoschHDEV_5_injectors(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ hpfpTargetRpmBins

scaled_channel< uint8_t, 1, 50 > persistent_config_s::hpfpTargetRpmBins

units: RPM offset 22444

units: RPM offset 22460

units: RPM offset 22448

units: RPM offset 21944

units: RPM offset 23116

units: RPM offset 24444

units: RPM offset 27944

Definition at line 5555 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by HpfpQuantity::calcPI(), setBoschHDEV_5_injectors(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ iacCoasting

scaled_channel< uint8_t, 2, 1 > persistent_config_s::iacCoasting

RPM-based idle position for coasting units: % offset 5188

RPM-based idle position for coasting units: % offset 5204

RPM-based idle position for coasting units: % offset 5192

RPM-based idle position for coasting units: % offset 5028

Definition at line 4836 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by IdleController::getOpenLoop(), and miataNA_setIacCoastingBins().

◆ iacCoastingRpmBins

scaled_channel< uint8_t, 1, 100 > persistent_config_s::iacCoastingRpmBins

RPM-based idle position for coasting units: RPM offset 5172

RPM-based idle position for coasting units: RPM offset 5188

RPM-based idle position for coasting units: RPM offset 5176

RPM-based idle position for coasting units: RPM offset 5012

Definition at line 4830 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by IdleController::getOpenLoop(), miataNA_setIacCoastingBins(), setDefaultEngineConfiguration(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ iacPidMultLoadBins

uint8_t persistent_config_s::iacPidMultLoadBins

units: Load offset 4340

units: Load offset 4356

units: Load offset 4344

units: Load offset 4180

Definition at line 4687 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by IdleController::getClosedLoop().

◆ iacPidMultRpmBins

scaled_channel< uint8_t, 1, 10 > persistent_config_s::iacPidMultRpmBins

units: RPM offset 4348

units: RPM offset 4364

units: RPM offset 4352

units: RPM offset 4188

Definition at line 4692 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by IdleController::getClosedLoop().

◆ iacPidMultTable

scaled_channel< uint8_t, 20, 1 > persistent_config_s::iacPidMultTable

units: % offset 4276

units: % offset 4292

units: % offset 4280

units: % offset 4116

Definition at line 4682 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by IdleController::getClosedLoop().

◆ iatBoostCorr

float persistent_config_s::iatBoostCorr

units: ratio offset 22860

units: ratio offset 22876

units: ratio offset 22864

units: ratio offset 22360

units: ratio offset 23532

units: ratio offset 24860

units: ratio offset 28360

Definition at line 5696 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by setDefaultEngineConfiguration().

◆ iatBoostCorrBins

float persistent_config_s::iatBoostCorrBins

units: C offset 22840

units: C offset 22856

units: C offset 22844

units: C offset 22340

units: C offset 23512

units: C offset 24840

units: C offset 28340

Definition at line 5691 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by setDefaultEngineConfiguration(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ iatFuelCorr

float persistent_config_s::iatFuelCorr

units: ratio offset 13900

units: ratio offset 13916

units: ratio offset 13904

units: ratio offset 13672

units: ratio offset 15900

units: ratio offset 19400

Definition at line 4939 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getIatFuelCorrection().

◆ iatFuelCorrBins

float persistent_config_s::iatFuelCorrBins

units: C offset 13836

units: C offset 13852

units: C offset 13840

units: C offset 13608

units: C offset 15836

units: C offset 19336

Definition at line 4934 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getIatFuelCorrection(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ idleAdvance

float persistent_config_s::idleAdvance

Optional timing advance table for Idle (see useSeparateAdvanceForIdle) units: deg offset 5636

Optional timing advance table for Idle (see useSeparateAdvanceForIdle) units: deg offset 5652

Optional timing advance table for Idle (see useSeparateAdvanceForIdle) units: deg offset 5640

Optional timing advance table for Idle (see useSeparateAdvanceForIdle) units: deg offset 5408

Definition at line 4900 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by cannedidleAdvance(), and getRunningAdvance().

◆ idleAdvanceBins

scaled_channel< uint8_t, 1, 50 > persistent_config_s::idleAdvanceBins

Optional timing advance table for Idle (see useSeparateAdvanceForIdle) units: RPM offset 5628

Optional timing advance table for Idle (see useSeparateAdvanceForIdle) units: RPM offset 5644

Optional timing advance table for Idle (see useSeparateAdvanceForIdle) units: RPM offset 5632

Optional timing advance table for Idle (see useSeparateAdvanceForIdle) units: RPM offset 5400

Definition at line 4894 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by cannedidleAdvanceBins(), getRunningAdvance(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ idleVeLoadBins

uint8_t persistent_config_s::idleVeLoadBins

units: load offset 5672

units: load offset 5688

units: load offset 5676

units: load offset 5444

Definition at line 4910 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by AirmassVeModelBase::getVe(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ idleVeRpmBins

scaled_channel< uint8_t, 1, 10 > persistent_config_s::idleVeRpmBins

units: RPM offset 5668

units: RPM offset 5684

units: RPM offset 5672

units: RPM offset 5440

Definition at line 4905 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by AirmassVeModelBase::getVe(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ idleVeTable

scaled_channel< uint16_t, 10, 1 > persistent_config_s::idleVeTable

units: % offset 5676

units: % offset 5692

units: % offset 5680

units: % offset 5448

Definition at line 4915 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by AirmassVeModelBase::getVe().

◆ ignBlends

blend_table_s persistent_config_s::ignBlends

offset 19460

offset 19476

offset 19464

offset 18960

offset 20132

offset 21460

offset 24960

Definition at line 5388 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getRunningAdvance(), and setDefaultIgnition().

◆ ignitionIatCorrLoadBins

scaled_channel< uint8_t, 1, 5 > persistent_config_s::ignitionIatCorrLoadBins

units: Load offset 14652

units: Load offset 14668

units: Load offset 14656

units: Load offset 14424

units: Load offset 16652

units: Load offset 20152

Definition at line 5004 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getAdvanceCorrections(), setDefaultIatTimingCorrection(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ ignitionIatCorrTable

scaled_channel< int8_t, 10, 1 > persistent_config_s::ignitionIatCorrTable

units: deg offset 14580

units: deg offset 14596

units: deg offset 14584

units: deg offset 14352

units: deg offset 16580

units: deg offset 20080

Definition at line 4994 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getAdvanceCorrections(), setDefaultIatTimingCorrection(), setWholeIatCorrTimingTable(), and testEngine6451().

◆ ignitionIatCorrTempBins

int8_t persistent_config_s::ignitionIatCorrTempBins

units: C offset 14644

units: C offset 14660

units: C offset 14648

units: C offset 14416

units: C offset 16644

units: C offset 20144

Definition at line 4999 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getAdvanceCorrections(), setDefaultIatTimingCorrection(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ ignitionLoadBins

uint16_t persistent_config_s::ignitionLoadBins

units: Load offset 16576

units: Load offset 16592

units: Load offset 16580

units: Load offset 16092

units: Load offset 17216

units: Load offset 18576

units: Load offset 22076

Definition at line 5079 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by buildTimingMap(), cannedignitionLoadBins(), getRunningAdvance(), miataNA_setIgnitionTable(), setCommonMazdaNB(), setDefaultIgnition(), setDodgeNeonNGCEngineConfiguration(), setFordEscortGt(), setVwAba(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ ignitionRpmBins

uint16_t persistent_config_s::ignitionRpmBins

units: RPM offset 16608

units: RPM offset 16624

units: RPM offset 16612

units: RPM offset 16124

units: RPM offset 17264

units: RPM offset 18608

units: RPM offset 22108

Definition at line 5084 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by buildTimingMap(), cannedignitionRpmBins(), getRunningAdvance(), miataNA_setIgnitionTable(), setCommonMazdaNB(), setFordEscortGt(), setTimingRpmBin(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ ignitionTable

scaled_channel< int16_t, 10, 1 > persistent_config_s::ignitionTable

units: deg offset 16064

units: deg offset 16080

units: deg offset 16068

units: deg offset 15836

units: deg offset 18064

units: deg offset 21564

Definition at line 5074 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by buildTimingMap(), cannedignitionTable(), couplecannedignitionTable(), getRunningAdvance(), miataNA_setIgnitionTable(), miataNAcommonEngineSettings(), pbcannedignitionTable(), setCommonMazdaNB(), setDefaultAspireMaps(), setFordEscortGt(), setWholeTimingMap(), and setWholeTimingTable().

◆ ignTrimLoadBins

uint16_t persistent_config_s::ignTrimLoadBins

offset 18644

offset 18660

offset 18648

offset 18144

offset 19316

offset 20644

offset 24144

Definition at line 5192 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getCylinderIgnitionTrim(), setDefaultIgnition(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ ignTrimRpmBins

uint16_t persistent_config_s::ignTrimRpmBins

units: rpm offset 18652

units: rpm offset 18668

units: rpm offset 18656

units: rpm offset 18152

units: rpm offset 19324

units: rpm offset 20652

units: rpm offset 24152

Definition at line 5197 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getCylinderIgnitionTrim(), setDefaultIgnition(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ ignTrims

ign_cyl_trim_s persistent_config_s::ignTrims

offset 18660

offset 18676

offset 18664

offset 18160

offset 19332

offset 20660

offset 24160

Definition at line 5201 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getCylinderIgnitionTrim().

◆ injectionPhase

int16_t persistent_config_s::injectionPhase

units: deg offset 14660

units: deg offset 14676

units: deg offset 14664

units: deg offset 14432

units: deg offset 16660

units: deg offset 20160

Definition at line 5009 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getInjectionOffset(), pbcannedinjectionPhase(), setDefaultFuel(), and setGDIFueling().

◆ injectorStagingLoadBins

uint16_t persistent_config_s::injectorStagingLoadBins

offset 22096

offset 22112

offset 22100

offset 21596

offset 22768

offset 24096

offset 27596

Definition at line 5489 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getStage2InjectionFraction(), setDefaultFuel(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ injectorStagingRpmBins

uint16_t persistent_config_s::injectorStagingRpmBins

units: RPM offset 22108

units: RPM offset 22124

units: RPM offset 22112

units: RPM offset 21608

units: RPM offset 22780

units: RPM offset 24108

units: RPM offset 27608

Definition at line 5494 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getStage2InjectionFraction(), setDefaultFuel(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ injectorStagingTable

uint8_t persistent_config_s::injectorStagingTable

units: % offset 22060

units: % offset 22076

units: % offset 22064

units: % offset 21560

units: % offset 22732

units: % offset 24060

units: % offset 27560

Definition at line 5485 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getStage2InjectionFraction().

◆ injPhaseLoadBins

uint16_t persistent_config_s::injPhaseLoadBins

units: Load offset 15172

units: Load offset 15188

units: Load offset 15176

units: Load offset 14944

units: Load offset 17172

units: Load offset 20672

Definition at line 5014 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getInjectionOffset(), setFuelTablesLoadBin(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ injPhaseRpmBins

uint16_t persistent_config_s::injPhaseRpmBins

units: RPM offset 15204

units: RPM offset 15220

units: RPM offset 15208

units: RPM offset 14976

units: RPM offset 17204

units: RPM offset 20704

Definition at line 5019 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getInjectionOffset(), setDefaultFuel(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ knockBaseNoise

scaled_channel< int8_t, 2, 1 > persistent_config_s::knockBaseNoise

Knock sensor output knock detection threshold depending on current RPM. units: dB offset 22616

Knock sensor output knock detection threshold depending on current RPM. units: dB offset 22632

Knock sensor output knock detection threshold depending on current RPM. units: dB offset 22620

Knock sensor output knock detection threshold depending on current RPM. units: dB offset 22116

Knock sensor output knock detection threshold depending on current RPM. units: dB offset 23288

Knock sensor output knock detection threshold depending on current RPM. units: dB offset 24616

Knock sensor output knock detection threshold depending on current RPM. units: dB offset 28116

Definition at line 5581 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by KnockController::getKnockThreshold(), and setDefaultEngineNoiseTable().

◆ knockNoiseRpmBins

uint16_t persistent_config_s::knockNoiseRpmBins

units: RPM offset 22584

units: RPM offset 22600

units: RPM offset 22588

units: RPM offset 22084

units: RPM offset 23256

units: RPM offset 24584

units: RPM offset 28084

Definition at line 5575 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by KnockController::getKnockThreshold(), and setDefaultEngineNoiseTable().

◆ lambdaLoadBins

uint16_t persistent_config_s::lambdaLoadBins

offset 17472

offset 17488

offset 17476

offset 16972

offset 18144

offset 19472

offset 22972

Definition at line 5108 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by FuelComputer::getTargetLambda(), setDefaultLambdaTable(), setFuelTablesLoadBin(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ lambdaMaxDeviationLoadBins

uint16_t persistent_config_s::lambdaMaxDeviationLoadBins

offset 22044

offset 22060

offset 22048

offset 21544

offset 22716

offset 24044

offset 27544

Definition at line 5475 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by LambdaMonitor::getMaxAllowedLambda().

◆ lambdaMaxDeviationRpmBins

uint16_t persistent_config_s::lambdaMaxDeviationRpmBins

units: RPM offset 22052

units: RPM offset 22068

units: RPM offset 22056

units: RPM offset 21552

units: RPM offset 22724

units: RPM offset 24052

units: RPM offset 27552

Definition at line 5480 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by LambdaMonitor::getMaxAllowedLambda().

◆ lambdaMaxDeviationTable

scaled_channel< uint8_t, 100, 1 > persistent_config_s::lambdaMaxDeviationTable

units: lambda offset 22028

units: lambda offset 22044

units: lambda offset 22032

units: lambda offset 21528

units: lambda offset 22700

units: lambda offset 24028

units: lambda offset 27528

Definition at line 5471 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by LambdaMonitor::getMaxAllowedLambda().

◆ lambdaRpmBins

uint16_t persistent_config_s::lambdaRpmBins

units: RPM offset 17504

units: RPM offset 17520

units: RPM offset 17508

units: RPM offset 17004

units: RPM offset 18176

units: RPM offset 19504

units: RPM offset 23004

Definition at line 5113 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by FuelComputer::getTargetLambda(), setDefaultLambdaTable(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ lambdaTable

scaled_channel< uint8_t, 147, 1 > persistent_config_s::lambdaTable

units: lambda offset 17216

units: lambda offset 17232

units: lambda offset 17220

units: lambda offset 16716

units: lambda offset 17888

units: lambda offset 19216

units: lambda offset 22716

Definition at line 5104 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by FuelComputer::getTargetLambda(), pbcannedlambdaTable(), setDefaultLambdaTable(), and setFordEscortGt().

◆ luaScript

lua_script_t persistent_config_s::luaScript

◆ mafDecoding

float persistent_config_s::mafDecoding

Also known as MAF transfer function. kg/hour value. By the way 2.081989116 kg/h = 1 ft3/m units: kg/hour offset 14324

Also known as MAF transfer function. kg/hour value. By the way 2.081989116 kg/h = 1 ft3/m units: kg/hour offset 14340

Also known as MAF transfer function. kg/hour value. By the way 2.081989116 kg/h = 1 ft3/m units: kg/hour offset 14328

Also known as MAF transfer function. kg/hour value. By the way 2.081989116 kg/h = 1 ft3/m units: kg/hour offset 14096

Also known as MAF transfer function. kg/hour value. By the way 2.081989116 kg/h = 1 ft3/m units: kg/hour offset 16324

Also known as MAF transfer function. kg/hour value. By the way 2.081989116 kg/h = 1 ft3/m units: kg/hour offset 19824

Definition at line 4984 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by addMafPoint(), setBosch0280218037(), setMafDecodingBins(), and setMAFTransferFunction().

◆ mafDecodingBins

float persistent_config_s::mafDecodingBins

units: V offset 14452

units: V offset 14468

units: V offset 14456

units: V offset 14224

units: V offset 16452

units: V offset 19952

Definition at line 4989 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by addMafPoint(), setBosch0280218037(), setMafDecodingBins(), setMAFTransferFunction(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ mapEstimateRpmBins

uint16_t persistent_config_s::mapEstimateRpmBins

units: RPM offset 15840

units: RPM offset 15856

units: RPM offset 15844

units: RPM offset 15612

units: RPM offset 17840

units: RPM offset 21340

Definition at line 5039 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by initFuelMap(), setDefaultFuel(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ mapEstimateTable

scaled_channel< uint16_t, 100, 1 > persistent_config_s::mapEstimateTable

units: kPa offset 15296

units: kPa offset 15312

units: kPa offset 15300

units: kPa offset 15068

units: kPa offset 17296

units: kPa offset 20796

Definition at line 5029 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by initFuelMap(), and setDefaultFuel().

◆ mapEstimateTpsBins

scaled_channel< uint16_t, 100, 1 > persistent_config_s::mapEstimateTpsBins

units: % TPS offset 15808

units: % TPS offset 15824

units: % TPS offset 15812

units: % TPS offset 15580

units: % TPS offset 17808

units: % TPS offset 21308

Definition at line 5034 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by initFuelMap(), setDefaultFuel(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ maxKnockRetardLoadBins

uint8_t persistent_config_s::maxKnockRetardLoadBins

units: % offset 19304

units: % offset 19320

units: % offset 19308

units: % offset 18804

units: % offset 19976

units: % offset 21304

units: % offset 24804

Definition at line 5334 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by KnockController::getMaximumRetard().

◆ maxKnockRetardRpmBins

scaled_channel< uint8_t, 1, 100 > persistent_config_s::maxKnockRetardRpmBins

units: RPM offset 19310

units: RPM offset 19326

units: RPM offset 19314

units: RPM offset 18810

units: RPM offset 19982

units: RPM offset 21310

units: RPM offset 24810

Definition at line 5339 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by KnockController::getMaximumRetard().

◆ maxKnockRetardTable

scaled_channel< uint8_t, 4, 1 > persistent_config_s::maxKnockRetardTable

units: deg offset 19268

units: deg offset 19284

units: deg offset 19272

units: deg offset 18768

units: deg offset 19940

units: deg offset 21268

units: deg offset 24768

Definition at line 5329 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by KnockController::getMaximumRetard().

◆ pedalToTpsPedalBins

uint8_t persistent_config_s::pedalToTpsPedalBins

units: % offset 5548

units: % offset 5564

units: % offset 5552

units: % offset 5320

Definition at line 4871 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by initElectronicThrottle(), setDefaultEtbParameters(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ pedalToTpsRpmBins

scaled_channel< uint8_t, 1, 100 > persistent_config_s::pedalToTpsRpmBins

units: RPM offset 5556

units: RPM offset 5572

units: RPM offset 5560

units: RPM offset 5328

Definition at line 4876 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by cannedpedalToTpsRpmBins(), initElectronicThrottle(), setDefaultEtbParameters(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ pedalToTpsTable

uint8_t persistent_config_s::pedalToTpsTable

units: % offset 5484

units: % offset 5500

units: % offset 5488

units: % offset 5256

Definition at line 4866 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by initElectronicThrottle(), and setDefaultEtbParameters().

◆ scriptCurve1

float persistent_config_s::scriptCurve1

units: y offset 4548

units: y offset 4564

units: y offset 4552

units: y offset 4388

Definition at line 4736 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getCurveValue(), recalculateAuxValveTiming(), setDefaultEngineConfiguration(), setProteusVwPassatB6(), and setScriptCurve1Value().

◆ scriptCurve1Bins

float persistent_config_s::scriptCurve1Bins

units: x offset 4484

units: x offset 4500

units: x offset 4488

units: x offset 4324

Definition at line 4731 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getCurveValue(), recalculateAuxValveTiming(), setDefaultEngineConfiguration(), setProteusVwPassatB6(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ scriptCurve2

float persistent_config_s::scriptCurve2

units: y offset 4676

units: y offset 4692

units: y offset 4680

units: y offset 4516

Definition at line 4746 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getCurveValue(), proteusLuaDemo(), recalculateAuxValveTiming(), setDefaultEngineConfiguration(), and setScriptCurve2Value().

◆ scriptCurve2Bins

float persistent_config_s::scriptCurve2Bins

units: x offset 4612

units: x offset 4628

units: x offset 4616

units: x offset 4452

Definition at line 4741 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getCurveValue(), proteusLuaDemo(), recalculateAuxValveTiming(), setDefaultEngineConfiguration(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ scriptCurve3

float persistent_config_s::scriptCurve3

units: y offset 4772

units: y offset 4788

units: y offset 4776

units: y offset 4612

Definition at line 4756 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getCurveValue(), and proteusLuaDemo().

◆ scriptCurve3Bins

float persistent_config_s::scriptCurve3Bins

units: x offset 4740

units: x offset 4756

units: x offset 4744

units: x offset 4580

Definition at line 4751 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getCurveValue(), proteusLuaDemo(), setDefaultEngineConfiguration(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ scriptCurve4

float persistent_config_s::scriptCurve4

units: y offset 4836

units: y offset 4852

units: y offset 4840

units: y offset 4676

Definition at line 4766 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getCurveValue().

◆ scriptCurve4Bins

float persistent_config_s::scriptCurve4Bins

units: x offset 4804

units: x offset 4820

units: x offset 4808

units: x offset 4644

Definition at line 4761 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getCurveValue(), setDefaultEngineConfiguration(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ scriptCurve5

float persistent_config_s::scriptCurve5

units: y offset 4900

units: y offset 4916

units: y offset 4904

units: y offset 4740

Definition at line 4776 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getCurveValue().

◆ scriptCurve5Bins

float persistent_config_s::scriptCurve5Bins

units: x offset 4868

units: x offset 4884

units: x offset 4872

units: x offset 4708

Definition at line 4771 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getCurveValue(), setDefaultEngineConfiguration(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ scriptCurve6

float persistent_config_s::scriptCurve6

units: y offset 4964

units: y offset 4980

units: y offset 4968

units: y offset 4804

Definition at line 4786 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getCurveValue().

◆ scriptCurve6Bins

float persistent_config_s::scriptCurve6Bins

units: x offset 4932

units: x offset 4948

units: x offset 4936

units: x offset 4772

Definition at line 4781 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getCurveValue(), setDefaultEngineConfiguration(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ scriptTable1

float persistent_config_s::scriptTable1

units: value offset 17856

units: value offset 17872

units: value offset 17860

units: value offset 17356

units: value offset 18528

units: value offset 19856

units: value offset 23356

Definition at line 5133 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by initScriptImpl().

◆ scriptTable1LoadBins

int16_t persistent_config_s::scriptTable1LoadBins

units: L offset 18112

units: L offset 18128

units: L offset 18116

units: L offset 17612

units: L offset 18784

units: L offset 20112

units: L offset 23612

Definition at line 5138 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by initScriptImpl(), and setDefaultScriptParameters().

◆ scriptTable1RpmBins

int16_t persistent_config_s::scriptTable1RpmBins

units: RPM offset 18128

units: RPM offset 18144

units: RPM offset 18132

units: RPM offset 17628

units: RPM offset 18800

units: RPM offset 20128

units: RPM offset 23628

Definition at line 5143 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by initScriptImpl(), and setDefaultScriptParameters().

◆ scriptTable2

float persistent_config_s::scriptTable2

units: value offset 18144

units: value offset 18160

units: value offset 18148

units: value offset 17644

units: value offset 18816

units: value offset 20144

units: value offset 23644

Definition at line 5148 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by initScriptImpl().

◆ scriptTable2LoadBins

int16_t persistent_config_s::scriptTable2LoadBins

units: L offset 18400

units: L offset 18416

units: L offset 18404

units: L offset 17900

units: L offset 19072

units: L offset 20400

units: L offset 23900

Definition at line 5153 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by initScriptImpl(), and setDefaultScriptParameters().

◆ scriptTable2RpmBins

int16_t persistent_config_s::scriptTable2RpmBins

units: RPM offset 18416

units: RPM offset 18432

units: RPM offset 18420

units: RPM offset 17916

units: RPM offset 19088

units: RPM offset 20416

units: RPM offset 23916

Definition at line 5158 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by initScriptImpl(), and setDefaultScriptParameters().

◆ scriptTable3

uint8_t persistent_config_s::scriptTable3

units: value offset 18432

units: value offset 18448

units: value offset 18436

units: value offset 17932

units: value offset 19104

units: value offset 20432

units: value offset 23932

Definition at line 5163 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by initScriptImpl().

◆ scriptTable3LoadBins

int16_t persistent_config_s::scriptTable3LoadBins

units: L offset 18496

units: L offset 18512

units: L offset 18500

units: L offset 17996

units: L offset 19168

units: L offset 20496

units: L offset 23996

Definition at line 5168 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by initScriptImpl(), and setDefaultScriptParameters().

◆ scriptTable3RpmBins

int16_t persistent_config_s::scriptTable3RpmBins

units: RPM offset 18512

units: RPM offset 18528

units: RPM offset 18516

units: RPM offset 18012

units: RPM offset 19184

units: RPM offset 20512

units: RPM offset 24012

Definition at line 5173 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by initScriptImpl(), and setDefaultScriptParameters().

◆ scriptTable4

uint8_t persistent_config_s::scriptTable4

units: value offset 18528

units: value offset 18544

units: value offset 18532

units: value offset 18028

units: value offset 19200

units: value offset 20528

units: value offset 24028

Definition at line 5178 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by initScriptImpl(), and setDefaultBaseEngine().

◆ scriptTable4LoadBins

int16_t persistent_config_s::scriptTable4LoadBins

units: L offset 18608

units: L offset 18624

units: L offset 18612

units: L offset 18108

units: L offset 19280

units: L offset 20608

units: L offset 24108

Definition at line 5183 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by initScriptImpl(), and setDefaultScriptParameters().

◆ scriptTable4RpmBins

int16_t persistent_config_s::scriptTable4RpmBins

units: RPM offset 18624

units: RPM offset 18640

units: RPM offset 18628

units: RPM offset 18124

units: RPM offset 19296

units: RPM offset 20624

units: RPM offset 24124

Definition at line 5188 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by initScriptImpl(), and setDefaultScriptParameters().

◆ sparkDwellRpmBins

uint16_t persistent_config_s::sparkDwellRpmBins

On Single Coil or Wasted Spark setups you have to lower dwell at high RPM units: RPM offset 4356

On Single Coil or Wasted Spark setups you have to lower dwell at high RPM units: RPM offset 4372

On Single Coil or Wasted Spark setups you have to lower dwell at high RPM units: RPM offset 4360

On Single Coil or Wasted Spark setups you have to lower dwell at high RPM units: RPM offset 4196

Definition at line 4698 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by IgnitionState::getSparkDwell(), setConstantDwell(), setSingleCoilDwell(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ sparkDwellValues

scaled_channel< uint16_t, 100, 1 > persistent_config_s::sparkDwellValues

units: ms offset 4372

units: ms offset 4388

units: ms offset 4376

units: ms offset 4212

Definition at line 4703 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by cannedsparkDwellValues(), IgnitionState::getSparkDwell(), setConstantDwell(), and setSingleCoilDwell().

◆ tcu_32SpeedBins

uint8_t persistent_config_s::tcu_32SpeedBins

units: KPH offset 19204

units: KPH offset 19220

units: KPH offset 19208

units: KPH offset 18704

units: KPH offset 19876

units: KPH offset 21204

units: KPH offset 24704

Definition at line 5304 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by Gm4l6xTransmissionController::set32State().

◆ tcu_32Vals

uint8_t persistent_config_s::tcu_32Vals

units: % offset 19212

units: % offset 19228

units: % offset 19216

units: % offset 18712

units: % offset 19884

units: % offset 21212

units: % offset 24712

Definition at line 5309 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by Gm4l6xTransmissionController::set32State().

◆ tcu_pcAirmassBins

scaled_channel< uint8_t, 1, 5 > persistent_config_s::tcu_pcAirmassBins

units: Airmass offset 19076

units: Airmass offset 19092

units: Airmass offset 19080

units: Airmass offset 18576

units: Airmass offset 19748

units: Airmass offset 21076

units: Airmass offset 24576

Definition at line 5224 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by Generic4TransmissionController::setPcState().

◆ tcu_pcVals1

uint8_t persistent_config_s::tcu_pcVals1

units: % offset 19100

units: % offset 19116

units: % offset 19104

units: % offset 18600

units: % offset 19772

units: % offset 21100

units: % offset 24600

Definition at line 5239 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by Generic4TransmissionController::setPcState().

◆ tcu_pcVals12

uint8_t persistent_config_s::tcu_pcVals12

units: % offset 19132

units: % offset 19148

units: % offset 19136

units: % offset 18632

units: % offset 19804

units: % offset 21132

units: % offset 24632

Definition at line 5259 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by Generic4TransmissionController::setPcState().

◆ tcu_pcVals2

uint8_t persistent_config_s::tcu_pcVals2

units: % offset 19108

units: % offset 19124

units: % offset 19112

units: % offset 18608

units: % offset 19780

units: % offset 21108

units: % offset 24608

Definition at line 5244 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by Generic4TransmissionController::setPcState().

◆ tcu_pcVals21

uint8_t persistent_config_s::tcu_pcVals21

units: % offset 19156

units: % offset 19172

units: % offset 19160

units: % offset 18656

units: % offset 19828

units: % offset 21156

units: % offset 24656

Definition at line 5274 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by Generic4TransmissionController::setPcState().

◆ tcu_pcVals23

uint8_t persistent_config_s::tcu_pcVals23

units: % offset 19140

units: % offset 19156

units: % offset 19144

units: % offset 18640

units: % offset 19812

units: % offset 21140

units: % offset 24640

Definition at line 5264 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by Generic4TransmissionController::setPcState().

◆ tcu_pcVals3

uint8_t persistent_config_s::tcu_pcVals3

units: % offset 19116

units: % offset 19132

units: % offset 19120

units: % offset 18616

units: % offset 19788

units: % offset 21116

units: % offset 24616

Definition at line 5249 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by Generic4TransmissionController::setPcState().

◆ tcu_pcVals32

uint8_t persistent_config_s::tcu_pcVals32

units: % offset 19164

units: % offset 19180

units: % offset 19168

units: % offset 18664

units: % offset 19836

units: % offset 21164

units: % offset 24664

Definition at line 5279 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by Generic4TransmissionController::setPcState().

◆ tcu_pcVals34

uint8_t persistent_config_s::tcu_pcVals34

units: % offset 19148

units: % offset 19164

units: % offset 19152

units: % offset 18648

units: % offset 19820

units: % offset 21148

units: % offset 24648

Definition at line 5269 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by Generic4TransmissionController::setPcState().

◆ tcu_pcVals4

uint8_t persistent_config_s::tcu_pcVals4

units: % offset 19124

units: % offset 19140

units: % offset 19128

units: % offset 18624

units: % offset 19796

units: % offset 21124

units: % offset 24624

Definition at line 5254 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by Generic4TransmissionController::setPcState().

◆ tcu_pcVals43

uint8_t persistent_config_s::tcu_pcVals43

units: % offset 19172

units: % offset 19188

units: % offset 19176

units: % offset 18672

units: % offset 19844

units: % offset 21172

units: % offset 24672

Definition at line 5284 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by Generic4TransmissionController::setPcState().

◆ tcu_pcValsN

uint8_t persistent_config_s::tcu_pcValsN

units: % offset 19092

units: % offset 19108

units: % offset 19096

units: % offset 18592

units: % offset 19764

units: % offset 21092

units: % offset 24592

Definition at line 5234 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by Generic4TransmissionController::setPcState().

◆ tcu_pcValsR

uint8_t persistent_config_s::tcu_pcValsR

units: % offset 19084

units: % offset 19100

units: % offset 19088

units: % offset 18584

units: % offset 19756

units: % offset 21084

units: % offset 24584

Definition at line 5229 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by Generic4TransmissionController::setPcState().

◆ tcu_rangeD

float persistent_config_s::tcu_rangeD

units: level offset 21836

units: level offset 21852

units: level offset 21840

units: level offset 21336

units: level offset 22508

units: level offset 23836

units: level offset 27336

Definition at line 5431 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by GearControllerBase::getRangeStateArray().

◆ tcu_rangeLow

float persistent_config_s::tcu_rangeLow

units: level offset 22004

units: level offset 22020

units: level offset 22008

units: level offset 21504

units: level offset 22676

units: level offset 24004

units: level offset 27504

Definition at line 5466 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by GearControllerBase::getRangeStateArray().

◆ tcu_rangeM

float persistent_config_s::tcu_rangeM

units: level offset 21860

units: level offset 21876

units: level offset 21864

units: level offset 21360

units: level offset 22532

units: level offset 23860

units: level offset 27360

Definition at line 5436 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by GearControllerBase::getRangeStateArray().

◆ tcu_rangeM1

float persistent_config_s::tcu_rangeM1

units: level offset 21932

units: level offset 21948

units: level offset 21936

units: level offset 21432

units: level offset 22604

units: level offset 23932

units: level offset 27432

Definition at line 5451 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by GearControllerBase::getRangeStateArray().

◆ tcu_rangeM2

float persistent_config_s::tcu_rangeM2

units: level offset 21908

units: level offset 21924

units: level offset 21912

units: level offset 21408

units: level offset 22580

units: level offset 23908

units: level offset 27408

Definition at line 5446 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by GearControllerBase::getRangeStateArray().

◆ tcu_rangeM3

float persistent_config_s::tcu_rangeM3

units: level offset 21884

units: level offset 21900

units: level offset 21888

units: level offset 21384

units: level offset 22556

units: level offset 23884

units: level offset 27384

Definition at line 5441 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by GearControllerBase::getRangeStateArray().

◆ tcu_rangeMinus

float persistent_config_s::tcu_rangeMinus

units: level offset 21980

units: level offset 21996

units: level offset 21984

units: level offset 21480

units: level offset 22652

units: level offset 23980

units: level offset 27480

Definition at line 5461 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by GearControllerBase::getRangeStateArray().

◆ tcu_rangeN

float persistent_config_s::tcu_rangeN

units: level offset 21812

units: level offset 21828

units: level offset 21816

units: level offset 21312

units: level offset 22484

units: level offset 23812

units: level offset 27312

Definition at line 5426 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by GearControllerBase::getRangeStateArray().

◆ tcu_rangeP

float persistent_config_s::tcu_rangeP

units: level offset 21764

units: level offset 21780

units: level offset 21768

units: level offset 21264

units: level offset 22436

units: level offset 23764

units: level offset 27264

Definition at line 5416 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by GearControllerBase::getRangeStateArray().

◆ tcu_rangePlus

float persistent_config_s::tcu_rangePlus

units: level offset 21956

units: level offset 21972

units: level offset 21960

units: level offset 21456

units: level offset 22628

units: level offset 23956

units: level offset 27456

Definition at line 5456 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by GearControllerBase::getRangeStateArray().

◆ tcu_rangeR

float persistent_config_s::tcu_rangeR

units: level offset 21788

units: level offset 21804

units: level offset 21792

units: level offset 21288

units: level offset 22460

units: level offset 23788

units: level offset 27288

Definition at line 5421 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by GearControllerBase::getRangeStateArray().

◆ tcu_shiftSpeed12

uint8_t persistent_config_s::tcu_shiftSpeed12

units: MPH offset 22700

units: MPH offset 22716

units: MPH offset 22704

units: MPH offset 22200

units: MPH offset 23372

units: MPH offset 24700

units: MPH offset 28200

Definition at line 5631 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by AutomaticGearController::update().

◆ tcu_shiftSpeed21

uint8_t persistent_config_s::tcu_shiftSpeed21

units: MPH offset 22724

units: MPH offset 22740

units: MPH offset 22728

units: MPH offset 22224

units: MPH offset 23396

units: MPH offset 24724

units: MPH offset 28224

Definition at line 5646 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by AutomaticGearController::update().

◆ tcu_shiftSpeed23

uint8_t persistent_config_s::tcu_shiftSpeed23

units: MPH offset 22708

units: MPH offset 22724

units: MPH offset 22712

units: MPH offset 22208

units: MPH offset 23380

units: MPH offset 24708

units: MPH offset 28208

Definition at line 5636 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by AutomaticGearController::update().

◆ tcu_shiftSpeed32

uint8_t persistent_config_s::tcu_shiftSpeed32

units: MPH offset 22732

units: MPH offset 22748

units: MPH offset 22736

units: MPH offset 22232

units: MPH offset 23404

units: MPH offset 24732

units: MPH offset 28232

Definition at line 5651 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by AutomaticGearController::update().

◆ tcu_shiftSpeed34

uint8_t persistent_config_s::tcu_shiftSpeed34

units: MPH offset 22716

units: MPH offset 22732

units: MPH offset 22720

units: MPH offset 22216

units: MPH offset 23388

units: MPH offset 24716

units: MPH offset 28216

Definition at line 5641 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by AutomaticGearController::update().

◆ tcu_shiftSpeed43

uint8_t persistent_config_s::tcu_shiftSpeed43

units: MPH offset 22740

units: MPH offset 22756

units: MPH offset 22744

units: MPH offset 22240

units: MPH offset 23412

units: MPH offset 24740

units: MPH offset 28240

Definition at line 5656 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by AutomaticGearController::update().

◆ tcu_shiftTime

float persistent_config_s::tcu_shiftTime

units: ms offset 22748

units: ms offset 22764

units: ms offset 22752

units: ms offset 22248

units: ms offset 23420

units: ms offset 24748

units: ms offset 28248

Definition at line 5661 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by getConfigValueByName(), TransmissionControllerBase::isShiftCompleted(), and setConfigValueByName().

◆ tcu_shiftTpsBins

scaled_channel< uint8_t, 1, 1 > persistent_config_s::tcu_shiftTpsBins

units: % offset 22692

units: % offset 22708

units: % offset 22696

units: % offset 22192

units: % offset 23364

units: % offset 24692

units: % offset 28192

Definition at line 5626 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by AutomaticGearController::shift().

◆ tcu_tccLockSpeed

uint8_t persistent_config_s::tcu_tccLockSpeed

units: MPH offset 19188

units: MPH offset 19204

units: MPH offset 19192

units: MPH offset 18688

units: MPH offset 19860

units: MPH offset 21188

units: MPH offset 24688

Definition at line 5294 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by Generic4TransmissionController::setTccState().

◆ tcu_tccTpsBins

uint8_t persistent_config_s::tcu_tccTpsBins

units: TPS offset 19180

units: TPS offset 19196

units: TPS offset 19184

units: TPS offset 18680

units: TPS offset 19852

units: TPS offset 21180

units: TPS offset 24680

Definition at line 5289 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by Generic4TransmissionController::setTccState().

◆ tcu_tccUnlockSpeed

uint8_t persistent_config_s::tcu_tccUnlockSpeed

units: MPH offset 19196

units: MPH offset 19212

units: MPH offset 19200

units: MPH offset 18696

units: MPH offset 19868

units: MPH offset 21196

units: MPH offset 24696

Definition at line 5299 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by Generic4TransmissionController::setTccState().

◆ tcuSolenoidTable

uint8_t persistent_config_s::tcuSolenoidTable

units: onoff offset 15236

units: onoff offset 15252

units: onoff offset 15240

units: onoff offset 15008

units: onoff offset 17236

units: onoff offset 20736

Definition at line 5024 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by setDefaultBaseEngine(), setMiataNB2_Proteus_TCU(), and SimpleTransmissionController::update().

◆ throttle2TrimRpmBins

scaled_channel< uint8_t, 1, 100 > persistent_config_s::throttle2TrimRpmBins

units: RPM offset 19262

units: RPM offset 19278

units: RPM offset 19266

units: RPM offset 18762

units: RPM offset 19934

units: RPM offset 21262

units: RPM offset 24762

Definition at line 5324 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by initElectronicThrottle().

◆ throttle2TrimTable

scaled_channel< int8_t, 10, 1 > persistent_config_s::throttle2TrimTable

units: % offset 19220

units: % offset 19236

units: % offset 19224

units: % offset 18720

units: % offset 19892

units: % offset 21220

units: % offset 24720

Definition at line 5314 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by initElectronicThrottle().

◆ throttle2TrimTpsBins

uint8_t persistent_config_s::throttle2TrimTpsBins

units: % offset 19256

units: % offset 19272

units: % offset 19260

units: % offset 18756

units: % offset 19928

units: % offset 21256

units: % offset 24756

Definition at line 5319 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by initElectronicThrottle().

◆ throttleEstimateEffectiveAreaBins

scaled_channel< uint16_t, 10, 1 > persistent_config_s::throttleEstimateEffectiveAreaBins

units: % offset 20964

units: % offset 20980

units: % offset 20968

units: % offset 20464

units: % offset 21636

units: % offset 22964

units: % offset 26464

Definition at line 5397 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by ThrottleModel::effectiveArea(), and setDefaultEngineConfiguration().

◆ throttleEstimateEffectiveAreaValues

scaled_channel< uint16_t, 10, 1 > persistent_config_s::throttleEstimateEffectiveAreaValues

In units of g/s normalized to choked flow conditions units: g/s offset 20988

In units of g/s normalized to choked flow conditions units: g/s offset 21004

In units of g/s normalized to choked flow conditions units: g/s offset 20992

In units of g/s normalized to choked flow conditions units: g/s offset 20488

In units of g/s normalized to choked flow conditions units: g/s offset 21660

In units of g/s normalized to choked flow conditions units: g/s offset 22988

In units of g/s normalized to choked flow conditions units: g/s offset 26488

Definition at line 5403 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by ThrottleModel::effectiveArea().

◆ tpsTpsAccelFromRpmBins

float persistent_config_s::tpsTpsAccelFromRpmBins

units: from offset 17792

units: from offset 17808

units: from offset 17796

units: from offset 17292

units: from offset 18464

units: from offset 19792

units: from offset 23292

Definition at line 5123 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by initAccelEnrichment(), setMazdaMiataNbTpsTps(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ tpsTpsAccelTable

float persistent_config_s::tpsTpsAccelTable

units: value offset 17536

units: value offset 17552

units: value offset 17540

units: value offset 17036

units: value offset 18208

units: value offset 19536

units: value offset 23036

Definition at line 5118 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by initAccelEnrichment(), and setMazdaMiataNbTpsTps().

◆ tpsTpsAccelToRpmBins

float persistent_config_s::tpsTpsAccelToRpmBins

units: to offset 17824

units: to offset 17840

units: to offset 17828

units: to offset 17324

units: to offset 18496

units: to offset 19824

units: to offset 23324

Definition at line 5128 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by initAccelEnrichment(), setMazdaMiataNbTpsTps(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ tpsTspCorrValues

scaled_channel< uint8_t, 50, 1 > persistent_config_s::tpsTspCorrValues

units: multiplier offset 22636

units: multiplier offset 22652

units: multiplier offset 22640

units: multiplier offset 22136

units: multiplier offset 23308

units: multiplier offset 24636

units: multiplier offset 28136

Definition at line 5591 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by TpsAccelEnrichment::getTpsEnrichment(), and setDefaultFuel().

◆ tpsTspCorrValuesBins

scaled_channel< uint8_t, 1, 50 > persistent_config_s::tpsTspCorrValuesBins

units: RPM offset 22632

units: RPM offset 22648

units: RPM offset 22636

units: RPM offset 22132

units: RPM offset 23304

units: RPM offset 24632

units: RPM offset 28132

Definition at line 5586 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by TpsAccelEnrichment::getTpsEnrichment(), setDefaultFuel(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ unusedBit_212_10

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_212_10

offset 22880 bit 10

offset 22896 bit 10

Definition at line 5729 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_212_11

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_212_11

offset 22880 bit 11

offset 22896 bit 11

Definition at line 5732 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_212_12

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_212_12

offset 22880 bit 12

offset 22896 bit 12

Definition at line 5735 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_212_13

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_212_13

offset 22880 bit 13

offset 22896 bit 13

Definition at line 5738 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_212_14

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_212_14

offset 22880 bit 14

offset 22896 bit 14

Definition at line 5741 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_212_15

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_212_15

offset 22880 bit 15

offset 22896 bit 15

Definition at line 5744 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_212_16

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_212_16

offset 22880 bit 16

offset 22896 bit 16

Definition at line 5747 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_212_17

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_212_17

offset 22880 bit 17

offset 22896 bit 17

Definition at line 5750 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_212_18

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_212_18

offset 22880 bit 18

offset 22896 bit 18

Definition at line 5753 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_212_19

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_212_19

offset 22880 bit 19

offset 22896 bit 19

Definition at line 5756 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_212_20

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_212_20

offset 22880 bit 20

offset 22896 bit 20

Definition at line 5759 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_212_21

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_212_21

offset 22880 bit 21

offset 22896 bit 21

Definition at line 5762 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_212_22

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_212_22

offset 22880 bit 22

offset 22896 bit 22

Definition at line 5765 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_212_23

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_212_23

offset 22880 bit 23

offset 22896 bit 23

Definition at line 5768 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_212_24

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_212_24

offset 22880 bit 24

offset 22896 bit 24

Definition at line 5771 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_212_25

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_212_25

offset 22880 bit 25

offset 22896 bit 25

Definition at line 5774 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_212_26

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_212_26

offset 22880 bit 26

offset 22896 bit 26

Definition at line 5777 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_212_27

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_212_27

offset 22880 bit 27

offset 22896 bit 27

Definition at line 5780 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_212_28

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_212_28

offset 22880 bit 28

offset 22896 bit 28

Definition at line 5783 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_212_29

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_212_29

offset 22880 bit 29

offset 22896 bit 29

Definition at line 5786 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_212_30

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_212_30

offset 22880 bit 30

offset 22896 bit 30

Definition at line 5789 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_212_31

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_212_31

offset 22880 bit 31

offset 22896 bit 31

Definition at line 5792 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_212_5

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_212_5

offset 22880 bit 5

offset 22896 bit 5

Definition at line 5714 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_212_6

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_212_6

offset 22880 bit 6

offset 22896 bit 6

Definition at line 5717 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_212_7

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_212_7

offset 22880 bit 7

offset 22896 bit 7

Definition at line 5720 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_212_8

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_212_8

offset 22880 bit 8

offset 22896 bit 8

Definition at line 5723 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_212_9

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_212_9

offset 22880 bit 9

offset 22896 bit 9

Definition at line 5726 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_217_10

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_217_10

offset 22880 bit 10

Definition at line 5729 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-4chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_217_11

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_217_11

offset 22880 bit 11

Definition at line 5732 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-4chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_217_12

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_217_12

offset 22880 bit 12

Definition at line 5735 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-4chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_217_13

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_217_13

offset 22880 bit 13

Definition at line 5738 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-4chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_217_14

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_217_14

offset 22880 bit 14

Definition at line 5741 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-4chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_217_15

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_217_15

offset 22880 bit 15

Definition at line 5744 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-4chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_217_16

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_217_16

offset 22880 bit 16

Definition at line 5747 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-4chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_217_17

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_217_17

offset 22880 bit 17

Definition at line 5750 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-4chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_217_18

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_217_18

offset 22880 bit 18

Definition at line 5753 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-4chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_217_19

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_217_19

offset 22880 bit 19

Definition at line 5756 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-4chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_217_20

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_217_20

offset 22880 bit 20

Definition at line 5759 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-4chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_217_21

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_217_21

offset 22880 bit 21

Definition at line 5762 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-4chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_217_22

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_217_22

offset 22880 bit 22

Definition at line 5765 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-4chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_217_23

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_217_23

offset 22880 bit 23

Definition at line 5768 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-4chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_217_24

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_217_24

offset 22880 bit 24

Definition at line 5771 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-4chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_217_25

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_217_25

offset 22880 bit 25

Definition at line 5774 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-4chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_217_26

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_217_26

offset 22880 bit 26

Definition at line 5777 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-4chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_217_27

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_217_27

offset 22880 bit 27

Definition at line 5780 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-4chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_217_28

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_217_28

offset 22880 bit 28

Definition at line 5783 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-4chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_217_29

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_217_29

offset 22880 bit 29

Definition at line 5786 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-4chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_217_30

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_217_30

offset 22880 bit 30

Definition at line 5789 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-4chan.h.

◆ unusedBit_217_31

bool persistent_config_s::unusedBit_217_31

offset 22880 bit 31

Definition at line 5792 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-4chan.h.

◆ unusedConfigPadding

uint8_t persistent_config_s::unusedConfigPadding[BOTTOM_PADDING]

offset 23553

Definition at line 5704 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_hellen-honda-k.h.

◆ unusedGapHere

uint8_t persistent_config_s::unusedGapHere

offset 5324

offset 5340

offset 5328

offset 5164

Definition at line 4844 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

◆ veBlends

blend_table_s persistent_config_s::veBlends

offset 20212

offset 20228

offset 20216

offset 19712

offset 20884

offset 22212

offset 25712

Definition at line 5392 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by AirmassVeModelBase::getVe(), and setDefaultVETable().

◆ veLoadBins

uint16_t persistent_config_s::veLoadBins

units: {bitStringValue(fuelUnits, fuelAlgorithm) } offset 17152

units: {bitStringValue(fuelUnits, fuelAlgorithm) } offset 17168

units: {bitStringValue(fuelUnits, fuelAlgorithm) } offset 17156

units: {bitStringValue(fuelUnits, fuelAlgorithm) } offset 16652

units: {bitStringValue(fuelUnits, fuelAlgorithm) } offset 17824

units: {bitStringValue(fuelUnits, fuelAlgorithm) } offset 19152

units: {bitStringValue(fuelUnits, fuelAlgorithm) } offset 22652

Definition at line 5094 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by cannedveLoadBins(), initSpeedDensity(), setCommonMazdaNB(), setFuelTablesLoadBin(), setMapVeTable(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ veRpmBins

uint16_t persistent_config_s::veRpmBins

units: RPM offset 17184

units: RPM offset 17200

units: RPM offset 17188

units: RPM offset 16684

units: RPM offset 17856

units: RPM offset 19184

units: RPM offset 22684

Definition at line 5099 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by cannedveRpmBins(), initSpeedDensity(), setCommonMazdaNB(), setDefaultVETable(), setFordEscortGt(), setMapVeTable(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ veTable

scaled_channel< uint16_t, 10, 1 > persistent_config_s::veTable

units: % offset 16640

units: % offset 16656

units: % offset 16644

units: % offset 16140

units: % offset 17312

units: % offset 18640

units: % offset 22140

Definition at line 5089 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by commonPassatB6(), couplecannedveTable(), initSpeedDensity(), m73engine(), pbcannedveTable(), setCommonMazdaNB(), setDefaultVETable(), setFordEscortGt(), and setMapVeTable().

◆ vvtTable1

int8_t persistent_config_s::vvtTable1

units: value offset 15872

units: value offset 15888

units: value offset 15876

units: value offset 15644

units: value offset 17872

units: value offset 21372

Definition at line 5044 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by initVvtActuators(), pbcannedvvtTable1(), and setMazdaMiataEngineNB2Defaults().

◆ vvtTable1LoadBins

uint16_t persistent_config_s::vvtTable1LoadBins

units: L offset 15936

units: L offset 15952

units: L offset 15940

units: L offset 15708

units: L offset 17936

units: L offset 21436

Definition at line 5049 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by initVvtActuators(), setDefaultEngineConfiguration(), setMazdaMiataEngineNB2Defaults(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ vvtTable1RpmBins

uint16_t persistent_config_s::vvtTable1RpmBins

units: RPM offset 15952

units: RPM offset 15968

units: RPM offset 15956

units: RPM offset 15724

units: RPM offset 17952

units: RPM offset 21452

Definition at line 5054 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by initVvtActuators(), setDefaultEngineConfiguration(), setMazdaMiataEngineNB2Defaults(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ vvtTable2

int8_t persistent_config_s::vvtTable2

units: value offset 15968

units: value offset 15984

units: value offset 15972

units: value offset 15740

units: value offset 17968

units: value offset 21468

Definition at line 5059 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by initVvtActuators(), and pbcannedvvtTable2().

◆ vvtTable2LoadBins

uint16_t persistent_config_s::vvtTable2LoadBins

units: L offset 16032

units: L offset 16048

units: L offset 16036

units: L offset 15804

units: L offset 18032

units: L offset 21532

Definition at line 5064 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by initVvtActuators(), setDefaultEngineConfiguration(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ vvtTable2RpmBins

uint16_t persistent_config_s::vvtTable2RpmBins

units: RPM offset 16048

units: RPM offset 16064

units: RPM offset 16052

units: RPM offset 15820

units: RPM offset 18048

units: RPM offset 21548

Definition at line 5069 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by initVvtActuators(), setDefaultEngineConfiguration(), and validateConfigOnStartUpOrBurn().

◆ warning_message

warning_message_t persistent_config_s::warning_message

offset 5204

offset 5220

offset 5208

offset 5044

Definition at line 4840 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by Engine::preCalculate(), readFromFlash(), and warning().

◆ wwBetaCltValues

scaled_channel< uint8_t, 100, 1 > persistent_config_s::wwBetaCltValues

offset 22136

offset 22152

offset 22140

offset 21636

offset 22808

offset 24136

offset 27636

Definition at line 5507 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by WallFuelController::computeBeta(), and setDefaultWallWetting().

◆ wwBetaMapValues

scaled_channel< uint8_t, 100, 1 > persistent_config_s::wwBetaMapValues

offset 22160

offset 22176

offset 22164

offset 21660

offset 22832

offset 24160

offset 27660

Definition at line 5520 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by WallFuelController::computeBeta(), and setDefaultWallWetting().

◆ wwCltBins

int8_t persistent_config_s::wwCltBins

units: deg C offset 22120

units: deg C offset 22136

units: deg C offset 22124

units: deg C offset 21620

units: deg C offset 22792

units: deg C offset 24120

units: deg C offset 27620

Definition at line 5499 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by WallFuelController::computeBeta(), WallFuelController::computeTau(), and setDefaultWallWetting().

◆ wwMapBins

int8_t persistent_config_s::wwMapBins

units: kPa offset 22144

units: kPa offset 22160

units: kPa offset 22148

units: kPa offset 21644

units: kPa offset 22816

units: kPa offset 24144

units: kPa offset 27644

Definition at line 5512 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by WallFuelController::computeBeta(), WallFuelController::computeTau(), and setDefaultWallWetting().

◆ wwTauCltValues

scaled_channel< uint8_t, 100, 1 > persistent_config_s::wwTauCltValues

offset 22128

offset 22144

offset 22132

offset 21628

offset 22800

offset 24128

offset 27628

Definition at line 5503 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by WallFuelController::computeTau(), and setDefaultWallWetting().

◆ wwTauMapValues

scaled_channel< uint8_t, 100, 1 > persistent_config_s::wwTauMapValues

offset 22152

offset 22168

offset 22156

offset 21652

offset 22824

offset 24152

offset 27652

Definition at line 5516 of file engine_configuration_generated_structures_alphax-2chan.h.

Referenced by WallFuelController::computeTau(), and setDefaultWallWetting().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: